El Camino Real Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 19, 2018 at 4:30 PM


El Camino Real Charter High School, Library, 5440 Valley Circle Boulevard, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

For board meeting materials, please go to the school's main office, or call (818) 595-7500. Some board meeting materials are also posted in the school's website (http://ecrchs.net/ecr-board/).


El Camino Real Alliance (“ECRA”) welcomes your participation at ECRA’s Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Directors (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of ECRA in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our charter school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/ participating in our meetings, the following guidelines are provided:

1. Agendas are available to all audience members at the door to the meeting.
2. “Request to Speak” forms are available to all audience members who wish to speak on any agenda items or under the general category of “Oral Communications.” “Oral Communications” is set aside for members of the audience to raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda. However, due to public meeting laws, the Board can only listen to your issue, not respond or take action. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes and total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed twenty-five (25) minutes. The Board may give direction to staff to respond to your concern or you may be offered the option of returning with a citizen-requested item.
3. You may also complete a “Request to Speak” form to address the Board on Agenda items. With regard to such agenda items, you may specify that agenda item on your “Request to Speak” form and you will be given an opportunity to speak for up to three (3) minutes before the item, and total time allocated to agenda items will not exceed six (6) minutes for a discussion item and nine (9) minutes per vote item.
4. When addressing the Board, speakers are requested to state their name and adhere to the time limits set forth.
5. Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to all, or a majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 5440 Valley Circle Blvd., Woodland Hills, California, 91367.

Consent Agenda: All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be approved/enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below.  Unless specifically requested by a Board member for further discussion or removed from the agenda, there will be no discussion of these items prior to the Board votes on them.  The Executive Director recommends approval of all consent agenda items.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, El Camino Real Alliance may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to Daniel Chang, in person, by email at d.chang@ecrchs.net, or by calling (818) 595-7537.

Directors Present

Beatriz Chen, Bruce Takeguma, Darin Ryburn, Jonathan Wasser, Lisa Crosthwait, Steven Kofahl

Directors Absent

Scott Silverstein

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Darin Ryburn

Guests Present

Alan Darby, Daniel Chang, David Hussey

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Jonathan Wasser called a meeting of the board of directors of El Camino Real Charter High School to order on Thursday Apr 19, 2018 at 4:35 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Pledge of Allegiance


Public Comments

- Zevy Malmeth - spoke as a representative of the marching band and jazz band, concerns with music program staff.
- Sydney Rupp - spoke regarding concerns with music program staff.
- Claudia Aburime - spoke regarding concerns with music program staff.
- Eric Harrison - spoke regarding the grade gap, students who are struggling and not getting the help they need.  Requests that after-school tutoring be continued, including into the summer.
- Nathan Freed - spoke in support of music program staff. 
- Nikolaus Wylie - spoke regarding concerns with music program staff.
- Ella Lehavi - spoke regarding music program staff, and her positive experience with orchestra.
- Natalie Rajabi - spoke regarding music program staff, and her positive experience with orchestra.
- Lindsay Gonor - spoke regarding concerns with jazz band.
- Susana Cortez - spoke regarding music program staff, and her positive experience.
Darin Ryburn arrived.
Mr. Wasser requested that Mr. Hussey follow up and bring any issues regarding the music program to the Board as appropriate.   Also requested that the after-school tutoring issue be looked into.
Mr. Takeguma commended the students who spoke for standing up and speaking out.


Board Candidate Statements

- David Brandt, Classified Representative candidate, spoke.  Class of 1973; son also graduated from the school.  Friends with Diane Wynne, who recommended he apply for the position.  Credentialed teacher in elementary school general education.  Experience with special education programs.
- Kenneth Lee, Classified Representative candidate, spoke.  Former principal of El Camino Real, was principal at San Fernando High as well, now retired.  Taught elementary, middle, and high school, including special education.
- Dr. Ben Drillings, Community Representative candidate, spoke.  Chiropractor, opened a vocational school, currently has 3 centers.  President of San Fernando Valley Chiropractic Association.  Had 1 child who graduated and 1 who currently attends El Camino.  Stated his specialty is in fundraising and community-building.
- Beatriz Chen, current Community Representative and candidate, spoke.  Practicing attorney, graduated from El Camino.  


Executive Director Update

ECR's Academic Decathlon Team is competing in nationals today and tomorrow, and results will be announced on Saturday.  A pep rally will take place on Monday at 10:20 a.m., to recognize all groups and teams who have won accomplishments or awards, including AcaDeca.
Folders given to substitute teachers include safety information, maps, charts, and if a new sub they will have the folder reviewed with them.
NJROTC's academic team scored the top 3 spots in the country in a recent competition.
Mr. Hussey thanked the students, the teachers, and all staff involved in the SBAC testing.  Special thanks was conveyed to the intervention team who set everything up.  
Next bargaining session with UTLA is coming up.


UTLA Update

Mr. Monroy noted that tomorrow is 4/20, so a lot of schools are participating in a walkout.  Our students will not be walking off campus, but they will be spelling out a letter in the athletic field.  And other schools have been asked to participate in #SafeSchools, each spelling out a letter to form the words.
Also, the next UTLA bargaining session will be tomorrow, and noted that we are almost done with the reopeners, and we can begin negotiating the new contract.


Committee Reports/Updates

Tech Committee has 2 agenda items to discuss.
Safety Committee has nothing to report.  


Recognition of Outgoing Board Members

The Board would like to recognize and thank Diane Wynne and Julie Kornack for their service to the Board and to the school.

II. Consent


Approve Minutes of March 15, 2018 Board Meeting

Mr. Ryburn asked if LAUSD had been contacted regarding acting as a sub-contractor to operate their campuses; if not, staff is asked to please follow up on this.  
Beatriz Chen made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 03-15-18 Board Meeting on 03-15-18.
Lisa Crosthwait seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes of March 15, 2018 Special Meeting

Darin Ryburn made a motion to approve minutes from the Special Meeting on 03-15-18 Special Meeting on 03-15-18.
Steven Kofahl seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Financial


Review and Vote on February 2018 Check Registers

Ms. Chen asked if there was a specific line item for Tech in the check registry.  Mr. Darby said no, but it would be in the financials, and he can provide any specific information as needed.  
Mr. Kofahl asked regarding having greater detail available.  The general ledger has more detail and can be provided, but it is a large document.  Mr. Kofahl noted that the Board should be provided more detail in the check registers if it is being asked to approve them.
Darin Ryburn made a motion to approve the February 2018 Check Registers.
Lisa Crosthwait seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


February 2018 Financial Update

The 2nd Interim Financials report is one of the major financial reports provided to LAUSD.  This was already presented to the Board at the last Board meeting, and was already provided to LAUSD, but it has to be reviewed and voted on by the Board.  
The current Forecast shows a net income of negative $139,000, which is an improvement from the prior month's forecast.  
The governor's budget will be announced shortly, and the final LCFF rate will be updated accordingly.
As of February, 43% of the Shoup expenses have been budgeted.
The ending Cash Flow Balance is due to the significant one-time charges this past year.
Mr. Ryburn asked whether we are applying for additional grants.  If not, requested that we look into this.  Mr. Wasser asked that an update be provided at the next Board meeting.


Review and Possible Approval of 2nd Interim Financials

Darin Ryburn made a motion to approve the 2nd Interim Financials.
Bruce Takeguma seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Discuss and Possible Approval of Renewal of Line of Credit

We have a $5,000,000 line of credit through Hanmi Bank.  We do not have any specific plans to use it, but it only costs $500 to renew it and have it available.  Staff recommends keeping it open given the low cost involved.  
Darin Ryburn made a motion to approve the Hanmi Bank line of credit.
Bruce Takeguma seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Discuss and Possible Approval of draft 2016 Form 990 Tax Return

Mr. Ryburn questioned whether the names of Scott Silverstein, Bruce Takeguma, and Diane Wynne should be removed from Part VII.  If so, then Form 990 should be modified, and as modified it is approved.
Darin Ryburn made a motion to approve the 2016 Form 990 tax return, with modifications such that appropriate names be listed in Part VII.
Beatriz Chen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. School Business


Update on Closing the Achievement Gap

Mr. Hussey presented on this. During SBAC testing, community and career speakers spoke regarding career goals for students. There is a field trip that will take about 100 students to look at solar energy jobs. On May 5th, there is a RISE meeting and a bilingual parent meeting, and Board members are invited to the Latino parent summit. Student tutors are hired to work in the 7th period intervention program, and it may be beneficial to look into continuing this over summer school. We are looking to find the program that is most beneficial to students.


Discuss SafeSchools Plan and Other Safety Programs

We have foam tubing which we are testing out in a few classes to determine how they work for keeping doors open while being easy to close in the event of an emergency.
Mr. Dhillon spoke on the lockdown drill, which will be taking place shortly.  Mr. Ryburn asked if we are keeping communicating to the parents regarding the drills.  Mr. Dhillon replied that we post on social media to let parents know that the drills will be taking place, and then a phone call will be made to let parents know that the drills have been conducted.


Review and Possible Approval of Safe School Plan

The Comprehensive Safe School Plan identifies the goals and objectives, as well as related activities and resources needed.  This is a living document that is modified and updated annually.  LAUSD language is included in here.  Mr. Wasser asked that the Plan be sent to CSD.
Steven Kofahl made a motion to approve the Safe School Plan.
Lisa Crosthwait seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Tech Update

Mr. Delgado distributed a handout titled "Characteristics of a 21st Century Classroom" and discussed the highlights of the tech needs that would bring this about.  Ms. Chen noted that of the goals listed on the first page of the handout, we have accomplished many of the goals.  In fact, the only ones remaining are:  the Smartboards, which we have a 2 to 3 year plan on; and the 1:1 initiative, which is being presented tonight.  Mr. Takeguma asks if the staff has bought into the new technology being introduced in the class.  Ms. Chen noted that the teachers are being trained, and that training will continue through professional development.  Moreover, many teachers and the students are driving the push for new technology.  


Discuss and Possible Approval of Tech Upgrade

The details of the tech upgrade sought was brought up at the last Board meeting.  The Board is being asked to approve the 2 items that is in excess of $50,000, which are: the Web Content Filter, which is $61,682.97; and the Firewall, which is $83,835.  
Beatriz Chen made a motion to approve the purchase of the Firewall for $84,000.00, with a possible e-rebate of $26,500.00, and the Web Content Filter for $63,000.
Lisa Crosthwait seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Steven Kofahl
Beatriz Chen
Bruce Takeguma
Jonathan Wasser
Scott Silverstein
Darin Ryburn
Lisa Crosthwait


Vote on 1-to-1 Laptops

The "Characteristics of a 21st Century Classroom" includes the DaaS Subscription description (page 8), which is a hybrid buy/lease program.  The numbers are without the accidental insurance, but it includes the warranty, the hard cover case, and the white glove service.  This also includes tech support.  Insurance will cost $25.00 per unit, which the students will pay.  If LCAP students are unable to pay, we have a budget that would allow us to pay for those with financial hardship.  This self-insurance model is being used by Granada, and is working.  The numbers are based on 950 students per class, which is over our cap.  $415,000 in the first year, and $525,000 in the second year, for the 64GB and cost of insurance.
Tech obtained approximately 5 quotes, and the 3 best are in the handout.  Tech recommends the 64GB model, but the Board questioned whether it would be more prudent to approve the 128GB version, which is only $30,000 more for twice the capacity.  
Beatriz Chen made a motion to approve the 1 to 1 laptops for the 128GB models, including the purchase of accidental insurance of $25.00 per unit for the 2018-19 school year.
Lisa Crosthwait seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Steven Kofahl
Darin Ryburn
Scott Silverstein
Lisa Crosthwait
Jonathan Wasser
Beatriz Chen
Bruce Takeguma


Discuss and Possible Approval of Laptops for Each Special Day Program Classes

Since the Board approved the 1 to 1 laptops, the money for the COP Option 3 will be utilized to help pay for the 1 to 1 laptops.
Darin Ryburn made a motion to have the money for the COP Option 3 be used towards the purchase of the 1 to 1 laptops.
Beatriz Chen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Discuss and Possible Approval of CSUN Student Teaching Agreement

The Cal State University Northridge Student Teaching Agreement requires Board approval.  
Steven Kofahl made a motion to approve the Student Teaching Agreement.
Bruce Takeguma seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Governance


Report on Marketing Board Vacancies

The Board vacancies were advertised extensively, including posting on the marquee and in the newsletter; sending out some 50,000 emails; advertising through the Daily News; and sending out mailers.


Discuss and Possible Action on Board Vacancy

Regarding the vacancy for Julie Kornack's Community Representative position, the position needs to be filled for the remainder of the term, which ends June 30, 2019.  The position will be opened for those candidates who applied for the current vacancies; also, emails will be sent to those who had previously applied for prior elections.  The position will be opened on May 18th, and will remain open until June 8th.  
Darin Ryburn made a motion to open the process for the vacant Community Representative on May 18th, close on June 8th.
Bruce Takeguma seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closed Session


Conference with Labor Negotiators

Closed session took place.


Public Employee Performance Evaluation

Closed session took place.


Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release

Closed session took place.

VII. Reconvene to Open Session


Report of Actions Taken In Closed Session, If Any

There were no actions to report.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Steven Kofahl made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Bruce Takeguma seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel Chang