El Camino Real Charter High School
Regular Board Meeting and Annual Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday August 25, 2022 at 5:30 PM
For board meeting materials, please go to the school's main office, or call (818) 595-7500. Some board meeting materials are also posted on the school's website (https://ecrchs.net - click the ECR Board tab).
The meeting of the Board of Directors will take place via a virtual/teleconferencing environment based on the following:
1. California Assembly Bill 361, signed into law on September 16, 2021;
2. Governor Newsom's State of Emergency Declaration issued on March 4, 2020; and
3. County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health's recommendation that social distancing be maintained in schools.
To join the virtual Board meeting, please register through GoToWebinar at:
Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3951002000996489229
Webinar ID: 853-317-323
You must register for the event (note you do not need to enter your legal name to participate). Once registered, you can attend the meeting through the online link, or by telephone (a call-in number and audio PIN will be provided after you register and prior to the meeting).
If you would like to make a public comment during the Public Comment section, you may do so by clicking the "Raise Hand" icon on the control panel while in virtual attendance.
In order to conduct an orderly meeting, all members of the public will be placed on mute during the virtual Board meeting, except when making a public comment. Please note that those who elect to participate in the meeting through the call-in phone number will not have the option of being unmuted to speak during the public comments portion of the meeting.
Due to public meeting laws, the Board can only listen to your issue, not respond or take action during the Public Comments periods. The Board may give direction to staff to respond to your concern or you may be offered the option of returning with a citizen-requested item. NOTE: Public Comments, effective with the March 24th, 2022, Regular Board Meeting, are limited to two (2) minutes and total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed thirty (30) minutes.
A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall have twice the allotted time to speak. When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to adhere to the time limits set forth. In order to maintain allotted time limits, the Board Chair may modify speaker time allocations or the total amount of allotted time for an item.
Consent Agenda: All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and may be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removed from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board votes on them. The Executive Director recommends approval of all consent agenda items.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, El Camino Real Alliance may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to David Hussey, in person, by email at comment@ecrchs.net, or by calling (818) 595-7500.
Directors Present
Alexandra Ramirez (remote), Brad Wright (remote), Danielle Malconian (remote), Gregg Solkovits (remote), Linda Ibach (remote), Steven Kofahl (remote)
Directors Absent
Daniela Lopez-Vargas
Guests Present
David Hussey (remote), Gregory Wood (remote), Kurt Lowry (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America (USA)
Mr. Hussey led meeting members and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America (USA).
Public Comments
Public Comments included the following:
Kyna Collins - English Teacher and UTLA Co-chair commented on the following agenda items: Confirmation of Mr. B. Wilson as co-trustee of the OPEB account; support on-schedule raise; expressed continuing disappointment that UTLA no longer has a standing place on Board agenda; expressed pleasure in that teacher representatives are on the meeting.
Stacey Meltzer - English Teacher commented on her concerns in response to a report that five students tested positive for COVID; is concerned about the possible increase, given the number of teachers and students on campus; questioned accuracy of Mr. Hussey's recent citation of ECR's positivity rate during the first few weeks of school; wants to know "at what point do we begin weekly Covid testing again."
Mr. Ozstreicher - community member commented that he had attended the recent Finance and Investment Committee meeting and respectfully requests that the dense information discussed and presented at the committee meetings related to investment and finance-related items be made more understandable and less "wonky" for people who attend the meetings.
Mr. Monroy - Special Education English Teacher and UTLA Co-chair commented that he supports the 3% on-schedule salary; opined that teachers are attacked and under attack across the country and locally, it is important to validate and lift up teachers who do a "damn good job" of taking care of other people's children. Accused the Board of not caring to hear from UTLA via a regular agenda item.
Executive Director Update
Mr. Hussey provided his Executive Director Update, with highlights as follow:
* Thanked teachers, students, and staff for their hard work and for a successful opening, including teachers' fantastic efforts to provide a nice PD opportunity designed by and for teachers. Positive tone set.
* Back to School Night was successful and marked a return to on-campus; received positive feedback from many parents. Thanked admin. and teachers.
* Athletic Teams in action: Girls Volleyball; Boys Water Polo; Football
* Capitalization Project underway in Hallways with additional school facilities enhancements projects to be approved by LAUSD's BoE in October; noted he's had the pleasure of working with Mr. Wright to get projects on the agenda; August 30th, LAUSD board is set to vote on whether or not it will vote to use bond money to repair and upgrade the ECR football field which is under warranty with LAUSD; Mr. Wright has been working with LAUSD Board Member Schmerlson to get these items on the agenda and completed so we can get our teams back on the home field.
* Thanked ECRCHS's counselors for their hard work and efforts in balancing class sizes, getting new student-athletes programmed and into their new courses and sports with efficiency and kindness.
* Mr. Hussey had been working with Boardmember Wright and the DOT regarding the U-turns on Valley Circle Boulevard; DOT is going to place bollards on Valley Circle Boulevard to help prevent dangerous U-turns and keep our community safer.
* Will be picking up Covid-19 Rapid Tests tomorrow and will distribute them most likely next week; acknowledged Ms. Meltzer's previously expressed concerns about Covid and will monitor self-reporting of students, staff, and families.
Chief Business Officer Update
Mr. Wood provided his Chief Business Officer Update, with highlights as follow:
* Over the Summer, this is our first Board meeting of 22-23 and we received additional Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funds and we will be discussion these funds and proposals later during this board meeting.
* We are completing our unaudited actuals report to report to the CDE close the 21-22 school year.
* Reported that two people recently left the Business Office, one who retired, and one who left to go back to school to become a teacher.
* Reported that the Business Office has hired a Finance Director, Ms. Arleta Ilyas, who is fitting in wonderfully and already providing input and contributing, etc.
Board Chair Update
Mr. Wright provided his Board Chair Update, with highlights, as follow:
* Mr. Wright recognized Mrs. Larew and Ms. Clark for their respective grant-writing efforts that have produced over $200K and $1M, respectively. He noted that now is the time to "push" to continue to make changes.
* Mr. Wright then asked Dr. Lowry for an HR update. Dr. Lowry noted the following:
Noted his HR Teammates, Ms. Dominguez, Ms. Castaneda, and and he are actively engaged with serving our active employees and retirees in a number of ways, including the following:
- Annual Compliance Training Modules
- Health Benefits Open Enrollment and Info. Sessions
- Issuance of Parking Passes
- Uniform Hiring Procedures and Forms to Support Employee Recruitment, Selection, Rating-in, Onboarding
- Administrative Training - “Successfully Managing Unsatisfactory Employee Performance” & “Administrative Director Disciplinary Workflow Process”
- “Royal Recognition!” Employee Recognition Program!
- HR Webpage Updates
- Employee Handbook and Parent-Student Handbook Revisions and Employee Acknowledgements
- Confirmations of Assignment (Employee Contracts)
- Vendor Certification
- Annual Compliance Requirements
- Board Meeting Preparation
- Credential Review of MOUs and Service Agreements
Noted that HR is here to support and serve all employees.
AB 361 Discussion and Vote on Virtual Board Meetings
Prior to the vote, Mr. Solkovits, Ms. Malconian, and Mr. Kofahl stated that they will vote to return to in-person Board Meetings.
Mr. Wright noted that if there is an outbreak of COVID, the Board will not meet in person.
Roll Call | |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Danielle Malconian |
Steven Kofahl |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Gregg Solkovits |
II. Governance
Elect 2022-2023 Board Chair
Prior to Vote, Mr. Solkovits nominated Mr. Wright for Board Chair.
Mr. Wright accepted the nomination. No other Members nominated. Nominations Closed via vote.
Roll Call | |
Steven Kofahl |
Linda Ibach |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Danielle Malconian |
Brad Wright |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Elect 2022-2023 Board Vice-Chair
Prior to Vote, Ms. Ibach nominated Ms. Ramirez for Board Vice Chair.
Ms. Ramirez accepted the nomination. No other Members nominated. Nominations Closed via vote.
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Steven Kofahl |
Danielle Malconian |
Elect 2022-2023 Secretary
Prior to Vote, Mr. Wright nominated Ms. Malconian for Board Secretary. Ms. Malconian accepted the nomination. No other Members nominated. Nominations Closed via vote.
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Brad Wright |
Linda Ibach |
Danielle Malconian |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Steven Kofahl |
Elect 2022-2023 President
Prior to Vote, Mr. Wright nominated Mr. Hussey for Board President.
Mr. Hussey accepted the nomination. No other Members nominated. Nominations Closed via vote.
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Steven Kofahl |
Linda Ibach |
Danielle Malconian |
Brad Wright |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Elect 2022-2023 Chief Financial Officer
Prior to Vote, Ms. Malconian nominated Mr. Wood for Board Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Wood accepted the nomination. No other Members nominated. Nominations Closed via vote.
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Steven Kofahl |
Danielle Malconian |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Discussion and Vote on Establishment of Board Committees
Prior to the Vote on the establishment of overall committees, discussion ensued on whether or not the Board wanted to vote to make the Capitalization Projects Committee a Standing Committee as it had been an "Ad Hoc" committee.
Mr. Wright Moved to make the Capitalization Projects Committee a Standing Committee; Mr. Solkovits seconded the Motion.
The Board members voted 6 Aye 0 Nay with 1 member absent to approve the Capitalization Projects Committee a Standing Committee for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Vote results were as follows:
Ibach - Yes
Lopez-Vargas - (absent)
Kofahl - Yes
Malconian - Yes
Ramirez - Yes
Solkovits - Yes
Wright - Yes
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Steven Kofahl |
Brad Wright |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Linda Ibach |
Danielle Malconian |
Discussion and Vote on Board Committees' General Membership and Chairpersons
Prior to final Votes on Board Committees' General Membership and Chairpersons, Board members self-nominated and/or nominated other Board members to EACH Committee established for the 22-23 academic year. After each committee's membership was nominated, moved, voted on, and approved, committee members self-nominated and/or were nominated for respective committees' chairperson position.
The following results comprise the duly nominated and elected membership of each committee, as well as each committee's respective chairperson for the 22-23 academic year:
Executive Director Evaluation (Standing)
Elected Members: Ibach, Ramirez, Kofahl
Elected Chairperson: Ibach
Capitalization Projects (Standing)
Elected Members: Wright, Ramirez, Malconian
Elected Chairperson: Ramirez
Finance & Investments (Standing)
Elected Members: Malconian, Ramirez, Lopez-Vargas
Elected Chairperson: Malconian
School Site Safety (Standing)
Elected Members: Solkovits, Wright, Kofahl
Elected Chairperson: Wright
Travel (Ad Hoc)
Elected Members: Wright, Kofahl, Ramirez
Elected Chairperson: Kofahl
Technology (Ad Hoc)
Elected Members: Wright, Malconian, Ramirez
Elected Chairperson: Wright
Instruction and Data Analysis (Ad Hoc)
Elected Members: Solkovits, Wright, Ibach
Elected Chairperson: Solkovits
Athletics Oversight and Support (Ad Hoc)
Elected Members: Malconian, Ramirez, Wright
Elected Chairperson: Wright
Facilities Maintenance Operations and Support (Ad Hoc)
Elected Members: Wright, Ramirez, Kofahl
Elected Chairperson: Wright
Roll Call | |
Steven Kofahl |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Danielle Malconian |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
III. Consent
Approve Minutes of July 28th, 2022 Special Board Meeting
Roll Call | |
Danielle Malconian |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Linda Ibach |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Brad Wright |
Steven Kofahl |
Gregg Solkovits |
Board voted to take a short break at 7:17 p.m. and returned at 7:26 p.m. prior to beginning work on the next section of the Agenda.
IV. Investment
Investment Update 2nd Quarter 2022
Mr. Wood, CBO, provided the 2Q22 Investment Update, with highlights as follow:
* Mr. Wood noted that the investment update had been presented in detail during the preceding F&I Committee meeting and had been recommended for approval by the full board.
For 2021-2022 OPEB:
* Beginning Balance was $21,150,357
* Contributions YTD $2.64 Million
* Losses of $3.2 Million
Ending Balance $20,459,440 (3.7% decrease/change)
2021-2022 ending June 30th, 2022: Combined OPEB + General + Annuities = $27,218,543
July 2022 OPEB:
*Beginning Balance of $20,459,440
* Contributions $220,000
* Gains of $1,032,170
Ending Balance $21,711,610
Gen. Fund and Annuities Month End Combined:
* Approx. $6.8M
Mr. Wood then provided the Beacon Pointe 2Q22 Investment Summary, with highlights as follow:
* Market Summary Performance: Mr. Wood reviewed briefly the Market Summary, noting the slide includes a look at the quarter and year end performance summary of equities, fixed income, and alternative investment assets, noting market losses for the quarter and year.
* U.S. Equity Sector Review: Mr. Wood noted the overall performance of Large, Mid, and Small Cap equities Value, Core, and Growth funds/managers, noting a lot of negative numbers for the 2Quarter and one year returns in all categories, including double digit declines in Q2.
Mr. Solkovits asked what percentage of funds that ECRCHS receives from the State each year is used for school operations and how much is invested, to which Mr. Wood replied approximately 90% to 10%, respectively.
Mr. Solkovits asked if ECR accessed any investment funds during the 2008 recession, to which Mr. Wood responded, "No. ECR became a charter school in 2011, (implying that it had been an LAUSD District School Campus in 2008 and without access to an investment fund/account.
* OPEB Total Composite: Mr. Wood reviewed the summary, noting that Beacon Pointe took over fund management of the OPEB account in September of 2021, and noting that beginning balance, net cash flow, net investment change, and ending market value balances/amounts are listed on this slide.
* OPEB Total Composite: Mr. Wood reviewed the next slide, including performance summaries of specific segments/funds/managers that comprise the OPEB Account.
On the bottom of the slide, Mr. Wood pointed out that ECRCHS's investments and allocations are guided by and in alignment with Board-approved policy statement ranges. Mr. Wood also noted that if any investments would happen to fall out of line, our fund managers are obligated to bring the investments back within established policy ranges.
General Account/Fund Composite Summary: Mr. Wood noted that our initial balance was approximately $6.8M at its August 2021 inception and the fund ended the year at approximately $5.9M. Mr. Wood noted this performance is exclusive of the two annuities.
General Account/Fund Composite: Mr. Wood noted the initial balance of approximately $5.9M at the fund inception of August, and pointed out the performance of each sector/fund/manager, and noted, again, that all investments are guided by Board-established investment policy. Mr. Wood noted that the general fund account is comprised of more conservative investments and policy.
Mr. Wood noted that the funds have gained approximately 5% and considering the market conditions, funds are performing, in general, as expected.
Discussion and Vote on OPEB Account Actuary Review as of 6/30/22
Prior to the vote, Mr. Wood presented the Actuary Review as prepared by Mr. Brett Schwab, and as had been presented in greater detail during the Finance and Investment Committee meeting.
Highlights included:
* These balances are reported to ECRCHS's auditors.
OPEB Account as of End of June, 2021:
APBO Actives $25,844,855
Retirees $6,852,583
Total $32,697,438
Fair Value of Plan Assets: $21,250,357
Unfunded APBO $11,447,081
Funded Percentage End of June, 2021: 65.0%
OPEB Account as of End of June, 2022:
APBO Actives $19,600,428
Retirees $6,603,212
Total $26,203,640
Fair Value of Plan Assets: $20,459,440
Unfunded APBO $5,744,200
Funded Percentage End of June, 2021: 78.1%
Mr. Wood noted that based on investing $2.6M annually, ECRCHS is a little over two years away from fully funding the OPEB account and would then no longer need to invest $2.6M annually into the OPEB account as long as ECRCHS continues to manage actuarial expectations.
Mr. Wood then discussed page 4 - Reconciliation of OPEB Assets, noting an over $3.4M loss
Mr. Wood then discussed current and non-current liabilities for 2021 and 2022, and expected benefits payments for the next ten fiscal years.
Finally, Mr. Wood then reviewed OPEB retirement Census data and eligibility for active employees (237 currently and/or potentially eligible) and retirees (27) who are currently benefits-receiving/eligible.
Mr. Wood then noted that these numbers will be incorporated into our annual audit.
Mr. Wright defined OPEB for viewers who may not know what it means: Other Post-Employment Benefits
Mr. Solkovits noted that the OPEB account is the fulfillment of a promise ECRCHS made to its employees.
Mr. Hussey noted that when ECR became a charter, this was the one issue most teachers were fearful of and for the board, administration, and staff, to be 78% funded is an amazing statistic and that he looks forward to the OPEB fund becoming fully funded for all employees.
Mr. Wood concluded by noting that this promise is codified in both the UTLA and AFSCME Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs).
Roll Call | |
Brad Wright |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Danielle Malconian |
Steven Kofahl |
Linda Ibach |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Discussion and Vote on Addition of Certificated Trustee to OPEB Investment Account
Prior to the vote, Mr. Hussey thanked former ECRCHS Teacher and former OPEB co-trustee, Mr. Webster, for his service, and noted that Mr. Wilson is an excellent trustee.
Mr. Wright noted that Mr. Wilson is a very dedicated teacher.
Roll Call | |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Steven Kofahl |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Danielle Malconian |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Gregg Solkovits |
V. Finance
Review and Vote on June 2022 Check Registers
Prior to the vote, Mr. Wood presented the June 2022 Check Registers, noting that he had presented these previously during the recent Finance & Investment Committee.
Mr. Wood reviewed all accounts, including Checking Account, Vendor-specific payments, General Account, and ASB.
Ms. Malconian asked if the board will see the July and August Check registers at the September Board Meeting.
Mr. Wright asked if the athletics department and coaches receive updates on their trust account activity, to which Mr. Wood replied in the affirmative.
Roll Call | |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Gregg Solkovits |
Linda Ibach |
Danielle Malconian |
Steven Kofahl |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Brad Wright |
Discussion and Vote on 2022-2023 Proposition 30 Budget
Prior to the vote, Mr. Wood reviewed the Proposition 30 Budget Education Protection Act (EPA) Revenues and Expenditures, noting that one of our obligations as an organization is for the Board to approve the Prop. 30 budget recommended expenditures (Certificated salaries and benefits) and restrictions (e.g, no administrative salaries).
Roll Call | |
Linda Ibach |
Danielle Malconian |
Gregg Solkovits |
Steven Kofahl |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Brad Wright |
VI. School Business
Discuss and Vote on Updated Independent Study Policy
Prior to the vote, Mr. Hussey reviewed the ISP, noting that it included a legal review.
Ms. Malconian asked what the major changes were and Mr. Hussey replied that it was more of a legal review without major policy changes.
Mr. Solkovits asked whether the policy had been developed with teacher input and expressed concern about possible rigor of the policy in ensuring that students are held to high standards.
Mr. Hussey noted that the ISP program and policy is based on ISP teacher input, while general education teachers had not had much input.
Mr. Solkovits opined that this arrangement is "not good," and that in his 35+ years, he's seen kids miracullously turn things around in ISP and get "As" when they had previously failed actual semester-long classes. He noted that he'd like to see gen. ed. teachers involved in the development of the ISP policy.
Mr. Hussey replied that the ISP program is different, that there is no movement from gen. ed. to ISP, and that there is a process that is followed for students to be permitted into the program. Mr. Hussey noted that the program is sufficiently rigorous.
Mr. Solkovits asked for Mr. Hussey to confirm that the ISP program is not for students who are failing and then go into ISP and then they become eligible to graduate, and Mr. Hussey confirmed that the program is not for that purpose.
Mr. Hussey noted that the program is for students who may have social-emotional needs, other health issues, students who are soon to become professional athletes, actors, etc., whose schedules and needs can be met in the ISP program.
Mr. Hussey continued that students who are struggling, in general, would not be best served in an ISP program anyway, as they would need someone sitting with them every day.
Ms. Malconian, noted that the ISP is a fantastic program, noting she has spoken with people involved with the program and noted that some ISP students had made presentations during the June in-person Board Meeting and if Mr. Solkovits had seen the presentations he would know what she was talking about in terms of what the ISP program is all about.
Mr. Wright noted the ISP is a rigorous program and that Mr. Bennett, Administrative Director, will have some ideas to address any concerns Mr. Solkovits may have.
Mr. Solkovits noted that he looks forward to learning about the program because he has his suspicions, to which Mr. Wright asked him whether or not his suspicions were for ECR or for any school, to which Mr. Solkovits replied, "any school."
Ms. Ibach noted that she thought that Mr. Solkovits may be thinking of ISP as more of an adult school program rather than how ISP is administered at ECRCHS.
Mr. Solkovits noted again that he looks forward to learning more about the program, noting that he knows nothing about the program currently, and that he will abstain from voting on the ISP policy revision until he learns more about it to be able to make informed decisions.
Mr. Hussey offered Mr. Solkovits an opportunity to make an appointment and tour the ISP program.
Mr. Wright asked for input from Ms. Ibach and Mr. Kofahl, including whether or not the board should hold off on the vote on this item, to which Ms. Ibach replied with words to the effect of "No, this is an important program that is needed, it's not a program for failing students (in gen. ed. to just move over to ISP) and we need to move forward."
Mr. Wright requested the motion.
Roll Call | |
Brad Wright |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Linda Ibach |
Steven Kofahl |
Danielle Malconian |
Gregg Solkovits |
Discussion and Vote on Revisions to ECRCHS Employee Handbook for 2022-2023
Prior to the vote, Dr. Lowry, Director, Human Resources and Compliance, reviewed the process and timelines by which proposed revisions to the Employee Handbook were made leading up to this vote, including requested changes discussed in a meeting between Executive Director Hussey, HR and Compliance Director Lowry, and Teachers/UTLA Co-Chairs Collins and Monroy in the Spring of 2022.
Teachers'/UTLA Co-Chairs' requested changes were incorporated into the Handbook, including a non-material revision to Mr. Hussey's Welcome message to remove a reference to Confidentiality, a reference to employees' right to seek or be employed beyond their ECR employment (this is already in the handbook as permissible, with expectations that the supplemental employment not adversely impact the employees' respective performance of ECR-based employment essential duties), and a reference to the employee dress code, which is largely unchanged.
Dr. Lowry emphasized that because these aforementioned changes, and those made by Legal Counsel for their final legal review do not materially affect bargaining unit members, UTLA did not need to be consulted prior to this board discussion and vote on revisions to the Employee Handbook.
Mr. Solkovits asked what is the relationship between the employee handbook and the Collective Bargaining Agreement, to which Mr. Hussey replied that the CBAs are the Gold Standard and "trump" whatever is in the Handbook.
Mr. Solkovits asked if the CBA references the Handbook, because he's been told by UTLA that members have been written up and references are made to the Handbook and that they have won grievances and he is wondering if administration is being told that the employee handbook is an actionable supplement to the CBA for the purposes of writing up employees when it isn't.
Dr. Lowry noted the final lines in Mr. Hussey's Handbook Welcome message that affirm that the Handbook does not alter the impact of the CBA agreements in place.
Additionally, in response to Mr. Solkovits' comment on behalf of UTLA's concerns about their members being written up and being held accountable to sections of the Employee Handbook, Dr. Lowry noted the following, with words to the effect of:
1. The Employee Handbook contains specific policies and expectations and examples to which all employees are held accountable;
2. We follow the CBA guidelines and Handbook with regard to issuing ungrievable or pre-disciplinary and/or disciplinary responses to employees' choices as to how they behave;
3. Depending on the circumstances, employees are held to account;
4. There are differences in interpretation between 'egregious misconduct' and 'misconduct.'
5. Administration and I tailor our responses, according to circumstances, and what Dr. Lowry typically does is review proposed pre-disciplinary and/or disciplinary response with administration and/or our legal counsel prior to issuing the response;
Mr. Solkovits noted that in speaking with bargaining unit members, he wanted to convey that UTLA believes that their involvement in developing the Employee Handbook is nominal at best. Mr. Solkovits noted that he values collaborative input on all matters pertaining to school, whether or not the collaboration is required or not, and that he hopes that more then minimal gestures are made to bargaining unit members, even if not required.
Mr. Solkovits continued by stating that his experience is that the employee handbook has "no operative value" as "a lever" against employees.
Mr. Solkovits noted that if he has the wrong perception of how the Handbook is being used, he apologizes, but indicated that that is what is has been told to him by UTLA.
Dr. Lowry noted that he appreciated Mr. Solkovits' remarks and comments. He continued by noting that "people make choices every day to teach and to communicate."
Dr. Lowry noted that the CBA does not outline specific behavior expectations and that the CA Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs) and the Employee Handbook do, and that he's handled or been involved with at least forty-four (44) complaints or cases of discipline in the past year of school, most of which are related to people's inappropriate behavior and communications and not necessarily classroom teacher performance.
Dr. Lowry noted that he'd be happy to meet with Mr. Solkovits and any other Board member or teacher or staff member to discuss this item in further detail and to review the evidence of discipline, grievances, and/or other items related to this matter.
Dr. Lowry closed by saying that if teachers and staff members focus on their teaching and/or job, focus on student needs, and remain professional, there would be little reason for disciplining anybody.
Mr. Wright noted, too, that the Board represents not just anybody but everybody, and implored Mr. Solkovits to share any complaints with the Board and that they are first and foremost ECRA Board members an all in this together. He requested a motion to approve the revisions to the Employee Handbook for 2022-2023.
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Steven Kofahl |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Danielle Malconian |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Discussion and Vote on Revisions to the ECRCHS Parent-Student Handbook for 2022-2023
Prior to the vote, Dr. Lowry, Director, Human Resources and Compliance, reviewed the proposed revisions to the Parent-Student Handbook, including revisions to the following:
* Food and Meals on campus
* Attendance and Truancy Policy
* Prom Attendance Policy
* Pesticides List from LAUSD to which ECRCHS adheres
* 2022-2023 School Calendar dates
Dr. Lowry scrolled through the P-S Handbook to show the highlighted sections that had been reviewed by administration and subsequently forwarded to ECRCHS's legal team for review and final approval.
Ms. Solkovits asked if Parents and Student Stakeholders had been consulted for input into the Parent-Student Handbook prior.
Dr. Lowry replied that he did not know the extent to which parent or student input had been included prior to administrators making their recommendations, but that administrators had based their recommendations on their experiences.
Mr. Solkovits replied that Dr. Lowry's answer sounded like a "fuzzy answer," to which Dr. Lowry clarified his earlier answer in more succinct terms that he did not know to what extent parents had been provided input.
Mr. Solkovits noted for the whole board that administration needs to come up with a more formal process through which all stakeholders are provided an opportunity for input into making revisions to the P-S Handbook prior to sending the Handbooks for a final legal review.
Ms. Malconian stated that she agreed with Mr. Solkovits' recommendation.
Mr. Wright asked Mr. Solkovits if he wanted all stakeholders' input and Mr. Solkovits clarified that its seems that whatever input stakeholders had provided had been provided informally and it wasn't clear how it was done, so moving forward he recommended that the policy be formalized to include stakeholders.
Mr. Solkovits reaffirmed his strong commitment to collaborative processes and recommends this process be formalized and collaborative moving forward, especially as we come out of the pandemic.
Mr. Wright noted that the ECRA Board is also a stakeholder group.
Mr. Solkovits acknowledged Mr. Wright's comment.
Mr. Hussey acknowledged Mr. Solkovits' recommendation and agreed that moving forward, administration will formalize and communicate a formal process/policy through which students, faculty, and parents will be afforded opportunities for input into the development of or revisions to the P-S Handbook.
Mr. Wright noted that stakeholders can also come to the Board and to the Board Meetings.
Ms. Malconian stated that she believed that Mr. Solkovits had recommended a more robust and formal process.
Mr. Wright acknowledged Ms. Malconian's comment.
Ms. Malconian asked if there was an effort to adjust the attendance and truancy policy, to which Mr. Hussey noted that the policy has been revised based on what the State defines as chronic truancy (eighteen or more absences) as the basis for eligibility to attend Prom and/or other schoolwide events.
Mr. Hussey also noted that administration is going to develop a notification system through which students/parents/guardians are notified at the 5, 10, 15 absences markers so that there are no surprises when some students are denied entry to Prom or other schoolwide events.
Mr. Hussey also noted, too, that COVID is still with us and COVID-related absences are appealable, and the intervention team, counselors, educational therapists, and/or others will be working with students and their families, if/as needed.
Roll Call | |
Steven Kofahl |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Danielle Malconian |
Gregg Solkovits |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Discussion and Vote on Request for One Period Coach Authorization During 2022-2023
Prior to the vote, Mr. Hussey noted that we have Coaches who have teaching credentials but not a P.E. Credential. Accordingly, with changes in CALPADS (student data reporting system wit State of CA) and in order to ensure that students get credit for P.E., we need to submit proper authorization requests to allow these fully credentialed teachers, at this time, six (6) coaches, to teach one period of P.E./Coach a sport for which the participating students will receive P.E. credit.
Mr. Hussey noted that there are six teachers currently who are recommended for On Period Coach Authorizations, including the following:
* Camille King - Cross Country
* Eric Choi - Girls Golf, Girls Soccer, Boys Golf
* Alyssa Lee - Girls Volleyball
* John Terndrup - Wrestling
* Jason Sabolic - Football
* Beth Corbett - Cheerleading
Mr. Solkovits requested that PE. Coaches receive additional training, in addition to Mandated Reporter: Child Abuse Awareness Training, so as to ensure that all coaches understand the nuanced complexities involved in coaching and teams.
Mr. Hussey noted Mr. Solkovits' recommendation and stated that in addition to the required Coach Trainings (CPR, Concussions, etc.,) he will look into working with the Athletics Department to provide additional trainings to coaches.
Ms. Ibach noted that we are voting on authorizations to ensure students receive P.E. credit for their participation in sports, the time commitments of which are extensive.
Mr. Hussey clarified that we are voting on One Period Coach Authorizations so the teachers can coach and so that the students can earn P.E. credit in their participation.
Roll Call | |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Linda Ibach |
Gregg Solkovits |
Brad Wright |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Danielle Malconian |
Steven Kofahl |
Annual Performance-based Charter School Division Oversight Visit Report for 2021-2022
Mr. Hussey discussed aspects of the Annual Performance-based Charter School Division Oversight Visit Report for 2021-2022, with highlights as follows:
*CSD visited in late-May and provided their report in or around late-June.
Page 3 of 51 - Overall Scores Summary:
Governance = 4
Student Achievement and Educational Performance = No Rating due to SBAC Scores not having been received yet
Organizational Management, Programs, and Operations = 3
Fiscal Operations = 3
Page 5 of 51 Review:
* Governing Board has "highly developed" systems in place to ensure due process for all school stakeholders, in accordance with applicable law.
* Mr. Hussey commended the Board for their respective efforts which resulted in the Score of "4."
* The Governing Board provides "responsive and accountable governance"
* No corrective actions are recommended at this time.
Page 12 of 51 Review:
* Student Achievement and Educational Performance = No Rating
Strengths include Reclassification of English Learners (ELs): ECRCHS reclassifies Students who are English Learners (EL) at a rate higher than the State (14.9% to 6.9%).
* No corrective actions are recommended at this time.
Page 20 of 51 Review:
* No score at this time: Our measure of student performance is through the NWEA or "MAP" testing, which was just administered and for which we are administering make-up tests.
Page 21 of 51 Review:
* ECRCHS is working with our new testing coordinator to ensure that we meet our goal of at least 95% testing participation rates for testing.
CSD's Expectations for Improvement:
Page 22 of 51 Review:
* CSD expects ECRCHS to improve performance in the area of English Language Arts (ELA) for our Students with Disabilities (SWDs) as measured by SBAC.
Page 23 of 51 Review:
* CSD expects ECRCHS to improve performance in the area of Mathematics for our Students with Disabilities (SWDs) as measured by SBAC.
Page 25 of 51 Review:
Organizational Management, Programs, and Operations = 3
*Strengths include:
* School Climate and Student Discipline
* Professional Development
* Transparency for Stakeholders
No corrective actions are recommended at this time.
Page 41 of 51 Review:
Fiscal Operations = 3
Growth Areas to address include:
* Ensure dual (two) signatures on all checks written in amounts of $10K or greater. One items was cited.
* Ensure Training on School Fiscal Policies and Procedures to ensure greater understanding of segregation of duties within the Business Office. Auditors noted different views were revealed on timing of training and process/flow within the Business Office.
* Ensure no checks are outstanding (non-negotiated) for 90 or more days. One item was cited.
Board Chair Wright announced that the Board was entering Closed Session at 8:53 p.m.
VII. Closed Session
Public Employee Discipline / Dismissal / Release
This agenda item was discussed.
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
This agenda item was discussed.
Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
This agenda item was discussed.
Conference with Labor Negotiators
This agenda item was discussed.
Conference with Labor Negotiators
This agenda item was discussed.
Conference with Labor Negotiators
This agenda item was discussed.
Conference with Labor Negotiators
This agenda item was discussed.
VIII. Reconvene to Open Session
Report on Actions Taken in Closed Session, If Any
The Board reconvened in Open Session at 9:52 p.m.
Mr. Wright reported that no actions were taken during Closed Session.
Possible Board Approval Vote on UTLA Employees' On Schedule 3% Salary Increase Due to Increase in LCFF Funding
Prior to the Vote here in Open Session, the Board discussed this item during Closed Session.
Roll Call | |
Gregg Solkovits |
Brad Wright |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Linda Ibach |
Steven Kofahl |
Danielle Malconian |
Possible Board Approval Vote on AFSCME Employees' On Schedule 3% Salary Increase Due to Increase in LCFF Funding
Prior to the Vote here in Open Session, the Board discussed this item during Closed Session.
Roll Call | |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Steven Kofahl |
Danielle Malconian |
Gregg Solkovits |
Possible Board Approval Vote on Unrepresented Employees' On Schedule 3% Salary Increase Due to Increase in LCFF Funding
Prior to the Vote here in Open Session, the Board discussed this item during Closed Session.
Roll Call | |
Linda Ibach |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Steven Kofahl |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Brad Wright |
Danielle Malconian |
Gregg Solkovits |
Possible Board Approval Vote on Executive Director's and Chief Business Officer's compensation increases to align with previously approved Board actions and potential LCFF increases being considered above.
Prior to the Vote here in Open Session, the Board discussed this item during Closed Session.
Roll Call | |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Steven Kofahl |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Gregg Solkovits |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Danielle Malconian |
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Voice Vote taken; 6 members present voted "Aye" to adjourn meeting. One Board member absent.
Quorum established.