El Camino Real Charter High School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 24, 2019 at 4:30 PM


El Camino Real Charter High School, Library, 5440 Valley Circle Boulevard, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

For board meeting materials, please go to the school's main office, or call (818) 595-7500. Some board meeting materials are also posted in the school's website (https://ecrchs.net - click the ECR Board tab).


El Camino Real Alliance (“ECRA”) welcomes your participation at ECRA’s Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of ECRA in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our charter school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/ participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:

1. Agendas are available to all audience members at the door to the meeting.
2. “Request to Speak” forms are available to all audience members who wish to speak on any agenda items or under the general category of “Public Comments.” “Public Comments” is set aside for members of the audience to raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda. However, due to public meeting laws, the Board can only listen to your issue, not respond or take action. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes and total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed thirty (30) minutes. A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall have twice the allotted time to speak.  The Board may give direction to staff to respond to your concern or you may be offered the option of returning with a citizen-requested item.
3. You may also complete a “Request to Speak” form to address the Board on Agenda items. With regard to such agenda items, you may specify that agenda item on your “Request to Speak” form and you will be given an opportunity to speak for up to three (3) minutes before the item, and total time allocated to agenda items will not exceed six (6) minutes for a discussion item and nine (9) minutes per vote item.  A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall have twice the allotted time to speak, and the total allocated time shall be appropriately increased as well. 
4. When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to adhere to the time limits set forth.  In order to maintain allotted time limits, the Board Chair may modify speaker time allocations or the total amount of allotted time for an item.
5. Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to all, or a majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 5440 Valley Circle Blvd., Woodland Hills, California, 91367.

Consent Agenda: All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below.  Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removed from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board votes on them.  The Executive Director recommends approval of all consent agenda items.


Teleconferencing will be available at the following locations:

                ECR College & Career Independent Study Program
                7401 Shoup Avenue
                West Hills, California  91307

                REPS & Co.
                4141 Jutland Drive #300
                San Diego, California  92117

Members of the public attending a meeting conducted via teleconference do not need to give their name when entering the conference call.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, El Camino Real Alliance may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to Daniel Chang, in person, by email at d.chang@ecrchs.net, or by calling (818) 595-7537.

Directors Present

Beatriz Chen, Brian Archibald (remote), Darin Ryburn, Jeff Davis, Kenneth Lee, Scott Silverstein, Steven Kofahl

Directors Absent

Gregory Basile

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Darin Ryburn

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

Brian Archibald

Guests Present

Alan Darby, Daniel Chang, David Hussey

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Scott Silverstein called a meeting of the board of directors of El Camino Real Charter High School to order on Thursday Oct 24, 2019 at 4:42 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Pledge of Allegiance


Public Comments

There were no public comments on non-agenda items.


Executive Director Update

Mr. Hussey recognized the staff who, during the Saddle Ridge Fire school closure, assisted in sending out messages and directing parents and students to ensure that everyone was picked up quickly and safely.
Mr. Hussey also noted that a phone message and text was sent out to staff stating that we are monitoring the Canyon Country fire carefully, and will determine this evening whether the school will need to be closed the next day.
To date, a total of 189 students were provided bus passes.  We are having issues with MTA in getting the permanent cards for students; the temporary cards are only good for one month, but it takes MTA 6 weeks to issue the permanent cards.  Also, MTA mails out the cards directly to the students, but they cannot be used until ECR loads them.  We also have to figure out the appropriate way to charge reduced meal students.  It is also challenging getting data because the cards were handed out in phases.
Last week, the governor signed Senate Bill 328 into law; this law requires all schools to start no earlier than 8:30 am starting the 2022-2023 school year.  We will coordinate with LAUSD to ensure that we start the new schedule at the same time as the surrounding schools.  We will also work with UTLA on this issue, since the UTLA Collective Bargaining Agreement ends in 2021.  
Mr. Hussey also discussed Assembly Bill 1505, which was signed into law in October 2019 and affects charter petitions and renewals.  AB 1505 also requires a material revision to expand grade levels, and allows LAUSD to look at our special education population, our English Learner population, and the ethnic balance requirement if we were to seek a material revision.  And all charter school teachers must be credentialed, including any specialty credentials (such as for elective classes), by 2025.  The debate about this bill was that it seemed to discriminate against charter schools, as the district apparently does not have to abide by this restriction.
LAUSD had to come out to deal with a broken heating pipe; an asbestos removal notice was sent to all parents/guardians.  All ceramic kilns in B-15 had to be removed as the weight of the kilns could have potentially caused a cave-in.  
Mr. Hussey spoke with LAUSD regarding the bleachers; we may have to get DSA approval since we are replacing wooden bleachers with another material.  We may also replace the scoreboard, which may also require DSA approval.  
Regarding the CCTV, LAUSD will be getting us estimates soon for the work they need to do (such as insulation).
We will be realigning the student parking lot to include numbers for each stall.  This will help us better identify cars, and possibly allow us in the future to raffle off or sell parking spots.  The realignment will also include putting in arrows that will help traffic flow.  This will take place during Thanksgiving break.
Our LA School Policy officer was able to work with MTA to get students here earlier (7:45 am instead of 7:59 am) and also have 2 buses coming later at the end of the school day.  Also, the officer and members of the safety committee have worked to get the area immediately in front of the school changed to 2 hour parking between 9 am and 1:30 or 2 pm.  We are also working on getting more parking across the street.
We have made the transition to the 5GB line and have gotten the phone system put on the 1GB line.  This allows us to have redundancy, as well as providing better connectivity for the students and staff.
A meeting was held with the three other conversion schools; we are looking into combining our resources so that we can share costs and have collaborative activities.
We are reviewing the four goals for WASC in each department; the majority of the report will be completed and reviewed by December to prepare for WASC's visit in February.
We now have an e-sports team that will allow our e-sports team to compete online against other school teams.
School tours are underway; every tour has been fully booked through January.  This means that by the end of 2019, we will have had some 320 families tour the school.  Students are involved, and classrooms are visited to allow each program to discuss the strengths of their program.
We are looking to have an open house at ECR next year to reach out to those middle school students we are unable to reach.  Previously, we had been invited to middle schools in our area; this year, only Hale has invited ECR back, other schools have not invited ECR to their campus.  Mr. Silverstein questioned why this should not be done this year; Mr. Hussey noted that he would look into the possibility of starting the open house this year.
Open enrollment begins November 1st, ends January 10th.  Our lottery will be January 23rd.  We will begin enrolling local students November 4th so we have a better understanding of the number of kids we have in the area and the number of kids 
We have seen a huge improvement in our suspension rate, through the collaborative effort of the deans, the counseling office, the student services office, and the psychiatric social worker.  Last year we had 57 suspensions in the first 3 months; to date this year, we have 3.  This will reflect in a positive jump for us on the California dashboard.
We are in the beginning phases of developing a real world experiences and internship program.  Mr. Hussey will be talking with music producers about a program to teach our students about different aspects of the music industry.  Mr. Hussey and Ms. Ring have also reached out to a visual effects company about bringing a visual effects program to the Main Campus and the North Campus.  
Mr. Hussey also introduced Bennett Liss and Zach Liss, who are introducing a potential fundraising program called Buywiser, where people in the community who are selling their homes can designate 0.5% of the proceeds be given to ECR.  


Chief Business Officer Update

Mr. Darby stated that he had nothing new to report.  Ms. Chen questioned what had happened with the tree cleanup.  We have not gotten any new quotes for landscaping services.


Board Committee Updates

The Travel Committee did not meet since the last Board meeting.
The Tech Committee will report during the later agenda item.
The Finance Committee did not meet since the last Board meeting.

II. Consent


Approve Minutes of September 26, 2019 Regular Board Meeting

One modification, the minutes should reflect that Darin Ryburn was appointed as the chair of the Safety Committee.
Beatriz Chen made a motion to approve minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on 09-26-19 with the modification as noted. Regular Board Meeting on 09-26-19.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Steven Kofahl
Kenneth Lee
Gregory Basile
Brian Archibald
Scott Silverstein
Jeff Davis
Darin Ryburn
Beatriz Chen


Approve Minutes of October 7, 2019 Special Board Meeting

Beatriz Chen made a motion to approve minutes from the Special Board Meeting on 10-07-19 Special Board Meeting on 10-07-19.
Brian Archibald seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Financial


Review and Vote on September Check Registers

Brian Archibald made a motion to approve the September 2019 check registers.
Jeff Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


September 2019 Financial Update

John Arndt, CFO of ICON, gave the financial presentation.  Last year, our accounting was cash basis; this year, we have switched to accrual basis, which will help us stay compliant.  Fixed overhead costs, particularly salaries and benefits (including lifetime benefits) constitute 72.64% of our total budget; it is projected to be 74.3% by the end of the year.  Mr. Silverstein questioned whether this percentage of fixed overhead costs will be increasing over the next several years, and whether we need to make some adjustments in order to keep our margin the same.  Mr. Arndt stated that we would have some updates on the STRS rates, PERS rates, and state revenue allocations, by December 15th.  Also, a 93% ADA rate of enrollment is low for a charter school, we need to look into making that rate increase to 95% to 96%.  
Dr. Davis noted that ECR should look into having a grant writer on staff, who will bring in revenue to the school.


Discuss and Possible Approval of Revised Fiscal Policies and Procedures

This matter was tabled.


Discuss and Possible Approval of Revised Budget

This matter was tabled.

IV. School Business


Discuss Local Indicators for California School Dashboard

Letty Zane made a public comment regarding Palisades Charter High School's charter renewal petition approval, the LAUSD Board Meeting on October 15th, ECR's 2019 SBAC scores, and the School Site Council.
Mr. Hussey went over the Local Indicators for California Dashboard.  ECR has met standards for all 5 priorities listed in the Dashboard.  This was an assessment done by Mr. Hussey and the administration.  Mr. Silverstein questioned whether teachers could also be asked for their assessment.


Discuss and Approve Request for Allowance of Attendance

Mr. Hussey noted that the Allowance for Attendance was due to the school closure for the Saddle Ridge fire.
Steven Kofahl made a motion to approve the Request for Allowance of Attendance.
Jeff Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Scott Silverstein
Kenneth Lee
Jeff Davis
Beatriz Chen
Brian Archibald
Gregory Basile
Darin Ryburn
Steven Kofahl


Discuss and Possible Vote on Creating Board Resolution on Gun Violence and Safe Firearm Storage

Public comments were heard on this matter:
Maranissa Ephany, student and president of the Safe Promise Club, spoke in favor of having the Board adopt a resolution regarding safe firearms storage.
Sophia, student and representative of Students Demand Action, spoke in favor of having the Board adopt a resolution regarding safe firearms storage.
Leila Valens, student and representative of Students Demand Action, spoke in favor of having the Board adopt a resolution regarding safe firearms storage.
Amy Carter, teacher, shared the resolution of LAUSD's Board along with the cover letter sent by LAUSD.
Mr. Silverstein read LAUSD's Board's resolution into the record.  However, ECRA is not approving LAUSD's Resolution, but rather can send its own resolution with wording specific for ECRA, or can adopt LAUSD's resolution.  Also, Mr. Silverstein noted that ECRA is not taking a stance on gun ownership or control, but is merely sending out information on safe gun storage to stakeholders.
Dr. Davis asked whether parents/guardians would have to sign a tear-off acknowledging receipt of the resolution.  Dr. Davis noted that he would not be in favor of having parents/guardians sign multiple documents.  Mr. Hussey noted that the information could be sent out by newsletter, and the information could be added to the Parent-Student Handbook starting next school year and going forward.
Beatriz Chen made a motion to create a resolution on gun violence and safe firearm storage.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Beatriz Chen
Darin Ryburn
Jeff Davis
Scott Silverstein
Gregory Basile
Brian Archibald
Kenneth Lee
Steven Kofahl


Discuss and Possible Approval of Purchase of E-Rate Eligible Equipment

Letty Zane, parent and representative of Friends of ECR, spoke in favor of purchasing the e-rate eligible equipment.

Ms. Chen stated that the Tech Committee met on October 17th, during which time the network audit was reviewed.  The Committee looked into the upgrades that were needed as recommended in the audit, and discussed the quotes and e-rate funding to be applied towards any purchases made.  The Committee reviewed quotes from three different companies and the recommended company was Golden Star Technology (GST).  GST's quote was for approximately $221,000, which we would have to pay and then get the e-rate rebate for half of the total cost.  Ms. Chen noted that the budget included $285,000 for tech improvements, so the quote is within budget.
Darin Ryburn arrived.
Brian Archibald made a motion to approve the purchase of e-rate eligible equipment through Golden Star Technology.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Scott Silverstein
Darin Ryburn
Jeff Davis
Kenneth Lee
Gregory Basile
Steven Kofahl
Beatriz Chen
Brian Archibald
Brian Archibald left.

V. Closed Session


Conference with Legal Counsel: Anticipated Litigation

Closed session took place.


Public Employee Performance Evaluation

Closed session took place.


Public Employee Performance Evaluation

Closed session took place.


Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release

Closed session took place.

VI. Reconvene to Open Session


Report on Actions Taken in Closed Session, If Any

There were no actions taken during closed session.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Darin Ryburn made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Scott Silverstein