Brighten Academy
Brighten Academy Charter School Governing Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday October 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM
5897 Prestley Mill Rd, Douglasville, GA 30135
The Brighten Academy Governing Board will meet on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 6pm.
Directors Present
C. Burns Falker, C. Claiborne, N. Lord, R. Zackery, S. Battle
Directors Absent
D. Carter, J. Smith, K. Moses, M. Vitale, R. Finan
Ex Officio Members Present
D. Davis
Non Voting Members Present
D. Davis
Guests Present
K. Bemus, K. Smith, S. Littles
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
II. Executive Director's Report
Staffing Update
PTO Update
The President and the Vice President of PTO were present at the meeting.
They gave updates on Octoberfest (Oct 25th).
Mistletoe Market (12/14) was mentioned as well as Santa breakfast. There may be some collaboration with PTO and the Board on the Santa breakfast. The entrepreneur club will get a discounted rate for the market. Wish list will start soon, so that staff can take part. Teacher grants deadline will be March 31 or April 1.
Workplan Update
Kelly Bemus gave an update related to the work plan...
-she gave an update on the overall performance on the GMAS
-iReady data will be presented in January
-Georgia has a new monitoring req for Dyslexia and Brighten has started monitoring this data
-Leadership opportunity; this is an opportunity for the students to take part in leadership. This year's goal is to start an SGA
-The EL conference will take place in Atlanta this year and there will be student ambassadors present
-Discipline was presented
-Attendance rate is doing well at 95% of all students. Which means that they are attending 95% of school days
III. Finance Committee
Fundraising Updates
no additional updates
August Financials
tabled due to lack of qourum
IV. Closing Items
Public Comment
There was one item that was provided for public comment. The concern was around
communication policy between staff/admin and parents/guardians; in terms of time frame for returned communication. Follow up for next meeting
Board Comments
Katie Smith...
New 5th grade teacher started today, Ms. Emily Wilhoit
SPED para open
2nd grade para position open
3rd grade open since the untimely demise of Dr.S
Received a letter of resignation, 3-5 intervention teacher
Mrs. Sparks started her AP capacity but she still is in the classroom, AP on Wednesdays