El Camino Real Charter High School
Special Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday June 2, 2022 at 4:30 PM
7401 Shoup Avenue
West Hills, CA 91307
For board meeting materials, including meeting agenda and documentation to be discussed and/or included in support of items on which the Board will vote, we encourage you to access, review, and download all materials that are posted on the school's website (https://ecrchs.net - click the ECR Board tab, Board Materials link).
If you need assistance or access otherwise, please feel free to come to our main office on the main campus or contact our main office at 818 595-7500.
El Camino Real Alliance (“ECRA”) welcomes your participation at ECRA’s Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of ECRA in public.
Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our charter school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, we gladly provide you the following guidelines:
1. Agendas are available to all audience members at the door to the meeting.
2. “Request to Speak” forms are available to all audience members who wish to speak on any agenda items or under the general category of “Public Comments.”
3. Please provide your completed "Request to Speak" form to Dr. Lowry, Director, Human Resources and Compliance, prior to the item on which you would like to speak and/or prior to "Public Comments."
4. “Public Comments” time is set aside for members of the audience to raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda.
NOTE: Due to public meeting laws, the Board can only listen to your issue, not respond or take action.
Effective May 19th, 2022, public comments presentations at all ECRA Regular and Special Board Meetings and Committee Meetings must be made in person.
There is no obligation on the part of the school to have a school official read public comments during in-person Board Meetings.
A member of the public is welcome to appear at the Board meeting to make a public comment or make arrangements with another person in attendance to speak on the person's behalf.
6. "Public Comments" presentations are limited to two (2) minutes and total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed thirty (30) minutes.
A member of the public who requires the use of an oral interpreter, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall be permitted twice the allotted time to speak.
7. Total time allocated to agenda items will not exceed six (6) minutes for a "Discussion" item and nine (9) minutes per "Vote" item.
8. The Board may give direction to staff to respond to your concern or you may be offered the option of returning with a citizen-requested item.
9. When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to state their name and adhere to the time limits set forth.
In order to maintain allotted time limits, the Board Chair may modify speaker time allocations or the total amount of allotted time for an item.
10. Any public records relating to an agenda item for an Open Session of the Board which are distributed to all, or a majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 5440 Valley Circle Blvd., Woodland Hills, California, 91367.
All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removed from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board votes on them. The Executive Director recommends approval of all consent agenda items.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA):
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, El Camino Real Alliance may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to David Hussey, in person, by email at comment@ecrchs.net, or by calling (818) 595-7500.
Directors Present
Alexandra Ramirez, Brad Wright, Daniela Lopez-Vargas, Danielle Malconian, Steven Kofahl
Directors Absent
Gregg Solkovits, Linda Ibach
Guests Present
David Hussey, Gregory Wood, Kurt Lowry
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America (USA)
Public Comments
Dr. Lowry read the instructions for making a public comment in person at the board meeting and to noted, per Mr. Wright's request, that each speaker will be limited to two (2) minutes in total speaking time.
Mr. Wright noted that Public comments may be adjusted a little longer due to the presence of students.
Public Comments noted as follows:
1. Chris Knight - ECR Parent/community member - spoke in favor of street signs being placed on Valley Circle Blvd. Noted there were RVs last Summer and through late Fall; was involved in clean-up of the area and discovered needles with loaded syringes and needles; acknowledged that there is no easy fix, but expressed appreciation to the Board for support in helping to find solutions.
2. Kyna Collins, English Teacher/UTLA Chair - Noted that she had a lengthy report and that other teachers would be giving her their time to speak. In response, Mr. Wright denied her attempt to speak beyond the two minute limit, noting that Dr. Lowry had already informed meeting attendees/guests of the instructions for making a public comment. In response, Ms. Collins stated that Mr. Wright's rule was in violation of the Brown Act, and noted that those in attendance who were going to give her their two minutes each can come to the podium wherein Ms. Collins stated that she would give each "their notes."
Ms. Collins congratulated students and staff for their upcoming graduation and completion of the school year. She stated that she was saddened to learn that UTLA's report was removed as a "standing item" from the board's agenda. She noted that such tactics and maneuvers are what turn charter school employees into "bad actors" wherein privatizers, she asserted, are motivated by personal agendas. She stated that the false narrative that teachers were not working without a contract was a falsity. She noted that UTLA has been bargaining on evaluations and catastrophic illness. She continued by saying, "When I speak to this board...
I have the power and voice of 138 members, educators, behind me. A voice that you should care about and quite frankly, a voice that you need to hear if you truly care about the well being of this school."
3. Angel Lerma - ECRCHS Dean of Students - Noted that UTLA conducted multiple surveys over the last few weeks, including Exec. Director, Admin. Directors, Board Members, and internal UTLA leadership for internal purposes. All data has been shared with administration with the exception of the UTLA leadership survey data. Purpose of the survey is to take a temperature check based on 138 members, rather than just those he said "are the loudest in the room." We realize that this survey is not scientific. Reviewed highlights of the Exectuve survey questions and basis for questions: connectedness, CA Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs), etc. Concerns noted about campus climate and healthy working environment.
4. Andy Dunn - No show
5. Amber Horowitz - Independent Study Program (ISP). Noted that the program is very valuable, flexible, and permitted her daughter to continue her education while undergoing a health condition; thanked Ms. Nettels for her helpfulness. Thanked Board for funding the ISP program.
6. Heidi Maury - Reviewed highlights of the Board of Directors survey results. 68 responses of 138 members. Noted that 80% of members who responded are aware of board meetings. Noted 15% of UTLA respondents believe that Board Chair is the right person for the job and cited UTLA concerns about the knowledge of teacher representatives position(s) on the board, questioning their knowledge. Presented Admin. Directors survey results based on 76 respondents, noting concerns about administrative directors "cohesion as a team." Asked Board to listen more, quite taking things personally.
7. Susan Nivens - Noted that UTLA can turn out members to speak at Board meetings. Noted UTLA supports AFSCME members. Cited lack of administrative support and mistrust.
8. Barbara Stanoff - Dean of Students - Noted that she supports UTLA and UTLA leadership and urged the board to listen to them.
9. Gail Nettels - Coord. of ISP and English Teacher - Thanked Board for their support for the ISP program in so many ways. Noted the importance of such ISP program during our current "age of trauma" (Harvard Univ.). Cited examples of students' mental health needs, as well as noted their strong academic performance and coursework needs being met through ISP.
10. Setari Bahri - Noted that she supports UTLA and we've been through a lot together and wants to ensure that teachers are not excluded.
11. Yasmine Pomeroy - Noted that she supports UTLA and our educators. Stated that she believes that the current Board is one of the most negligent charter school boards, based on her experience working at other charter schools prior to her time at ECRCHS. Noted that the Board needs to support the teachers and that without teachers there would be no school.
12. Stephanie Franklin - Teacher; Stated that she does not like the dysfunction at our school and does not like the feeling that everybody is "at war" with each other. She noted that there are bigger issues in the world than the issues that we are pretending to elevate. Stated that she doesn't like the fact that surveys (UTLA) are being sent out but not to all faculty, clerical staff, custodial, etc., and noted that "if we're going to take the temperature," all people need to have a say, including our students. Cited the bulk of teachers who show up for work every day and who do the work. Expressed support for the Board and cited that all should be respectful to the Board and each other.
13. Lisa Ring - Thanked Ms. Franklin for her comments. Spoke briefly about the history of the establishment of the ISP program to meet students' unique needs and the program has been growing since its inception in 2013. Noted Mr. Hussey's and Ms. Malconian's leadership in helping to acquire the Shoup property for the ISP program. Cited enrollment and graduation numbers, while predicting increases in graduation rates. Urged the Board to invest in marketing our school and ISP program to increase enrollment beyond 200 (capacity 400, 300 is a goal). Thanked Board and Mr. Hussey.
14. Tim Glick (Canoga Park Field Rep.) and Jenny Portillo of City Councilmember Bob Blumenfield's Office - Discussed the parking issue on Valley Circle; noted it had been started
by a homeowner's petition about a year ago and provided information on the process.
29 homeowners. Provided additional information and made themselves available for questions from parents/others after the meeting and by providing contact information.
15. Andy Dunn - Attempt #2
16. Sukhbir Dhillon - Safety/Work Experience Coordinator - I support my colleagues and that is why I am resigning as the head of security and safety. Stated that Board members mostly only know ECR by reputation but not the realities of the school today. Cited poor maintenance of classrooms and facilities, and dysfunctional leadership, as reasons by many are contemplating early retirement. Noted that outside of Mr. Wright, not another Board member has spoken to him or visited the campus much. Cited efforts by Mr. Wright to make campus improvements, clean up the athletic department, etc.
17. Andy Dunn - Attempt #3
18. Jon Wasser - Spec. Ed. Coordinator and LGBTQ+ Liaison - Spoke about what he termed as "things gone right" at ECRCHS, including the ISP program that serves all populations of students; LGBTQ+ Pride Month vote; cited his own experiences as a former continuation high school student at Miguel Leonis Continuation High School. UTLA worked with Board President Wright and and Mr. Hussey and this is why he is hopeful that our school can heal.
19. Student McKayla - Described her successful experience in the ISP program, personal challenges and needs and her growth; thanked her teachers/coordinators in ISP program, stated her college acceptances list and her major, psych./pre-medicine.
20. Teacher Robin Lyon - Introduced two students from her Gaming Design class, David R., and Alek J., who provided a demonstration of the video game they created, designed, and developed.
21. Student Daniela N. - Described her successful experience in the ISP program after overcoming a deeply personal experience that adversely impacted the trajectory of her life, family, and education.
22. Student Elit G. - Described her successful experience in the ISP program and expressed her thanks and gratitude for the flexibility of the program and staff that allows her to continue her professional dancing career.
23. Student Matthew Y. - Described his successful experience in the ISP program after transferring from Taft HS after struggling academically. Cited how the ISP program has afforded him the time and flexibility to support his successful entrepreneurial experiences.
AFSCME Contract Update
Richard Russell, Sp. Ed. Asst., and AFSCME President, District 36, Local 540, provided an update on the AFSCME Contract that had been recently ratified.
Highlights included:
Recognizing the AFSCME bargaining team members, including:
* Russell Maitland, Chief Negotiator, AFSCME 36
* Gabriela Franco, VP
* Denise Huete, Treasurer
* Sophia Lopez, Recording Secretary
* Terrance Coulter, Executive Board Member
* Himself
Thanked ECRA Board negotiating team, including:
* David Hussey, Executive Director
* Gregory Wood, Chief Business Official
*. Kurt Lowry, Director, HR and Compliance
* Roger Scott, Lead Negotiator and Legal Counsel
Mr. Russell noted the positive and productive bargaining experience and noted that members were happy with the contract, having ratified the contract with over 97% of the members voting in favor of the proposed contract.
Noted that he feels that this contract benefits both AFSCME members and ECRA and helps to establish a foundation for a solid working relationship moving forward.
Highlighted key improvements, including:
* wage increases (to compete with other charter schools)
* improving salary step schedule adding steps to recognize long-term employee longevity
* the creation of two new classifications for our bargaining unit
* adding two new positions for our bargaining unit
* adding Cesar Chavez Day and Juneteenth as paid holidays
* the ability of unit members who are on a shorter work calendar to access their vacation on unassigned days without restriction
Mr. Russell concluded by recognizing the Board of Directors and administration for their leadership and guidance during these challenging times, and noted that during the pandemic, classified staff were permitted to work while ensuring that school continue under the safest conditions possible. Noted that it is important to remember that we are here in the interest of serving students and families.
Executive Director Update
Mr. Hussey provided the Executive Director update, with highlights as follow:
* Thanked AFSCME Team for positive and productive contract negotiations.
* Provided status of facilities updates, including paperwork submittal for marquee, updates to foyer, main hallway, and library/media center. Waiting for response from LAUSD pursuant to our submittal.
* May 10th, LAUSD voted to postpone mandatory vaccine deadline to January 2023. We will follow suit.
* Provided Athletics highlights, including recognizing Coach Choi and Student Turner Oswald for the golf championship; Softball won its eighteenth city championship; girls beach volleyball won the championship in its inaugural season; Girls Lacrosse team headed up by Mr. Russell and Mr. Contreras won their second consecutive championship.
* Student Troy S. has been selected as the 21-22 male scholar-athlete of the year for the LA CIF Section which includes over eight thousand student-athletes. He will receive a $1K scholarship.
* The senior awards night was very successful thanks to Ms. Bereny and Mrs. Yi. Many students received awards.
* Prom was very successful thanks to Ms. Clark and Ms. Kiamanesh. Over 900 students attended the prom, while the past norm has been 700 or so students.
* Expecting first in person graduation since 2019 tomorrow and students and families are happy.
* Everything that we've gone through shows the support we've received.
* Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW) has seen 272 individual students. Top three issues are anxiety, depression, academic stress, so what the students had talked about are present. Individual counseling and mental health outreach are foci. Possible addition of PSWs next year.
* LGBTQ+ Pride Month - Thanked Board, Teachers, Students, and Staff for providing educational opportunities. Cited Ms. Maury's "Safe Spaces" professional development and the efforts of the GSA Club sponsored by Ms. Collins. Read a letter from a student to highlight the importance of the school's efforts to make the school a safer environment for LGBTQ+ students.
* Thanked students, staff, teachers, and Board for everything they've done this year.
* Introduced LASP Officer Sergeant Escobar to show a video on Active Shooter response, especially in light of the recent Uvalde, TX, mass shooting at a school.
1. # of suspects
2. Location of suspects
3. Weapon type
4. Description of suspects
5. ID if known
Officer Escobar offered an Active Shooter professional development opportunity that will be available by the Fall 2022.
Teacher Susan Niven commented that the training would be helpful for students and teachers in the classroom setting.
Teacher Yasmine Pomeroy and/or Teacher Kyna Collins inquired about "Los Banditos" "gangs" within the LA County Sheriffs Department and LASP, to which Officer Escobar directed her to information made public.
Chief Business Officer Update
Mr. Wood, CBO, provided the CBO update, with highlights as follows:
* Commended LASP.
* We're winding down the school year and preparing for 22-23.
*We'll be refining our spending on Categorical Funding and CARES funding.
* CA May Revise based on anticipated increased funding; surpluses expected to favor education, including the likely inclusion of a COLA increase of 6.6%, with another possible 2-3% increases.
* More one-time monies proposed. Hopefully, we'll know by June 15th, and then we can present information to the board during the regular board meeting the following week.
* Mr. Wood will discuss more financial information during the Investment and Financial Updates later during the meeting.
Committee Updates
Capitalization Projects AD HOC Committee - Ms. Malconian noted that the committee met earlier in the month at the Shoup campus and toured the facility and discussed improvements planned and/or in progress.
Executive Director Evaluation Committee - N/A
Finance and Investment STANDING Committee - Ms. Malconian noted that the committee met earlier in the month and reviewed all financial/investment-related materials and made recommendations for today's meeting.
Technology - N/A
Travel - N/A
Board Chair Report
Mr. Wright thanked the teachers, including Mrs. Niven, and introduced Mr. Jacob Freedberg, ECR's woodshop teacher, who provided the following highlights:
*This has been one of the best years of his life.
* Wood Shop is part of the Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway.
* Provides a valuable lifeline to those who are inclined toward vocational career paths outside of education, including carpentry, plumbing, and electrical positions.
* Trying to expand CTE pathway offerings, including bringing in OSHA certification and registering Wood Shop into Skills USA competition.
* Looking at providing internships for students who won't be going to college
Thanked the Board for inviting him to speak.
II. Consent
Approve Minutes of April 28, 2022, Regular Board Meeting
Ms. Ibach and Mr. Solkovits both absent.
Roll Call | |
Steven Kofahl |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Gregg Solkovits |
Brad Wright |
Danielle Malconian |
Linda Ibach |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Review and Vote on April 2022 Check Registers
Prior to the vote, Mr. Wood provided an overview of the three accounts and noted that the items had been presented during the recent Finance and Investment Committee meeting and his report from that meeting stands.
Roll Call | |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Steven Kofahl |
Brad Wright |
Gregg Solkovits |
Linda Ibach |
Danielle Malconian |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Review and Vote on April 2022 Credit Card Charges
Prior to the vote, Mr. Wood provided an overview of the credit card charges and noted that the items had been presented during the recent Finance and Investment Committee meeting and his report from that meeting stands.
Roll Call | |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Steven Kofahl |
Gregg Solkovits |
Linda Ibach |
Danielle Malconian |
Brad Wright |
III. Investment
April 2022 Investment Update
Mr. Wood, CBO, and Mr. Breller, Beacon Pointe, provided the April 2022 Investment Update, with highlights as follow:
Mr. Breller presented the following information:
* Discuss economic conditions; volatile quarter economically and impact on the markets; strong Q4 GDP growth; interest rate hikes adversely impacted markets; GDP growth and measures to battle inflation; fed's number 1 job is to engage in quantitative easing and tightening; fed. funds rate .75 basis points; we want a soft landing.
* Slide 3 explains this; how do we deal with financial repression, keep interest rates low, but now raising rates; we thinks about value vs. growth, large vs. small cap., and other risk-off factors; late cycle dynamics.
* US Equity Sector - stocks and bonds down; got to point in mid-May wherein we hit a 20% decline, which is a Bear market; market didn't close at 20% but it was an intra-day 20%, and closed at 19%+. Down stocks and bonds; energy sector up, with eight others down; we want to be in Value and not in Growth, although it's been good to be in Growth over the past year.
* Summary of OPEB Account - Stocks down in S&P and greater in International; account down and policy index down, too. What didn't work were some of the managers in our equity allocations, although they did well in the period prior. We review the portfolio and managers to determine if any adjustments need to be made. None recommended at this time. Also, Alternatives and fixed income are working.
Mr. Wood noted that we have an investment policy guideline to guide and ensure that our investments are within the policy. Based on custodial statements, we check in and ensure that we rebalance if need be to stay within the policy range.
Slide 31 - General Fund - results; 30-40% fixed income maturities are short term and portfolio performance was more insulated than that of the OPEB.
IV. Financial
April 2022 Financial Update
Mr. Wood provided the April 2022 Financial Update, with highlights as follows:
*Noted our partnership with ICON School Management and John Arndt.
* The report stands as submitted to the Finance and Investment Committee prior to this meeting.
*The balance sheet looks healthy, in terms of our assets and cash analysis, all the various accounts we have, and the cash position is strong. Profit and loss and expenditures are where they should be, and we should improve revenues in the month of June.
* Noted that he will provide a look at the ASB Trust accounts each month.
Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Update
Mr. Wood, CBO, provided the month 9 ADA report, with highlights as follows:
* Mr. Wood noted that our budget is based on Month 8 data; we're in month 9;
* Mr. Wood had provided this report/information to the Finance and Investment Committee at the recent meeting;
* Mr. Wood noted that the report stands as submitted during that meeting for this meeting.
Ms. Lopez-Vargas asked if we know what we might expect in the way of LCFF based on ADA, to which Mr. Wood noted that we do not yet know. He noted some options, including the possibility of using prior year's enrollment or an average of the last three years' enrollment. He will inform us what he learns.
V. School Business
Discussion on 2022-2023 Budget Updates and Vote on 2022-2023 Textbook and IMA Budgets
Prior to the vote, Mr. Wood provided an overview of the proposed Textbooks and IMA Budgets, $743,702 (Textbooks) and $397K+ (IMA), respectively.
Mr. Wood and Ms. Malconian noted that these items had been discussed during the Finance and Investment Committee meeting.
A subsequent request by the Math Department for a Statistics Book series purchase brings an adjusted/revised textbooks budget request total to $743,702 for full board consideration.
Roll Call | |
Brad Wright |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Linda Ibach |
Steven Kofahl |
Gregg Solkovits |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Danielle Malconian |
Discussion on Cafeteria Financial Summary and Vote on Food Service Provider via RFP Process
Prior to the vote, Mr. Wood reviewed the results of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process for food service providers, including scoring rubric.
Chartwells was rated highest overall on a rubric-documented number of categories for consideration.
Five year contract maximum, with one year commitment and year by year options to continue.
Mr. Wood noted that revenues would support the upgrade of our cafeteria, kitchen, including equipment and supplies, and possibly decor.
Roll Call | |
Alexandra Ramirez |
Daniela Lopez-Vargas |
Linda Ibach |
Brad Wright |
Danielle Malconian |
Steven Kofahl |
Gregg Solkovits |
Discussion of First Annual Employee Benefits Experience Survey Results for 2021-2022
Dr. Lowry provided an overview of the First Annual Employee Benefits Experience Survey Results for 2021-2022, with highlights as follows:
*. This survey will occur annually
* Survey results demonstrate that a large majority of benefits-eligible employees are Very Satisfied or Satisfied with their medical, dental, vision, and/or supplemental benefits coverages and plans.
* We acknowledge some people expressed disatisfaction with products, services, coverages/co-pays, and/or communication.
* Dr. Lowry will share the complete results, including comments, with all Board members, administration, teachers, and other benefits-eligible employees, as well as with our SISC representative(s) well ahead of our Open Enrollment Period in August 2022.
* Dr. Lowry noted that with Mr. Hussey's approval, Human Resources is going to extend the Open Enrollment Window Period by one week to start the Open Enrollment period on August 8th and the enrollment period will continue through August 26th.
* Dr. Lowry noted that the SISC representative will be coming to ECRCHS on or about 8/11 for employee benefits information sessions and will offer virtual information sessions on or about 8/18 to assist employees with questions, enrollment, options, and to address concerns.
Ms. Malconian asked if the survey results provided any reason for making any changes in the plan, to which Dr. Lowry noted that any change isn't his call, but that he noted the importance of communication about benefits products and services to and from HR and SISC to and from our employees. Noted the information sessions scheduled.
Mr. Hussey noted, too, that now that people are enrolled in SISC, in the system, it should be an easier Open Enrollment period this coming August 2022.
Discussion on Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) 22-23 Proposed Goals and Actions
Ms. Clark, Administrative Director, provided a brief overview of highlighted additions to the LCAP, which will be voted on during a subsequent Board Meeting:
1. Structure - State asked us to created the LCAP for the next three years (Goals and Progress).
Highlighted Information:
1. SBAC Scores increased since pandemic and are highest since 2014; met or exceeded.
2. Successes: safe/welcoming environment, tutoring, PSW, tutoring, etc.
3. Needs: Active shooter training; parents cited concerns about teacher/parent communication; administrator/teacher communication; mental health; school marketing plan/coordinator
4. Outcomes - Year One
Part-time EL bilingual assistant now included to hire;
Support teacher training and professional development
College and Career Readiness professional development
Early Identification of students who need intervention
Equity Advisory Expansion and School Plan
Student Roundtables to obtain feedback
Develop Comprehensive Attendance Plan (Chronic Absenteeism and how this information is communicated)
Parent engagement - teacher/parent engagement - parents want more communication; parents want to ensure schoolwide communication gets out to parent; establish a social media presence and show administrative faces in the community.
Marketing coordinator
Supporting social emotional wellness - Wellness Center expansion and upgrades; grant funding available; data on tardies a great concern; tardy sweeps; possible hiring of more security personnel; possible Saturday School/Detention
Furniture upgrades; $500K to restart the process; we will address a certain number each year.
Mr. Hussey noted that this item will be voted on at the next Board Meeting.
Discuss Collective LAUSD SELPA Notification Letter
Mr. Hussey, Executive Director, noted that this letter allows for ECRCHS to opt to leave the LAUSD's SELPA.
He noted that ECRCHS is happy with LAUSD's SELPA and does not currently have plans to leave the SELPA.
VI. Governance
Discuss Upcoming Board Openings
Mr. Hussey noted that one community member position is coming due, with Mr. Wright having taken over the position from Mr. Ryburn with that position coming due, so we need to begin the process of securing community members.
Recommends a two-week period, as follows:
1. June 3rd-17th - Applications period
2. June 18th-22nd - Vetting process via committee (ad hoc)
3. June 23rd - Recommendation
Committee Members:
1. Lopez-Vargas, D.
2. Kofahl, S.
3. Ramirez, A.
Board entered Closed Session at 7:08 p.m.
VII. Closed Session
Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release
Item(s) discussed/voted.
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
Item(s) discussed.
Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
Item(s) discussed.
Conference with Labor Negotiators
Item(s) discussed.
Public Employee Performance Evaluation
Item(s) discussed.
Board reconvened to Open Session at 8:10 p.m.
VIII. Reconvene to Open Session
Report on Actions Taken in Closed Session, If Any
After returning to Open Session that the Board voted unanimously to release the findings of one (1) Confidential Investigation Report to the Complainant.
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Voice vote.
Mr. Camp led Board meeting attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America (USA).