El Camino Real Charter High School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM PDT


El Camino Real CHS, Library, 5440 Valley Circle Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367


Section Number Topic Number Details
I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Pledge of Allegiance
  D. Teacher / Student Presentation

Teacher Gail Turner-Graham oversees student presentation for the Board.

  E. English Learner Advisory Council Presentation
Parent group led by Angel Lerma. The ELAC and Latino Literacy groups have been merged.
  F. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items and Agenda Items
  G. Committee and Board Updates
II. Consent
  A. Review and Vote March Board Meeting Minutes

Staff recommends approval.

  B. Review and Vote February Check Register
Staff recommends approval.Prepared by EdTec, ECRA's back office provider.
  C. Review and Vote Certification of Signatures

Staff recommends approval. This is an annual document that must be submitted to the Los Angeles County of Education. It must be signed by authorized bank signers and board members.

III. Governance
Academic Excellence
  A. Update: Board Elections

Upcoming vacancies is one community representative and one teacher representative.

IV. School and Policies
Audit Committee
  A. Update: School Website
  B. Update: Prop 39 and Energy Efficiency Projects

Opterra will provide a short presentation.

  C. Update: Local Control Accountability Plan

Committees have been meeting. Budget plan should be ready by the April board meeting.

  D. Update: Educator Effectiveness Funding Plan

This item will be up for approval in the May or June board meeting. Funds are being earmarked for 2 professional development days for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 academic year. This will not affect professional development coming from LCAP and general sources.

  E. Update: Fundraising
  F. Update: School Copying
CBO met with copy committee about new copier(s). The main copier's lease is expiring. Old copier will be replaced by two smaller, but faster copiers. No action on other copy machines. Estimated savings between $10 to 20K/year. Copying capacity in copyroom will more than double.
  G. Discussion: Tennessee and Attending the National Charter School Conference
ECRA's position on the National Charter School's Conference if the Governor of Tennessee passes one or both of the bills that would prevent transgender K-12 students from using school bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity, and allow licensed therapists to withhold counseling to LGBT patients based on religious beliefs.One of the laws directly discriminates against students and may be a violation of federal law. 
  H. Update: Administration Report
  • School update.
  • Provide a board update of the special education request to examine staffing levels. In the June Board Meeting Minutes, "Jon Wasser brought up that concerns have been raised by some in the Special Education Department that their case numbers are increasing and exceeding Federal and State allowances and also the hours for the auxiliary school psychologists."
  I. Naerok Security Contract

Staff recommends approval. Naerok Security would fill in for vacancies and absences on an as needed basis. No change for existing campus security employees.

V. Financial
CEO Support And Eval
  A. Student Awards

Staff has no position for legal reasons. Student awards came up when a teacher overseeing speech and debate asked if the school can provide a cash equivalent award (e.g. scholarship, gift certificate, check) for a student who reached regional finals. ... Board will be voting to allow individual cash equivalent awards of up to $200 per individual or up to $600 per team, at the executive director's discretion, for students who represent and reach city, state or national finals. Financial need will be a strong considering factor. The award will be paid from converting the school's accumulated American Express awards into gift cards.

  B. February Financial Update by EdTec

Chang Patel is from EdTec, the back office provider that compiles and analyzes the financial statements for ECRA.

  C. ACH Transfer Ability to Check Signers

Staff recommends approval. Check signers on account may create and execute ACH (Automated Clearing House) transfers on behalf of the school. They may also order the CBO to create and execute transfers with written requests for each transaction. The primary reason for ACH transfers are for payroll.

  D. Assistant Principal Lisa Ring as a Purchase Authorizer

Staff recommends approval. Other purchase authorizers are assistant principals David Hussey and Dean Bennett.

  E. Update: ECRA's Retiree Benefit Trust
Current fund levels in the Trust are about $2.1MM. Signature Estate Investment Advisors will manage the funds using a balanced investment strategy (i.e. 50% equity and 50% fixed income).
  F. Update: CBO Report
  • ERP Status and implementation of new fiscal policies.
  • Business office changes to address turnover.
  • 2016/17 Budget
  • Financial statistics.
VI. Other Business
  A. Future Agenda Items
  B. Closed Session

To discuss unresolved collective bargaining issues.

VII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting