Brighten Academy
Brighten Academy Charter School Governing Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM
5897 Prestley Mill Rd, Douglasville, GA 30135
The Brighten Academy Governing Board will meet on Monday, November 18, 2024 at 6pm.
Directors Present
C. Burns Falker, C. Claiborne, D. Carter, J. Smith, K. Moses, M. Vitale, N. Lord, R. Finan (remote), R. Zackery, S. Battle
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
D. Davis
Non Voting Members Present
D. Davis
Guests Present
K. Bemus, K. Smith, S. Littles
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
II. Executive Director's Report
Staffing Update
- The Board discussed the proposed mid-year hire, who has gone through two rounds of interviews.
- The 3rd-5th grade intervention teacher role is still open
- Katie Smith would like to move forward with a certified teacher
- The teacher is Kristin Bronner
Facilities Update
PTO Update
- Mistletoe Market is on December 14th and would like to invite the Board to partner on the Breakfast With Santa.
- The PTO thanks the Board Members who stepped in to cook for Octoberfest.
Workplan Update
K. Bemus presented workplan data, focusing on habits of scholarship, crew instructions and grades earned in crew, which should
- Respectfully acknowledging others' points of view
- Fewer incidents of physical incidents
- Tracking well in term 1
- Know how to care for others
- Tracking well
- Responsibility for my words and actions
- Tracking well
The Habits of Scholarship can be tracked from teachers' grade books.
The school had its first OnARoll celebration for students demonstrating excellence in habits of scholarship. No information is available for staff participating in OnARoll nominations. K. Bemus stated that she does not have this information.
Writing Samples
- Monitored in grades 3-8
- October is the baseline
- Students are focused on: Idea Development, Organization, and Coherence
Surplus Data
Surplus Items:
30 computers
19 books
2 students chairs
66 outdated phones
III. Finance Committee
Birdies Golf Tournament Update
Date: April 3
Location: Chapel Hill
Time: 9 AM
Reginald explained day of duties to the board.
Same minimum buy in, same amount of golfers needed from last year
Contract should be received within the next week
Reginald will send out a link with sponsorship, previous golfers, an email to the board.
Cary and Jamilia suggested putting info in Remind and sharing with the PTO.
September Financials
IV. Policy/Governance Committee
Information Only: Policies Reviewed
h28 E1-E3. No changes
I1 Compliance with parent covenant: No changes
I2 Parent/student complaints and grievances: tabled for policy committee. Dr. Littles explained that verbiage needed to be revised to explain which admin handles specific topics.
V. Other Business
Fun Run Update
Jamilia explained Fun Run is a booster run to raise money. Fun Run sets up website and marketing tools to sell tickets. Typically setup takes eight weeks. The board has a goal of $10,000. Tentative date, February 28, 2025. No cost for the board up front. Fun Run does not receive funds until the school does, 13% fee.
Discussed grade levels that would participate. Matthew suggested K-5 only, with middle schoolers volunteering possibly.
Cary suggested we could offer both volunteer and runners for middle school.
Will vote on Fun Run first week in December
Upcoming County Events
Non profit informational event December 3 with the Douglas County Chamber
Annual Chamber meeting on December 10 at the DC Conference Center. Trent North, Chamber chair will present 2024 highlights and accomplishments
VI. Executive Session
Reginald gave background story of Angels in Progress, explaining that Angels and Progress is renting property owned by Brighten at Brookmont. Balloon payment should have been received from AIP on November 9, but we never received it.
AIP is in the process of receiving the loan. The loan will be in default if not received by November 29. They have asked for an extension to December 10, 2024.
Reginald is waiting on confirmation from the bank they are requesting the loan from to confirm that they have been approved.
Cary suggested that we look into the funds we already received to see if we can make the proper upgrades ourselves to make the property more marketable.
We will give AIP a 90-day extension, starting November 1, 2024, if AIP makes the November balloon payment and December payment.
Jamilia and Reginald will contact counsel and our CFO to explore our options and what impact different scenarios will have on our finances.
VII. Closing Items
Public Comment
Kristen Moses discussed the Public Participation Form and revisions that should be made. This is a rolling document, and not finalized yet.
Matthew emailed Mrs. Davis a concern that parents are dropping their kids off unattended at 7:05 AM and driving off. Mrs. Davis spoke with counsel, and explained that she will put a warning in the newsletter. Next steps will be targeting the parents and sending a follow-up to try to get an understanding of any barriers. Counsel suggested not pushing legal action.
The air conditioner has been repaired, according to Mrs. Donna Davis.