El Camino Real Charter High School


Board Retreat

Date and Time

Saturday March 2, 2019 at 9:00 AM


El Camino Real Charter High School, NORTH CAMPUS, 7401 Shoup Avenue, West Hills, CA 91307

Directors Present

Beatriz Chen, Brian Archibald, Darin Ryburn, Gregory Basile, Lisa Crosthwait, Scott Silverstein, Steven Kofahl

Directors Absent

Kenneth Lee

Guests Present

Daniel Chang

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Scott Silverstein called a meeting to order on Saturday Mar 2, 2019 at 9:03 AM.


Record Attendance and Guests

II. Training


Best Governance Practices

Ms. Corr discussed best governance practices for the Board.  Ms. Corr cited a study conducted by her firm that indicated the two most common reasons why charter schools closed were 1) finances, and 2) governance issues.
Ms. Corr discussed the Board's duties, and noted that it was not the Board's responsibility to manage, nor could the Board rubber stamp the administration's decisions.  Rather, the Board should set goals and hold the Executive Director (ED) responsible for reaching those goals, not dictate the methods for reaching the goals.  Ms. Corr recommended that the Board have the section in the Charter petition identifying the roles and responsibilities of the Board; Mr. Silverstein requested that Board binders be created.
The issue of the Board's role in approving contracts was discussed.  Staff should look into revising the Fiscal Policies & Procedures.
The Board questioned recent activities related to the Tech Department and what the protocol should be.  Ms. Corr advised that if the Board notes any deficiencies in the way matters are being handled, it should task the ED to investigate and take appropriate action, and evaluate the ED on his ability to resolve the issues.
Regarding handling complaints, Ms. Crosthwait noted that she advises parents who contact her to go through the appropriate complaint process.  The school's complaint process, including the expected response time for teachers and counselors and administration to respond to a complaint, will be evaluated.
The Board discussed the use of a consent calendar, noting that any Board member could have an item removed from the consent portion for further discussion, and that a member of the public could speak on an item in the consent calendar.
Ms. Corr stated that perhaps the most important role of the Board was to evaluate the Executive Director.  Also, the Board should self evaluate, and each Board member should be polled as to how Board meetings have taken place.


Board Discussion on Various Topics Related to Governance and Goals and Objectives

The Board discussed setting strategic goals, instead of just being reactive.  Mr. Silverstein noted that LAUSD is strategically blocking having its students come to our school, and he believes that ECR must strategically plan for ways to get around the blockade.  
The Executive Director Evaluation Committee set goals for the Executive Director; Committee Chair Mr. Lee met with the Executive Director to discuss those goals.  Those goals should be discussed with the Board, possibly in closed session.
Ms. Corr noted that the Board's goals should be goals for the Board, not goals for the overall school - school goals are covered in the LCAP, which the Board reviews and approves.  Goals that do not fit into the LCAP areas can be discussed and strategically planned.  The Board should not be recommending specific programs or specific curricula for the school.
Mr. Archibald stated that he would think 1 year goals for the Board should be efficient meetings, effective governance, proper financial controls, and clear goals and guidelines for Executive Director evaluation.  And then 5 year goals would be an effective transition structure, an environment for increasing academic performance, improved financial health, and a proactive growth strategy for the student body.
The Executive Director is in charge of running the entire school, and it is his responsibility to staff the Business Office, the IT Department - a strong team in all areas.  
As to Board size, it is unclear at this time when or if LAUSD will send another representative.  The next meeting's agenda will include an item for the Board to discuss whether to add or decrease the size of the Board.
Ms. Corr asked as to whether the Board was aware of the mission statement of the school.  She stated that the mission statement and the vision of the school be robust and clearly stated.  At the next Board meeting, the Board will discuss this matter and possibly appoint a committee to evaluate the school's vision and mission, in partnership with administration.  Mr. Archibald suggested that the committee members communicate with the feeder schools to determine what they would like to see.
As to Board attendance, Mr. Silverstein noted that, while all Board members are professionals and scheduling conflicts come up, the Board members made a commitment and missing meetings have become an issue.  The Board discussed whether a specific policy identifying missing a specified number of meetings was required, or if the Board should fall back on the bylaws which allows for the removal of a director, with or without cause, by a vote of the majority of the Board members.  This will be put on the agenda to vote, with a tentative number of 3 regular Board meetings missed will constitute cause for removal.
As to Board participation at school events, there is a mention of this in the draft policy provided by Ms. Corr, which will be evaluated.
The Board discussed successful strategies for committees.  It was noted that a Finance Committee would be beneficial.  Mr. Archibald will come up with guidelines to present at the next Board meeting.  The Finance Committee would also stay informed as to the investments for the lifetime benefits fund.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Gregory Basile made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Brian Archibald seconded the motion.
The team VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Chang