El Camino Real Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 28, 2019 at 4:30 PM


El Camino Real Charter High School, NORTH CAMPUS, 7401 Shoup Avenue, West Hills, CA 91307

For board meeting materials, please go to the school's main office, or call (818) 595-7500. Some board meeting materials are also posted in the school's website (https://ecrchs.net - click the ECR Board tab).


El Camino Real Alliance (“ECRA”) welcomes your participation at ECRA’s Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of ECRA in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our charter school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/ participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:

1. Agendas are available to all audience members at the door to the meeting.
2. “Request to Speak” forms are available to all audience members who wish to speak on any agenda items or under the general category of “Oral Communications.” “Oral Communications” is set aside for members of the audience to raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda. However, due to public meeting laws, the Board can only listen to your issue, not respond or take action. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes and total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed thirty (30) minutes. A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall have twice the allotted time to speak.  The Board may give direction to staff to respond to your concern or you may be offered the option of returning with a citizen-requested item.
3. You may also complete a “Request to Speak” form to address the Board on Agenda items. With regard to such agenda items, you may specify that agenda item on your “Request to Speak” form and you will be given an opportunity to speak for up to three (3) minutes before the item, and total time allocated to agenda items will not exceed six (6) minutes for a discussion item and nine (9) minutes per vote item.  A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall have twice the allotted time to speak, and the total allocated time shall be appropriately increased as well. 
4. When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to state their name and adhere to the time limits set forth.  In order to maintain allotted time limits, the Board Chair may modify speaker time allocations or the total amount of allotted time for an item.
5. Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to all, or a majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 5440 Valley Circle Blvd., Woodland Hills, California, 91367.

Consent Agenda: All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below.  Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removed from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board votes on them.  The Executive Director recommends approval of all consent agenda items.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, El Camino Real Alliance may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to Daniel Chang, in person, by email at d.chang@ecrchs.net, or by calling (818) 595-7537.

Directors Present

Beatriz Chen, Brian Archibald, Gregory Basile, Kenneth Lee, Lisa Crosthwait, Scott Silverstein, Steven Kofahl

Directors Absent

Darin Ryburn

Guests Present

Alan Darby, Daniel Chang, David Hussey

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Scott Silverstein called a meeting of the board of directors of El Camino Real Charter High School to order on Thursday Feb 28, 2019 at 4:34 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Pledge of Allegiance


Public Comments

Helen Fouras, parent and president of FOECR, thanked everyone who helped with the 50th Anniversary Gala.  The next event is the Carnival from March 22 thru 24; community service hours will be given to students who volunteer.  


Student Presentation

Ms. Ring presented the ECR Step Team, coached by Jamal West and Evan Coleman.  This past Saturday, the Step Team won 2nd place at the Best of the Bay Step Competition in Oakland, California, and will be performing on April 27 at the West Coast National Step Competition in Las Vegas, Nevada. 


Executive Director Update

AP Expo Night took place on February 7th; over 20 AP teachers and over 350 parents and students attended.
High School Transition Night will take place on March 18 at 6 p.m.  A new format will be tried this year.
Black History Month was observed throughout February.
Programming for the 2019-20 school year has started.
ECR's cheer was invited to be part of the opening episode for America's Got Talent.
Powder Puff will take place on March 1.  
On March 23, there will be a re-dedication ceremony involving students, alumni, and community members.
Winter sports results were discussed; Spring sports is starting up.
Under the Modified Consent Decree, all benchmarks were met in Student Support Services as of the last benchmark date.
FCMAT visited ECR again, to look at ECR's human resources and payroll policies.  They will be back in 6 to 8 weeks to give us their feedback.
Charter Schools Division came to ECR's main campus and also visited the North Campus, in conjunction with the submission of the material revision for the North Campus.


Chief Business Officer Update

The LAUSD Board vote on the material revision for the North Campus will hopefully be on April 2, 2019.  
Mr. Darby is working on the CUP revision regarding the use of the North Campus property; this process should take a few months.
FCMAT was asked back for their guidance and assistance; they will receive
Prop 39 project was completed.  There is one payment we owe of @ $58,000, and we will receive a rebate of $96,000; the payment will not be paid until the rebate is received, which should take place in the next few months.
Starting next month, American Express statements will be provided to the Board on a monthly basis.
We are working on putting a proposal together for prefabricated buildings for Alternative Education, two levels with elevator units.
Mr. Darby also noted that he is considering a proposal to improve the football stadium bleachers.


Board Committee Reports

Travel Committee - a meeting took place earlier this month to approve a trip for the Robotics Club to a competition, and a trip to an educational symposium for AP Minitia Clark.

II. Consent


Approve Minutes of January 24, 2019 Board Meeting

Brian Archibald made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 01-24-19 Board Meeting on 01-24-19.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes of January 24, 2019 Special Meeting

Beatriz Chen made a motion to approve minutes from the Special Meeting on 01-24-19 Special Meeting on 01-24-19.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Financial


Review and Vote on January 2019 Check Register

Mr. Kofahl noted that he would be abstaining from the vote because he did not receive a copy of the check registers in his packet.  
Ms. Crosthwait asked about the December check registers, particularly as to the Kelly Services for the Tech Dept.  Mr. Darby stated that the workers requested through Kelly Services occurred outside the process.  If the Tech Dept. needs substitutes in the future, they need to go through the process.  Ms. Crosthwait asked as to how invoices were double paid; Susan Kim noted that it was because Kelly somehow put different invoice numbers for the same bill.
Brian Archibald made a motion to approve the January 2019 main check register.
Gregory Basile seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Scott Silverstein
Lisa Crosthwait
Gregory Basile
Kenneth Lee
Beatriz Chen
Steven Kofahl
Darin Ryburn
Brian Archibald
Beatriz Chen made a motion to approve the January 2019 trust account check register.
Brian Archibald seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Steven Kofahl
Gregory Basile
Darin Ryburn
Scott Silverstein
Beatriz Chen
Kenneth Lee
Brian Archibald
Lisa Crosthwait


January 2019 Financial Update

The current forecast is essentially unchanged from last month.  
In looking at expenses, some of the expenses are already at 100% of budgeted, because some of the items (such as textbooks) were purchased at the beginning of the year.  
Mr. Archibald asked whether we should be concerned that the teacher salary component is at 59%, even though we are at a total of 52% of current forecasted budget spent.  Mr. Darby stated he is not concerned about the 59%, but rather at the possible revenue shortfall.  
Mr. Archibald also noted that last year, towards the latter part of the year, the use of substitutes went up significantly.  Mr. Darby noted that absences are a concern, but we are at 41% of the total forecasted amount so it is not too bad.  Mr. Hussey also noted that substitutes may also be called for field trips and events, not just teacher absences.
Mr. Archibald also asked about how the variance has different numbers in different slides; Mr. Darby indicated that he would speak with EdTec and get the answer.
Ms. Chen asked about the ADA credit for the two days closed due to the fires and the reduced attendance due to the shooting threat; Mr. Hussey advised that LA County of Education initially rejected our request for credit due to the school closure, but after receiving a breakdown of our instructional minutes LACOE approved our request and it has been forwarded to the California Department of Education, so we believe we will get credit for those days.  At this time, we do not know if we will get credit for the reduced attendance.
Mr. Silverstein questioned whether EdTec was contractually required to be at all Board meetings; based on Mr. Darby's review of EdTec's contract, they are only required to attend quarterly Board meetings in person or by telephone.  EdTec did offer to call in to this Board meeting, but Mr. Darby did not feel they were needed.


Review and Possible Approval of Second Interim Report

The Second Interim Report is the same information that was presented at the January Board meeting, now has to be approved by the Board.
Brian Archibald made a motion to approve the Second Interim Report.
Lisa Crosthwait seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. School Business


Tech Update and Status of IT Audit

Ms. Chen stated that she spoke with NIC Partners, and they have agreed to conduct the audit of almost all the inventory (absent software licenses) without raising the price.  
Mr. Camp spoke on the changes in the Tech Department.  This includes improving communication with the Business Office, and having Mr. Camp be the approver for all tech purchases up to $10,000.  Mr. Camp also spoke on staffing for the Tech Department.  This includes hiring a Director of Student & Teacher Technology, who will be directly under the Chief Information Officer.  The CIO will focus more on the infrastructure, and the Director will focus more on technology integration in the classroom.  There will be cross-training as well to make sure that all tech staff are able to assist.  Mr. Archibald questioned the work flow, given that some of the jobs (Data Systems Analyst and Network Analyst) are infrastructure related but are under the Director of Student & Teacher Technology.  Mr. Camp stated that he would work to modify the chart for improved efficiency with help from the Tech Committee members.  Also, Ms. Chen asked as to how much the budget would grow with the increase in personnel, given the legacy costs also involved.  Mr. Silverstein asked as to how much the tech budget is and how much the tech spend was to date; Mr. Darby stated that we are at 59% over budget to date.  Mr. Silverstein requested a Special Meeting be called next week to discuss the tech spending and the budget.
Regarding the upgrade to the internet system, the upgrade will save us money while improving our speed.  A question was raised as to whether this has to be voted on, given that the amount is less than the threshold amount of $50,000, even though it is a multi-year contract.  This will be reviewed.


Discuss and Possible Approval of Firewall Purchase

Our current firewall will expire in May, and so has to be renewed soon.  Tabled until the Special Meeting takes place.


Discuss and Possible Approval of Revised Classified Management Salary Table

The Board questioned whether the amounts were comparable to other conversion schools.
Gregory Basile moved to approve the Classified Management Salary Table.  There was no second, so the item did not proceed to vote.  The Board would like a clearer understanding of the difference between this Table and the Table previously approved.


Discuss and Possible Approval of Low Performing Students Block Grant

The Low Performing Students Block Grant would seek a grant of $280,592.  
Ms. Clark presented a chart, identifying that African American and Latino students had suffered significant drops in SBAC scores from 2015 to 2018, and noted that the gap between these scores and the scores for White students and Asian-American students was significant.  Based on that, it was decided that the funds would be used to assist these two student groups.  
Letty Zane asked if these numbers took out Free and Reduced Priced Meal students and special education students, since the grant could not be used for these two student groups.  Ms. Clark stated that identifying the FRPM and special education students within these student groups would be the next phase of the study.  Right now, the grant requires that we identify the demographic, and then identifying the number of students in each group is phase 2.    
Lisa Crosthwait made a motion to approve the Low Performing Students Block Grant, with some grammatical changes.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Discuss and Possible Approval of AB288 CCAP Partnership Agreement

Last month, we discussed offering Pierce College classes to ECR students on our campus, 10 different classes.  These are dual enrollment courses, they are courses offered during the day by Pierce instructors; this differs from concurrent enrollment, where Pierce classes are offered after class.  Most of the courses are introductory-level courses (except possibly Math 227, which is AP Statistics).  Mr. Hussey noted that we do not want Pierce to compete with our classes; most of the classes are not offered except for Psychology (we offer AP Psychology), Political Science, and Math 227 (statistics).  To be in this program, the student must agree to take all the classes.  Our goal is to have the students be in a cohort.
Steven Kofahl made a motion to approve the AB228 CCAP Partnership Agreement.
Beatriz Chen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


CBO Rumeneration

This was moved to after the closed session.
Mr. Darby requestsed that the Board consider whether he is entitled to a bonus, at the Board's discretion.
Mr. Archibald requested that, rather than have the Board decide whether a bonus is warranted, Mr. Hussey provide an evaluation and recommendation.

V. Closed Session


Conference with Labor Negotiators

Closed session took place.


Conference with Legal Counsel: Anticipated Litigation

Closed session took place.

VI. Reconvene to Open Session


Report on Actions Taken in Closed Session, If Any

There were no actions taken in closed session.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Steven Kofahl made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Lisa Crosthwait seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Chang