El Camino Real Charter High School
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday January 26, 2023 at 5:30 PM
El Camino Real Charter High School - MAIN CAMPUS
Library Media Center
5440 Valley Circle Boulevard
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
For meeting materials, please go to the school's main office, or call (818) 595-7500. Some board meeting materials are also posted in the school's website (https://ecrchs.net - click the ECR Board tab).
El Camino Real Alliance (“ECRA”) welcomes your participation at ECRA’s Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of ECRA in public.
Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our charter school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/ participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:
1. Agendas are available to all audience members at the door to the meeting.
2. “Request to Speak” forms are available to all audience members who wish to speak on any agenda items or under the general category of “Public Comments.”
“Public Comments” is set aside for members of the audience to raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda.
However, due to public meeting laws, the Board can only listen to your issue, not respond or take action.
These presentations are limited to two (2) minutes and total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed thirty (30) minutes. A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall be permitted twice the allotted time to speak.
The Board may give direction to staff to respond to your concern or you may be offered the option of returning with a citizen-requested item.
3. You may also complete a “Request to Speak” form to address the Board on Agenda items. With regard to such agenda items, you may specify the item(s) on your “Request to Speak” form and you will be given an opportunity to speak for up to three (3) minutes before the item is addressed, and total time allocated to agenda items will not exceed six (6) minutes for a Discussion item and nine (9) minutes per Vote item.
A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall be permitted twice the allotted time to speak, and the total allocated time shall be appropriately increased as well.
4. When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to state their name and adhere to the time limits set forth. In order to maintain allotted time limits, the Board Chair may modify speaker time allocations or the total amount of allotted time for an item.
5. Any public records relating to an agenda item for an Open Session of the Board which are distributed to all, or a majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 5440 Valley Circle Blvd., Woodland Hills, California, 91367.
Effective September 2022, public comments presentations at all ECRA Regular and Special Board Meetings and at Committee Meetings must be made in person.
There is no obligation on the part of the school to have a school official read public comments during in-person Board Meetings.
A member of the public is welcome to appear at the Board meeting to make a public comment or make arrangements with another person in attendance to speak on the person's behalf.
Consent Agenda: All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion or more motions in the form listed below. Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removed from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board vote(s) on the Consent Agenda item(s). The Executive Director recommends approval of all consent agenda items.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, El Camino Real Alliance may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to David Hussey, in person, by email at comment@ecrchs.net, or by calling (818) 595-7500.
Directors Present
Alexandra Ramirez, Brad Wright, Daniela Lopez-Vargas, Danielle Malconian, Gregg Solkovits, Linda Ibach, Steven Kofahl
Directors Absent
Guests Present
David Hussey, Gregory Wood, Kurt Lowry
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America (USA)
Ms. Endres led all members and guests present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America (USA).
Public Comments
There were no requests for public comments.
Executive Director Update
Mr. Hussey provided his Executive Director's update, with highlights as follows:
* Thanks, Mrs. Rayzor, Mrs. Reinboth, and other History teachers for organizing a fantastic History Day that allowed students to present meaningful and insightful projects for various stakeholder and community groups; next round is at the County level; thanked the judges for their time and feedback;
* Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) visit is next week (Feb. 6-8); ECRA Boardmembers are informed of a WASC/ECRA Board Meet-n-Greet Next Sunday, Feb. 5th, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on campus in the library; no violation of Brown Act as long as no board business is discussed;
* Charter Oversight Visit is February 28th and March 1st; visit is conducted by LAUSD Charter Schools Division (CSD);
* Data on School Based Therapist; we now have a fourth therapist; Data highlights include: 85 risk assessments; completed 50 safety plans for students and parents; 22 DCFS reports during the first semester; some topics discussed include: academic stress, peer relationships, communication with their parents, anxiety symptoms, and depression symptoms; our school staff has referred 57% of these students and 32% of the students have self-reported; 90% of therapist/student interactions come from a school-based/located person;
* Youth Vaping epidemic; ECRCHS is part of a class action lawsuit against Juul who just agreed to a $1.2B settlement of which ECRCHS will receive a portion of funds;
* ECRCHS is now looking to be part of a lawsuit against social media companies FaceBook, Tik-Tok; Instagram, YouTube; we've seen anxiety and depression which severely affects students' success in schools, as a result of the huge impact social media has made on our students and not positively;
* Winter Sports winding down; playoffs begin in two weeks; Spring Sports will begin their season in the next couple of weeks;
*Winter Formal will be held at Madam Tussaud's in Hollywood on Saturday, Feb. 11th, 2023, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.; should be a fun event for our students as we continue to return to a regular high school day and extra-curricular activities.
* Due to high winds, we had a tree split apart on campus; we are having trees evaluated as a result of recent rain and winds.
Chief Business Officer Update
Mr. Wood provided his Chief Business Officer's update, with highlights as follows:
* Cafeteria continues to do phenomenally well with participation, which is up 64% from last year; we're interviewing students to find out what they are interested in; with profits that have to remain within cafeteria, we've dome some electrical work over the Winter to speed up service for students; to the tune of approximately $130K; continued investments planned between now and the end of the year;
* Governor's budget (preliminary) - Mixed news; revenues coming down; balanced budget; special fund for economic uncertainties (Gov. possibly going to tap heavily into this "rainy day" fund will decrease by $14M); little bit of a caution;
* 2023-2024 LCFF Overview - COLA 8.13% as of January; 8 factors will determine COLA; equity multiplier does not apply to ECRCHS;
One time funding:
Additional Categorical Funding; "12th Grade Cultural Enrichment" (current estimate $200 per student ($180K for field trips and cultural events) and "Opioid Overdose Reversal" investments
* Statewide Enrollment Trends by Region Enrollment predicted down across State; Southern CA down 7.73%
* Sample/Example: Assuming 8.13% COLA; If ADA goes from 10K to $98000 means COLA would go down substantially; we need to stay on top of enrollment; Lottery and outreach to ensure that we keep the cofferes full is ongoing;
* Covid Testing - Vociferously disputing $1.6M invoice from Vendor Fulgent in conjunction with LACOE, GHCHS, BCHS, and PUC consortium of schools; LACOE may provide possible assistance to our efforts;
Ms. Malconian asked Mr. Wood on what is the Statewide Enrollment Trends report based, to which Mr. Wood and Mr. Hussey noted that it's based on students leaving the region/State;
Mr. Solkovits asked Mr. Wood if the Covid billing is based on more tests than were administered, or was it based on services not agreed to, to which Mr. Wood noted that we received late billing; services started in January but the first bill we received was in August; It's an invoice that gives thousands of names, but gives no details of the relationship with students, who could be going to Birmingham for all we know; there is insurance information on there; got employees on there all of whom have insurance; potential risk of double-billing if we were to pay the invoice and if they bill the employees separately/additionally; also, no accountability back to the school if we were to pay the full or other amount and then Fulgent was paid separately via employees' insurance/Athem Blue Cross/Kaiser Permanente.
Mr. Solkovits added that he hoped that ECRCHS's attorneys also look into the fact that the Federal Government was paying for/subsidizing COVID-19 tests, to which Mr. Wood acknowledged.
Mr. Wright asked about our lottery/enrollment/wait list, to which Ms. Endres acknowledged that they have conducted the lottery process; anyone who had applied within the deadline was accepted, which was approximately 500+ students; our goal is to register these students as soon as possible (March, tbd) so as to enroll them and reduce the risk of their going to another school;
Mr. Hussey noted that he had reached out to Hale CMS to ensure that the students know that they have to register/enroll and that it doesn't happen automatically, even for resident students;
Mr. Wright congratulated Mr. Wood and Alejandra for his work on the cafeteria; noted jokingly that Mr. Wood is not only the Chief Business Officer, but the "Cheeseburger" Officer for the work in the cafeteria.
Board Committee Updates
Ms. Malconian noted that a Finance & Investment Committee Meeting was convened but there is nothing new to report;
School Site Safety Committee - Mr. Wright praised Ms. Endres for her efforts and noted that we no longer have kids walking around during 5th and 6th; praised efforts to monitor hallways with the security;
Athletics Oversight Committee - Nothing to report, per Mr. Wright;
Capitalization - Ms. Malconian noted that the committee has not met since the last board meeting; Mr. Wright noted that there is one project going on at North Campus; Re: Wings Over Wendy's will be removing their property; by rules of our charter and bylaws, Wings Over Wendy's can no longer convene meetings on ECRCHS property without specific insurance requirements without specific club and insurance requirements being met;
Executive Director Evaluation Committee - Ms. Ibach noted that she has nothing to report, but that the committee will begin their work next month; Mr. Solkovits noted that he'd like to get through WASC first.
Travel - Mr. Kofahl noted that he has nothing to report.
Technology Committee - Fernando Delgado informed the board that he sent out a full-disclosure email as the school is in the process of purchasing/piloting two applications, an attendance management application and a tardy/detention application which were created and are owned by Mr. Delgado's father; the apps. are currently in use at LAUSD schools and at some charter schools, including Birmingham, Taft, Granada Hills, and SOCES; Mr. Delgado described how the apps would work to reduce paper and how the apps would synchronize with our student information system, and facilitate communication with parents; Mr. Solkovits asked how these apps are protected from breach to ensure that people's data is not compromised, to which Mr. Delgado noted that everything resides on the ECRCHSW server; encryption; we're using third party apps; noted that anything created by someone can be undone by someone, but the proper safeguards are/would be in place against breaches;
In response to Mr. Solkovits' follow-up question regarding Liability; Mr. Delgado noted that the proper data protection agreements are in place with LAUSD, so proper liability protections are in place against breaches of security/information;
Mr. Wright asked how this saves us money; Mr. Delgado noted that the apps automate about 98% of the work currently being done by one or more staff;
Mr. Hussey noted that the two apps will allow us to communicate with families of students who are late or absent to get them in school; he noted that we're not really saving money, but increasing attendance which will result in more revenue and students in school and in class, thus resulting in better learning and test scores. We're likely to increase ADA and enrollment.
Board Chair Update
Mr. Wright provided his Board Chair Update, with highlights as follows:
Ms. Ibach asked if we do automated early morning phone calls in response to students are consistently tardy to period 1, to which Ms. Endres noted that the parents receive emails; phone calls are made for early leaves.; Mr. Delgado noted that is where the app can come in.
Ms. Endres noted that over 50% of our student body does not live in our residence boundary and some take multiple buses; grace is expected;
Mr. Solkovits noted from his teaching experience that students who were habitually late/truant had received automated phone calls that had been made with successive phone calls being made progressively earlier in the morning; he noted that the phone calls worked and that emails can be "blown off" more easily; the important thing is that the we send a message beyond emails;
Mr. Hussey noted his agreement with Mr. Solkovits, noting the importance of getting to the root of the problem with each student/family and then working with them on a solution; he noted that the apps should help with this effort; Mr. Delgado affirmed this, noting that the apps will free up time for staff to make specific phone calls to families to engage them in solutions and that another feature of the app(s) will be to help ECRCHS track efforts to engage students and families in order to support students' attendance;
Mr. Wright noted that our school is a jewel in the valley; we spend over $154K for buses; he suggested that the board support investing in charter buses for approximately the same amount, plus an approximate $50K more for high-quality buses wherein ECRCHS can also advertise which department or team is aboard the bus, as well as invite potential donors, businesses, and/or other sponsors to place a magnet on the side of the bus to advertise their business/organization and sponsorship;
Mr. Wright noted that we have over 155 field trips; we can get a company to pay for a magnet/banner and raise money to cover the expense of the buses;
Mr. Solkovits asked if the drivers we use are unionized, to which Mr. Wright noted that they are; Mr. Solkovits noted that he hoped that the board would partner with companies whose drivers are unionized and not subject to exploitation, to which Mr. Wright noted that if the drivers were not unionized, but the company saves money, the ECRA Board has a fiduciary responsibility to the school and not to the union; Mr. Solkovits stated that he believes this would need to be costed out to see what the numbers say and that this is a "red flag" for him, to which Mr. Wright acknowledged Mr. Solkovits' point, while noting that Mr. Wright sees the "green flag" in that the contract for bus services could save the school money;
Ms. Vargas asked for clarification on the number of buses, to which Mr. Wright described that the school would partner with one company that would have different size buses and who would allow us to place sponsorship magnets and magnets with the name of the school on the side of the bus for exposure and revenue; Ms. Malconian asked if the bus company would allow us to place magnets over the company's name, to which Mr. Wright replied in the affirmative as it would be part of the deal in order for us to enter into such a deal;
Mr. Hussey noted that these are charter buses that are very nice and would show that our school is taking care of its students/student-athletes.
Ms. Clark added that she had just convened a meeting with dance guard parents recently and that the topic had been broached by parents who noted that other schools have their own school names and logos on their trailers.
II. Consent
Approve Minutes of the December 13th, 2022, Special Board Meeting
Roll Call | |
Steven Kofahl |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Danielle Malconian |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Approve Minutes of the December 15th, 2022, Regular Board Meeting
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Danielle Malconian |
Brad Wright |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Linda Ibach |
Steven Kofahl |
Approve the December, 2022, Check Registers
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Linda Ibach |
Danielle Malconian |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Steven Kofahl |
Brad Wright |
Approve the December, 2022, Credit Card Charges
Roll Call | |
Brad Wright |
Steven Kofahl |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Gregg Solkovits |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Danielle Malconian |
Linda Ibach |
Ms. Vargas, asked if we can do just one vote for future consent agenda items, to which Dr. Lowry responded in the affirmative.
III. Investment
December 2022 Investment Update
Mr. Wood, CBO, provided the December, 2022, Investment Update, with highlights as follows:
OPEB Trust:
* Mr. Wood noted that this marks the 6-month mark of the school year; He noted that the OPEB trust opening balance was $20.5M;
* We've made contributions of $220,000 per month or $1.3M in aggregate contributions; goal of fully funding the account;
* Market has been up and down; OPEB account gained approximately $50K over these past six months; ending balance of $21.8M;
* Through last week, market has performed well and overall account balance has grown approximately another million dollars, reflecting an overall balance of $22.8M as of January 16th.
Gen. Fund Investment Account:
* Gen. Fund Account has $6.7M in the account as of the end of December, 2022;
* We invite our investment advisor to come out every quarter to provide a quarterly update (Beacon Pointe's Mike Breller); he will join the Feb. Finance and Investment Committee Meeting and the February Regular Board Meeting for a more detailed update on our investments accounts/performance;
Ms. Malconian asked what percentage of being fully funded is the $21.8M OPEB Balance, to which Mr. Wood replied that the OPEB Trust Account is approximately 70% funded.
IV. Finance
Discussion and Vote on 2021-2022 Audit Report
Prior to the Vote, Mr. Wood introduced Ms. Vanessa Pineda of Christy White, Inc., provided an overview of the major points of the June 30, 2022, audit report;
* Ms. Pineda first reviewed the charter's responsibilities: effective internal controls, financial statements, prepare and manage the budget
Reviewed the Auditor's Responsibilities: does not provide an opinion on financial statements, and provide reasonable assurances that the financial statements are materially correct; she noted that that the auditor does not provide an opinion on the financial condition of the charter, but she noted that if there was an ongoing concern, anything not meeting the reserve, they would definitely comment on that; reiterated that their opinion does not include comment on the financial condition of the school;
1st Letter: 1st Opinion: Unmodified Opinion/CLEAN OPINION; financial statements are provided fairly and in accordance with desired expectations; p. 1 of report
2nd Letter/No Opinion: Internal control over financial reporting slide: cash receipts; payroll, etc.; Significant deficiencies = No;
Material weaknesses = No; Best opinion/unmodified; p. 26 of report
Third Letter/2nd Opinion: Federal Compliance; if any government agency expense over $750K, required to have a single audit; in this case the major programs we tested were 1.) child nutrition; 2.) special education; and 3.) Education Stabilization Fund (ESSER); Unmodified Opinion here; best opinion to receive; no deficiencies or material weaknesses; we make sure expenditures are allowable and compliance items are met within different programs;
Fourth Letter/Last Opinion: State Compliance; review ELO, IPI, Career Technical, previous State compliance items brought back (pandemic); No significant deficiencies
No Material weaknesses
P.34 Summary of Audit: UNMODIFIED OPINION/A "nearly perfect audit;" No significant deficiencies; No Material weaknesses
None in prior year;
Expressed Appreciation to Mr. Wood and Mrs. Ilyas for their coordination to facilitate collection of information needed for the audit.
Roll Call | |
Danielle Malconian |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Brad Wright |
Linda Ibach |
Steven Kofahl |
2022-2023 RFP for Audit Services
Boardmember Malconian and Mr. Wood, provided an overview of the RFP process, with highlights as possible:
* Every three years
* a template is used to request proposals; anticipate requesting proposals from at least five auditors
Mr. Solkovits asked if there is a rubric; implies bias might be included in the RFP process; wants to ensure personal opinion and heresay do not factor in to the RFP process;
Ms. Malconian noted that the proposal is not going to be based on proposed cost alone;
Mr. Solkovits noted that he understands, but alleged that he had witnessed at a prior board meeting the approval of a person who had already been hired and noted that that is an "a-- backwards" way of doing business; he requested that the RFPs and rubrics be brought to the board for transparency purposes;
Mr. Wood noted that in spite of what the CBO might say, it's not the CBO making the decision; he cited the responsibilities of the F&I Committee who are charged review of the RFP process and proposals received, making recommendation(s) to the full board, etc.
Mr. Wood assured due diligence will guide the process.
December 2022 Financial Update
Ms. Ilyas, Director of Accounting and Finance, presented the December 2022 Financial Update, with highlights as follows:
Balance Sheet:
Assets and Liabilities
Budget to Actuals provides a sense of our spending; as of Dec. 31st; our halfway mark of revenues and expenses;
*State Revenue is trending higher; two new State Grants past our 1st interim period; one is for arts/music instructional block grant and the second is for learning recovery;
* On the Expense side, employee benefits expenses include increases to statutory and locally provided benefits such as Social Security, Medicare, and health/medical and retirement benefits;
* Overall, we're right where we should be at the six month mark;
Mr. Kofahl asked about red ink/negative to which Ms. Ilyas noted that that red ink number was our actuals number at the end of September 2022; she noted that as of September 2022, we had not yet received all of our State Funding based on when the State pays us, while we were spending funds as we normally would on books, supplies, licenses, etc.; she noted the same thing for October, 2022;
Ms. Vargas, noted that this is normally, with books, supplies, and licenses are typically spent at the beginning of the year; a
Mr. Kofahl asked whether or not the red ink was based on money that we were spending or based on bills that we had not yet paid that we had put off paying, to which Mrs. Ilyas responded with an example of licenses being paid typically once per year while a utility bill would be paid on an ongoing basis;
Mr. Kofahl followed up to state that the red ink is paid, to which Mrs. Ilyas responded that it is like a snapshot in time of the balance; as of September 30th, and October 31st, respectively, we were in the red, but as of December 31st, 2022, we have a positive balance;
Ms. Malconian noted that funds came in in November and December, 2022.
Mr. Kofahl asked about the ending balance being an obligation to which Mrs. Ilyas replied that our ending balance is a projection; our second interim is coming up, she said, which will reflect where ECRCHS projects its budget to be at the end of the year;
V. School Business
Discussion and Vote on ECR's School Accountability Report Card (SARC) for 2021-2022
Prior to the vote, Mr. Hussey led a discussion on the SARC with highlights as follow:
*SARC represents a compilation of various items on which the State wants us to report
* 100% of our teachers are credentialed
* School Facilities Exemplary rating from LAUSD
* Test results are included on which we are working
* Drop-out rate has improved the past three years
* New absentee program should help us with drop-out rate; we felt the need to address student absenteeism
* Suspension and Expulsion rate is rather low (equal to the LAUSD's and a lot lower than the State's overall rate)
* No expulsions
* Ms. Malconian noted that the students' Mathematics score of 36% meeting or exceeding State Standards is just 3% higher than the State's score, which she said sounds "dreadful," to which Mr. Hussey acknolwedged and responded that he thinks that the scores pre-pandemic had been in the forties across grade levels, including SWDs, those in the Flex program and alternative education, independent study, etc.
* 5-6% of our students are in Alt. Ed.
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Linda Ibach |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Brad Wright |
Danielle Malconian |
Steven Kofahl |
Discussion and Vote on First Class Events/Platinum Renewal Contract for 2024-2028
Mrs. Kiamanesh was not present to co-lead a discusion; Mr. Hussey, and Ms. Clark, Administrative Director, led a discussion on this item ahead of the vote to carry this item over to the February Regular Board Meeting, with highlights as follows:
* Mr. Hussey noted that this is a five-year contract for ECRCHS homecoming and prom;
* First Class Events has done a stellar job, with increased student participation at these events;
* Brought this to the board because it's a five-year contract and it would lock in our costs for five years;
* Noted that ECRCHS has had a good relationship with First Class Events;
* Ms. Clark affirmed Mr. Hussey's sentiments/comments, noting an upgrade since changing to 1st Class Events approximately three years ago;
* Higher level and higher quality
Mr. Wright highlighted an alleged "fiasco" that occurred during the last event regarding students not having wrist bands, problems with meal counts for student(s), and asked Ms. Clark to what extent was the related to 1st Class Events, to which Ms. Clark responded that the most recent Homecoming Dance had a problem with wristbands that was not a result of 1st Class Events, but had to do with Friends of ECR volunteers.
Mr. Solkovits asked two questions, the first of which was, "Are there any ties between 1st Class Events and staff?" to which Mr. Hussey and Ms. Clark replied, "Not that I/we know of," and the second of which was, "What is the net effect of the cost for students? Does it drive the price of these events up because you're using a private vendor?" to which Ms. Clark replied, "No." The only price difference is with "Prom" and Winter Homecoming Dance was an additional event that came with 1st Class Events. The price difference in Prom is $15.
Mr. Solkovits asked if there were provisions for students for whom the price is out of reach, to which Ms. Clark replied in the affirmative, noting that for any student who is unable to pay the cost, ECRCHS will cover the cost of attending entirely.
Mr. Wright asked why a five year contract, noting what out does the school have to get out from the contract if we were to find something better or if there was a problem, to which Ms. Clark noted that our only out would be to make our case with Holly of 1st Class Events if we were very unsatisfied with something. Other than that, Holly of 1st Class Events threw in some extra things and balanced out prices over the course of five years; we could take it down to three years, but it might result in a price increase;
Mr. Hussey noted that the rates are not going to go down, but this contract locks us in for five years at the same cost;
Mr. Solkovits prefers a three year or a specific out clause and we cannot just rely on Holly's promise; discussion ensued; Mr. Wright and Mrs. Ramirez noted that they want to see a better defined termination of services clause in the services agreement;
Mr. Wright recommended that we carry this item over to the February 2023 Regular Board meeting for further discussion ahead of a possible vote to approve the contract and asked for a motion to carry the item over accordingly.
Roll Call | |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Brad Wright |
Linda Ibach |
Gregg Solkovits |
Steven Kofahl |
Danielle Malconian |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Discussion on the "Royal Recognition!" ECRCHS Employee Recognition Program and Implementation
Dr. Lowry, Director of Human Resources and Compliance, presented the proposed "Royal Recognition!" ECRCHS Employee Recognition Program and answered questions and comments, with highlights as follows:
* Dr. Lowry first presented context and a reason for the establishment of a schoolwide employee recognition program, noting that we often discuss the need to invest in our teachers and staff, improve our brand; pay attention to our teachers and staff; he noted a common theme that is communicated in the HR Office is the need to be recognized and appreciated; he noted that a recognition program would be another great investment in the people of the school;
* Dr. Lowry presented an overview of the proposed "Royal Recognition!" program awards that includes up to four (4) awards, all of which can be tailored to our school community, as follows:
1. Monthly "Royal Recognition!" Award (similar to an employee of the month-type of award) and details of the award;
2. Semesterly "Royal Ovation! Award - one person selected/recognized at a board meeting in December and one person selected/recognized at a board meeting in May; selectees/awardees to be selected and/or voted on by a committee comprised of one or more HR staff member(s), teacher(s), classified staff member(s), and administrative director(s), from the pool of monthly "Royal Recognition!" award recipients each Fall and Spring Semester;
Mr. Wright noted the importance of asking a variety of stakeholders to vote on award selectees/recipients so as to ensure that no perception of bias occurs, to which Dr. Lowry agreed.
Mr. Solkovits asked Dr. Lowry if he had broached this program with stakeholders, noting that he had seen programs in the past fail; program to backfire if it's viewed as a program that rewards "kiss-asses" and wanted to make sure that recipients weren't just awarded by the HR Department; Dr. Lowry assured Mr. Solkovits and Boardmembers that that is not the expectation or design of the program;
NOTE: The monthly recognition award recipients are nominated by any employee of ECRCHS and receive a monthly certificate and/or other item(s) as long as nominees are in good standing at the time of their nomination;
NOTE: Only the Semesterly "Royal Ovation!" Award would require a committee comprised of a diverse group of stakeholders to meet two times a year (at the end of each semester) to review and select one (1) "Royal Ovation!" awardee each Semester from each semester's monthly "Royal Recognition!" Award winners.
Dr. Lowry noted this program had been presented by his HR Colleagues to all faculty, staff, and administrators present during the Opening Faculty Meeting in August 2022; Dr. Lowry noted, too, that he had presented this program to all administrators, too;
3. "Real Longevity!" Award - recognizes employees for length of service either during appreciation week or during the end of faculty meeting for completing specific numbers of years of service starting at the 5 year mark and with additional recognition every five years; Mr. Hussey noted that he liked the idea of including award recognition opportunities for employees who complete each term of probationary service, for example, after year one (1) and year (2) for certificated/teachers;
Ms. Malconian noted that the "Real Longevity!" Award is the award she'd like to see implemented as it is completedly objective.
4. "Royal Prize Drawing!" - Spirit-based awards for randomly drawn employee names during lunch or other on a monthly basis; HR, Administration, ASB Student council; with music and "Rah-Rah," our monthly drawing; having a monthly faculty meeting;
Ms. Malconian noted that she likes the idea of getting the students involved;
Dr. Lowry noted, too, that Friends of ECR as a PTO group can get involved;
Mr. Solkovits noted that one of his former principals did something like this at the end of every faculty meeting to give away five random gifts that had been donated by local businesses;
the same principal had a department person of the month recognition based on student nominations, which allowed the principal/administration to avoid being accused of being biased;
Mr. Hussey noted his support and noted that the major thing for him is the use of public funds; he noted that the program was brought up at the F&I Committee last week and it's being brought to the full board in part for ideas, including possible funding sources outside of traditional sources; fundraising for the program and/or donations account, and/or direct donations of either money or gift cards, etc., are possible sources of program support;
Ms. Ibach asked about the donations account to which Mr. Hussey said that it needs to be built up; Ms. Ibach asked a follow-up question about whether or not we have some alumni who can help with fundraising for the general donations account and/or with donations by local businesses, etc., to which Mr. Hussey replied that that is something that Ricardo (Marketing Coordinator) is going to be working on;
Ms. Ibach noted that to get started it's best to go with the objective awards (Real Longevity, etc.), to which Dr. Lowry and Ms. Malconian commented in the affirmative; Ms. Ibach noted, too, that it could include objective awards such as perfect attendance; she recommended against giving keychains that were purchased and instead recommended gift cards donated from businesses over and broached the idea of hoisting banners that highlight teachers/staff/students/programs such as those that she has seen hoisted on Zelzah Ave. on the perimeter of Granada Hills CHS's campus;
Mr. Solkovits recommended putting a committee together for planning purposes and buy-in and recommended a student component to it, too;
Dr. Lowry thanked the board for their input and noted that he looks forward to working with all stakeholders to tailor and implement our recognition program in support of all ECRCHS employees.
Review and Approval of Goal 7 to the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Prior to the vote, Ms. Zasha Endres, Administrative Director, led a discussion on Goal 7 of the LCAP, with highlights as follow:
* Ms. Endres noted that this item is aligned with the WASC self-study process that has involved all stakeholders and that began roughly a year ago; she noted that one of the needs discussed was to have a goal related to addressing discipline and attendance; she noted that any goal that comes out as a result of the self-study must also be reflected on the school LCAP;
* Ms. Endres continued, noting that the first two goals have already been included in the LCAP (Math and ELA test scores) with the third goal related to parent and community communication/engagement is also included;
* The fourth goal from the WASD Self-Study is related to discipline and attendance, so we have to create a seventh (7th) LCAP goal to ensure that our WASC self-study document and LCAP are in alignment;
* this reflects what the teachers brought up to us during the self-study process; we need a better process in place in the dean's office for discipline processing and tracking referrals, supporting attendance and tardy issues; post-pandemic, this has been on people's minds and are two issues that we are currently dealing with in the dean's office and attendance office;
* Mr. Hussey noted that there are five measurable outcomes that we're looking at, including tracking students, collaboration, possible relocation of an office;
1. track attendance and discipline; decrease chronic absenteeism and to decrease tardies;
2. tracking referrals to provide the services our students needs in terms of behavior support;
3. We need a better idea of why students are being sent out and who is sending the students' out;
4. possible relocation of the dean's office; In order to support enrollment growth, we've discussed whether or not we want the dean's office to be the first office people see when they come to visit El Camino; Ms. Endres noted some benefits and costs involved in possibly moving the dean's office; privacy, but not in an isolated location; Mr. Wright noted that moving the office to a location closer to classrooms will generate unnecessary attention and as a parent, he noted that he is not too concerned with having the dean's office remain where it is; Ms. Endres noted that moving the office two or three offices down toward middle B is also an option; Mr. Solkovits noted that the Board should approve any costs associated with any move of offices;
* a robust discussion ensued about optics of the move of the Dean's office and various factors to be considered, including what office or room location(s) might be viable for parents to access, for possible law enforcement presence, ingress/egress optics and practicality, and costs associated with moves, based on furniture, equipment, and supplies, and other costs associated with a possible move, etc.
* Ms. Ibach noted that it is up to the school to decide what is best and to pay for the associated costs of a possible move;
* Ms. Ibach also noted she is concerned about the LCAP Goal wording in that is says words to the effect of "the school will create a plan..." when she noted that she assumes that we already have a plan to address discipline, attendance and tardies, with counselors already providing support, etc.;
* Ms. Ibach recommended that we revise the way the goal and action steps are written so as to ensure that the WASC Team knows that we have a plan in place, systems, and people in place and that and that what is needed is to "enhance" or "improve" the existing plan.
* Ms. Endres acknowledged Ms. Ibach's recommendation;
* Ms. Solkovits said he assumes that this board will be provided a copy of the plan to relocate the dean's office and bring it to the board, to which Ms. Ibach responded to Mr. Solkovits' comment with words to the effect of the matter is operational and administrative and not part of the Board's responsibilities or authority to say it's in charge of something it's not in charge of.
Ms. Endres responded in kind; Legal Counsel present noted, too, that the Board does not need to approve plans to move the Dean's office.
Mr. Wright then asked board members if anyone would like to make a motion to approve the proposed LCAP Goal 7.
Roll Call | |
Danielle Malconian |
Brad Wright |
Linda Ibach |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Steven Kofahl |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Gregg Solkovits |
Per Mr. Wright, Dr. Lowry announced the instructions for entering Closed Session.
Mr. Wright then announced that the Board was going into Closed Session at 7:38 p.m.
VI. Closed Session
Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release (§ 54957)
This item was discussed.
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
This item was discussed.
VII. Reconvene to Open Session
Report on Actions Taken in Closed Session, If Any
The Board reconvened in Open Session at 8:21 p.m.
Mr. Wright announced that no actions were taken during Closed Session.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Voice vote unanimous in favor of adjournment.
Quorum established with all members present.