El Camino Real Charter High School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday September 22, 2022 at 5:30 PM


Main Campus - Grieb Theater


For meeting materials, please go to the school's main office, or call (818) 595-7500.  Some board meeting materials are also posted in the school's website (https://ecrchs.net - click the ECR Board tab).





El Camino Real Alliance (“ECRA”) welcomes your participation at ECRA’s Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of ECRA in public. 


Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our charter school.  To assist you in the ease of speaking/ participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided: 


1. Agendas are available to all audience members at the door to the meeting. 


2. “Request to Speak” forms are available to all audience members who wish to speak on any agenda items or under the general category of “Public Comments.” 


“Public Comments” is set aside for members of the audience to raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda. 


However, due to public meeting laws, the Board can only listen to your issue, not respond or take action.                     

These presentations are limited to two (2) minutes and total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed thirty (30) minutes.  A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall be permitted twice the allotted time to speak.  


The Board may give direction to staff to respond to your concern or you may be offered the option of returning with a citizen-requested item. 


3. You may also complete a “Request to Speak” form to address the Board on Agenda items.  With regard to such agenda items, you may specify the item(s) on your “Request to Speak” form and you will be given an opportunity to speak for up to three (3) minutes before the item is addressed, and total time allocated to agenda items will not exceed six (6) minutes for a Discussion item and nine (9) minutes per Vote item. 


A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall be permitted twice the allotted time to speak, and the total allocated time shall be appropriately increased as well. 


4. When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to state their name and adhere to the time limits set forth.  In order to maintain allotted time limits, the Board Chair may modify speaker time allocations or the total amount of allotted time for an item.  

5. Any public records relating to an agenda item for an Open Session of the Board which are distributed to all, or a majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 5440 Valley Circle Blvd., Woodland Hills, California, 91367.  




Effective September 2022, public comments presentations at all ECRA Regular and Special Board Meetings and at Committee Meetings must be made in person.  


There is no obligation on the part of the school to have a school official read public comments during in-person Board Meetings.  


A member of the public is welcome to appear at the Board meeting to make a public comment or make arrangements with another person in attendance to speak on the person's behalf.

Consent Agenda:  All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion or more motions in the form listed below.  Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removed from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board vote(s) on the Consent Agenda item(s).   The Executive Director recommends approval of all consent agenda items.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, El Camino Real Alliance may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to David Hussey, in person, by email at comment@ecrchs.net, or by calling (818) 595-7500.

Directors Present

Alexandra Ramirez, Brad Wright, Danielle Malconian, Gregg Solkovits, Linda Ibach, Steven Kofahl

Directors Absent

Daniela Lopez-Vargas

Guests Present

David Hussey, Gregory Wood, Kurt Lowry, a.Ilyas@ecrchs.net, m.clark@ecrchs.net

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Brad Wright called a meeting of the board of directors of El Camino Real Charter High School to order on Thursday Sep 22, 2022 at 5:36 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

Quorum established.


Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America (USA)

Dr. Lowry led meeting members and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America (USA). 


Public Comments

The following guests requested and made public comments, with key points summarized as follow:


Teacher Gary Asarch: 

* Concerned about retiree health benefits; claims Charter documents and CBAs promise "same" or "equal to" or better than those of LAUSD's benefits for retirees (medical, dental, eye/vision).

* Noted that the fund is 78% funded

* Noted that he's concerned about retirees being informed that they will be billed for low PPO

* Noted that ECRCHS had made a promise to its retirees for equal or better benefits and claims that is not happening.


Field Representative, Jack Trent Dorfman, of Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel's Office:

* Introduced himself and his position

* Is an ECRCHS Alumnus

* Looking for and inviting opportunities to partner with the school and/or availed the Assemblymember's Office if/when support is needed.


Teacher and UTLA Co-Chair, Kyna Collins:

* Noted her displeasure with labor no longer having a designated speaking time allotted during board meetings.

* Noted her happiness with OPEB funding level; noted her displeasure with retiree healthcare benefits

* Noted her pleasure with appointment of Teacher Brian Wilson as OPEB Certificated Trustee and hopes to have a certificated trustee position codified for the position.

* Noted her approval of Boardmember Solkovits' call for collaborative processes being encouraged with regard to the process for revising the Employee Handbook


Anita Gruen, Retired Teacher:

* Noted her displeasure with retiree benefits, having been informed that she was required to pay up to $900 dollars for the dental PPO.

* Noted that ECRCHS benefits are now separating out single, with spouse, and family, with extra costs; noted that had she would not have voted for the charter if benefits were presented as they are currently. 

* Noted she would have gone back to LAUSD

* Noted that the salaries at GHCHS would have allowed her to purchase an insurance policy.  


Executive Director Update

Mr. Hussey provided his Executive Director Update, with highlights as follow:


* All Certificated, Classified, Admin., Executive Team and others have completed all mandatory Annual Compliance Training Modules assigned; Thanked the HR Team (Dr. Lowry, Ms. Dominguez, and Mrs. Castaneda) for their efforts.

* Yesterday, Alt. Ed. Student Leadership had their welcome back breakfast. 2,500 to support events, fundraiser, charitable events, in support of causes and our alt. ed. program; they also liaison with student council so they are involved in and feel connected to the school.

* PSAT is scheduled for Oct. 15th.  So far, over 400 students have signed up.  Provides juniors and opportunity to qualify for national merit scholarships and freshmen and sophomores an opportunity to become familiar with the test. 

* Next Friday marks the end of the 10-week marking period, with report cards being mailed out the following week to parents/guardians.

* Suicide prevention month; our counselors and school-based therapists are visiting classrooms and providing resources through our wellness center and our counseling department. 

* ECRCHS recognized as a 2022 Pivotal Practice School for its innovative practices during the pandemic.  

* LAUSD has recognized our student engagement, distribution of instructional technology nutrition services, and social-emotional wellbeing services and has awarded us $2500 to promote these accomplishments via purchase of banners/murals, etc. 

* We are working on completing technology/cyber-security upgrade to multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance protections; tech. department is working to migrate systems to MicroSoft Suite for added security; noted LAUSD's recent cyber-attack and how it has impacted ECRCHS; access to LAUSD's Welligent System that is used to support students with disabilities (SWDs), including writing IEPs, tracking services, etc., has been shut down for approximately two weeks, forcing staff to work around the shut down to meet needs.  Special Thanks to Mr. Kingery, Mr. Wasser, and Mrs. Larew, and staff for working hard to meeting students' needs during this time. 

*  Last Week HR sponsored a Flu Shot Clinic with SISC; 53 people received their flu shots; 

* Nurse Peggy continues to work with COVID procedures and next Wednesday there will be a COVID vaccine and booster clinic. 

* Staff continues to work on WASC Report with focus groups having met yesterday; our report is due in December and the WASC visit will take place in January. 


Chief Business Officer Update

Mr. Wood provided his Executive Director Update, with highlights as follow:


Speaking from chart 1:


* We supply LAUSD monthly Attendance and Enrollment numbers that reflect funding

* Student subgroups include special ed., alt. ed., and Independent Study Program (ISP) students

* 3469 now down (freshmen and Seniors similar to last year's enrollment, while sophomores and junior levels are down);

* Our funding is totally dependent on our Average Daily Attendance (ADA);  Mr. Wood noted that he'll continue to use and update this budget chart each month;

* The Board approved the 3% on-schedule increase at the last board meeting; payments had gone out for all employees as of August 31st (for month of August), and September 15th, for all remaining employees).  

* Cafeteria meals participation rates "are going through the roof." Participation from last year to this year is up 100%; averaging approx. 1900 meals per month; August of last year, we were only averaging 900 meals per month; we've added new menu items and increased access to meals with our carts implementation before school and during lunch; August 2022 profit alone was $48K; projected profits will help with Cafeteria equipment/facilities upgrades; projected revenue forecast looks good. 


Board Chair Update

Mr. Wright provided his Board Chair Update, with highlights as follow:


* Board Chair update is an opportunity for board members to recognize the efforts/achievements of our teachers, staff, anybody;

* Recognized Friends of ECR volunteers for their dedicated service on behalf of ECR, including at the recent hot dog social; thanked FoECR members:

  • Veronica Alcaraz – Co-President
  • Helen Fouras – Co-President
  • Letty Zane – Interim Treasurer
  • Christine McGrath – Secretary
  • Karla Winters - VP of Fundraising
  • Hervey Bernadez – VP of Marketing/Social Media
  • Teri Landy - VP of Parent Liaison
  • Seliene Hacker - Parliamentarian
  • Letty Zane - VP of Relations
  • Christine McGrath – Spirit Wear Committee Chair 

and/or Others


Mr. Wright noted that these people are unsung heroes of our school and that he and we are with them and are grateful to them for their support.

II. Consent


Approve Minutes from August 25th, 2022, Regular Board Meeting and Annual Meeting

Gregg Solkovits made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting and Annual Meeting on 08-25-22.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Gregg Solkovits
Danielle Malconian
Alexandra Ramirez
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Steven Kofahl
Linda Ibach
Brad Wright


Approve Minutes of September 12th, 2022, Special Board Meeting - Board Training

Alexandra Ramirez made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting - Board Training on 09-12-22.
Danielle Malconian seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Linda Ibach
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Steven Kofahl
Brad Wright
Alexandra Ramirez
Gregg Solkovits
Danielle Malconian


Approve July and August 2022 Check Registers

Danielle Malconian made a motion to approve the July and August 2022 Check Registers.
Alexandra Ramirez seconded the motion.

Registers had been reviewed and recommended for full board approval this evening during the 9-15-22 Finance and Investment Committee Meeting.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Linda Ibach
Danielle Malconian
Brad Wright
Alexandra Ramirez
Gregg Solkovits
Steven Kofahl


Approve June, July, and August, 2022, Credit Card Statements

Alexandra Ramirez made a motion to approve the June, July, and August, 2022, Credit Card Statements.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.

Credit Card Statements had been reviewed and recommended for full board approval this evening during the 9-15-22 Finance and Investment Committee Meeting.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Steven Kofahl
Alexandra Ramirez
Danielle Malconian
Gregg Solkovits
Brad Wright
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Linda Ibach

III. Investment


Investment Update

Mr. Wood, CBO, provided the August, 2022, Investment Update, with highlights as follow:



* As of end of August 2022, OPEB investment Account is in good shape, with an ending balance of $21.1M.

* Monthly contributions made of $220K

* Recovered some of the losses incurred last year (approx. $246K in gains)


Gen. Investment Account:

*  As of end of August 2022, up a little; ended last year at approximately $5.98M; Now at approximately $6,006,000 at end of August


Mr. Solkovits asked Mr. Wood what is ECRCHS's total operating budget, to which Mr. Wood replied $38M for this 2022-2023 year.


Mr. Solkovits asked if we have $27M in the investment account reserved, to which Mr. Wood replied, "yes," and "those are in a trust and are therefore restricted assets."


Mr. Solkovits asked Mr. Wood if that is typical for the way most charter schools operate, to which Mr. Wood replied "No."  Mr. Wood noted that ECRCHS is about the only charter he is aware of that provides an OPEB trust account.  He noted that Palisades CHS has one, although smaller in scale. 


Mr. Solkovits asked Mr. Wood what is the purpose of the trust, to which Mr. Wood replied, "The OPEB trust was set up for the purpose of setting aside funds to fully fund lifetime health benefits."

IV. Finance


Financial Update

Mr. Wood provided the August, 2022, Financial Update, with highlights as follow:


* Estimated Actuals of revenues and expenses

* Unaudited Actuals (sent to State)

* June Adopted Budget

* August Update based on from June to present (as ADA and Enrollment Change)

* Some downward change in ADA and some upward trend in other revenues

* We've incorporated in August the 3% Salary increase (on-schedule)

* At end of August, we'll still have an approximate $277K surplus in our general fund.


Review and Vote on the 2021-2022 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report

Danielle Malconian made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report.
Linda Ibach seconded the motion.

Prior to the Vote, Mr. Wood presented a table-driven review of the August 2022 Estimated and Unaudited Actuals of the budget; 


State form


Major two items that changed from Estimated to Unaudited Actuals include:

1. $4.8M loss in investment account (revenue)


2. Favorable (3701 and 3702) changes in OPEB liabilities ($9M favorable adjustment to offset the $4.8M loss in investment account revenue


Form 62 Unaudited Actuals Report:


Breaks down revenue sources

Expenses breakdown 

Total Expenses

Fund Balances


Total assets of approx. $59M


Liabilities OPEB approx. $33M 


$26M net asset position


LCFF accounts that add up to LCFF total




Certificated Salaries

Classified Salaries



Books and Supplies


Mr. Kofahl asked about the 50% decrease in funding for Certificated Pupil Support Salaries, to which Mr. Wood said he would follow up to confirm the reason provide a response to Mr. Kofahl.


Books, Supplies, Benefits, etc., expenses by function (some overlapping are then itemized by function). 


We had submitted this to LAUSD, LACOE, and CDE. 


Mr. Wright had stepped out of the meeting temporarily to be present for a school-based exigent circumstance that had occurred on campus.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Alexandra Ramirez
Gregg Solkovits
Brad Wright
Steven Kofahl
Linda Ibach
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Danielle Malconian


Review and Vote on the 2022-2023 ECRCHS Consolidated Application

Gregg Solkovits made a motion to approve the 2022-2023 ECRCHS Consolidated Application.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.

Prior to the Vote, Mr. Wood, CBO, led a discussion on the 2022-2023 Consolidated Application.


* twice a year we need to submit to the State

* Supports application for federal funding revenue

* Assurances/Signatures

* Request Title I ($375K)

* Request Title II ($76K)

* Request Title III ($8K) (EL population) - must form a consortium with another charter high school to reach at least 10K minimum (have partnered with Palisades CHS in the past); 

* Did not request Title III Immigrant student funding due to low number of immigrant students

* Requested Title IV Student School Support ($30K)


Ms. Kofahl asked whether or not the half of our students who come to us from all over the district and not the immediate resident attendance boundary bring in a lot of categorical monies related to EL and/or immigrant eligibility.  


Mr. Hussey noted that the students who come to us from outside of the traditional attendance boundary are not classified as immigrants, based on Federal designation/definition.


EL population is 64 students = $8K.


Other sections of the Consolidated Application were reviewed including assurances about Protected Prayer, substitutes, etc.


Mr. Wright had stepped out of the meeting temporarily to be present for a school-based exigent circumstance that had occurred on campus.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Danielle Malconian
Brad Wright
Gregg Solkovits
Alexandra Ramirez
Steven Kofahl
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Linda Ibach


Discussion on ECRCHS Current Fiscal Policies and Procedures

Mr. Wood, CBO, and Boardmember Malconian led a preview of the Current Fiscal Policies and Procedures in place at ECRCHS, and invited input, with highlights as follow:


*from F&I, we are asking all stakeholders for input prior to finalizing at the next regular board meeting


* Need to create procedures around field trips and student awards to updated and clarify language and expectations.


* Cash awards and/or cash equivalents need to be addressed.


Ms. Malconian noted that we are not discussing past practice, but looking to invite stakeholder input into making the FPPs better and clearer moving forward.


She invited and welcomed input.


Mr. Kofahl asked about the size/origin of the document.  Mr. Wood noted that this robust document is similar to what is likely in place at all schools and that the document has gray areas that need to be updated and clarified, as well as align with procedures and system now in place.


Ms. Malconian noted that all of the details in the document and need to be accessible and equitable.  


Mr. Hussey noted that our FPPs have expanded over the past six years as we needed more clarity. 

V. Governance


Discussion and Vote on Possible Changes to Standing or Ad Hoc 2022-2023 Board Committees

Danielle Malconian made a motion to approve the change in governance structure of the Executive Director Evaluation Committee and Capitalization Projects Committee from "Standing" to "Ad Hoc.".
Gregg Solkovits seconded the motion.

Prior to the vote, discussion ensued regarding Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees:


Mr. Solkovits argued for Facilities M&O and Support meeting to become a Standing Committee.


Ms. Malconian noted that the Finance & Investment regularly reviews Facilities M&O and Support and Capitalization Projects.  She noted that the Standing Committees don't need to meet monthly.


Dr. Lowry noted that Standing Committees don't have to meeting monthly but do have to comply with Brown Act notice requirements and must be agendized for the public, etc.  Ad Hocs don't have this formal requirement. 


Dr. Lowry noted that the Executive Director Evaluation Committee should be changed to "Ad Hoc" since the discussions are typically done in closed session as they are confidential.


Dr. Lowry noted that we also have special board meetings, standing committees, emergency committees, and increased number of committees, so members might consider how many committees there are and under what governance structure. 


Further discussion ensued and Ms. Malconian asked whether or not the Safety Committee would continue to be a Standing Committee. 


Dr. Lowry noted that the school has a safety committee run by site administrators and stakeholders and therefore, an "Ad Hoc" Board Safety committee membership could attend the school based meetings and report out each month at a regular board meeting or whenever desired during Committee Reports time, rather than agendize a separate meeting. 


Mr. Solkovits noted that he reached out to ISP and instructional team members, to which Ms. Malconian asked to be included, too.  

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Steven Kofahl
Brad Wright
Linda Ibach
Alexandra Ramirez
Danielle Malconian
Gregg Solkovits


Discussion and Vote on Proposed 2022-2023 Standing Committee Meeting Dates

Gregg Solkovits made a motion to postpone the discussion and vote on proposed 2022-2023 Standing Committee Meeting Dates to the October 2022 Regular Board Meeting.
Alexandra Ramirez seconded the motion.

Prior to the vote, Mr. Solkovits made the motion to postpone the discussion and vote on proposed 2022-2023 Standing Committee Meeting dates based on the Board's desire to continue the discussion on which committees would remain Standing Committees.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Danielle Malconian
Gregg Solkovits
Brad Wright
Steven Kofahl
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Alexandra Ramirez
Linda Ibach

VI. School Business


Discussion on ECRCHS Educator Effectiveness Block Grant (EEBG)

Ms. Clark, Administrative Director, presented an overview of the EEBG, with highlights as follows:


* Grant for teacher, staff, administrator professional growth and development

* Nearly $600K received

* Plan submitted; have until 2025 to spend the funds

* Must update the Board by September 30th each year

* This is not a modification but a board update


Mr. Solkovits asked Ms. Clark if there has been any evaluation on what has already been spent, to which Ms. Clark responded not yet. Ms. Clark noted her plans to send out a survey for the rest of this year and next and that all of the expenditures had been topics provided by teachers/staff/stakeholders.


Mr. Hussey added that this plan had presented/approved in December of 2021.


Mr. Solkovits asked if there is a committee that puts this together, to which Ms. Clark noted that she coordinates the effort by seeking input from stakeholders which she then compiles and documents, and then solicits feedback for further adjustments before presenting to the board.


Ms. Clark presented the plan and that items that we costed out:  What did you do in 2021-2022:


* Paraprofessionals have an opportunity to take classes, take training, such as trauma-informed care which we provided for all staff last Spring (60-70 participants) and after which certificates were provided.


Mr. Solkovits asked why the VCOE and not LACOE is the governing LEA for this EEBG/induction training to which Ms. Clark noted that she had inherited VCOE as the existing entity.  Mr. Hussey added that VCOE was less expensive and closer to many of our participating educators' home than is LACOE.  


Ms. Clark explained the teaching induction mentorship process through VCOE and the cost is $3800 per participating teachers.


Excel Training and PowerPoint for clerical staff to better support our offices with increased skills.


Ms. Malconian asked about the cost of the $3800 induction and Mr. Hussey clarified that ECRCHS pays for any new teacher who has not yet cleared his/her credential, so the number of new teachers hired who haven't yet cleared his/her credential will determine overall costs for induction each year. 


Ms. Clark noted that this grant is also in support of administrators clearing their administrative credential.


Mr. Solkovits asked is a paraprofessional ladder exists to help paraprofessionals transition to become teachers.  Ms. Clark replied that no ladder currently exists, but likes the idea as she had recently engaged in conversations about pathways for paraprofessionals to promote to the role of teachers. 


Ms. Clark notified that we can modify the EEBG each year.


Ms. Clark noted that stipends have also been included for attending in professional development and/or performing additional tasks.


Pos. Behavior Intervention and support (PBIS) is another investment that began last Spring and continues into this year.


Ms. Clark noted, again, that we have five years to spend these funds. 


Review & Approval of 2021-2022 & 2022-2023 Supplemental LCAP Tables

Gregg Solkovits made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Supplemental LCAP Tables.
Brad Wright seconded the motion.

Prior to the vote, Ms. Clark, Admin. Director, and Mr. Wood, CBO, presented the supplemental LCAP Tables, with highlights as follows:


*Costing it out is what aligns our finances and the actual LCAP (actions and goals).


* LCAP actions and goals were presented/approved in June 


Mr. Wood noted that the costing out allows us to share the costs of supporting the goals and actions from the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) itself. 


Mr. Wright had returned to the meeting in time for this vote. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Brad Wright
Alexandra Ramirez
Gregg Solkovits
Steven Kofahl
Linda Ibach
Danielle Malconian

Ms. Ramirez, Vice Chair, who had taken over meeting facilitation when Mr. Wright needed to step away temporarily, returned Chair meeting facilitation duties back to Mr. Wright.  


Mr. Wright announced that the Board was going into CLOSED SESSION at 7:05 p.m.

VII. Closed Session


Public Employee Discipline / Dismissal / Release

Item(s) discussed.


Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation

Item(s) discussed. 


Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation

Item(s) discussed.


Conference with Labor Negotiators

Item(s) discussed. 

VIII. Reconvene to Open Session


Report on Actions Taken in Closed Session, If Any

The Board reconvened in Open Session at 7:59 p.m.


Mr. Wright reported that no actions were taken. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Steven Kofahl made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Brad Wright seconded the motion.

Board Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kurt Lowry