Brighten Academy
Brighten Academy Charter School Governing Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday September 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM
5897 Prestley Mill Rd, Douglasville, GA 30135
The Brighten Academy Governing Board will meet on Monday, August 19, 2024 at 6pm.
Directors Present
C. Claiborne, D. Carter, J. Smith, K. Moses, M. Vitale, N. Lord, R. Finan, R. Zackery
Directors Absent
C. Burns Falker, S. Battle
Ex Officio Members Present
D. Davis
Non Voting Members Present
D. Davis
Guests Present
K. Bemus, K. Smith, S. Littles
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
II. Executive Director's Report
Safety Plan
Leadership Support
Mrs. Davis hired a consulting firm for leadership support. Kenya Elder with Lead180 Coaching and Consulting will mentor Mrs. Davis now through December 2024.
The question was asked how will Mrs. Davis mentorship trickle down to staff. Mrs. Davis explained that she will be able to better answer that questions once she completes the program.
Initial Assessment, goal setting, and HAB debrief
Strategic leadership
Board and Staff Relations
Action Planning
Staffing Update
Hired a new Para Professional. Mrs. Wilson is resigning, effective Wed
5th grade teacher position opened.
2nd and 8th grade para professionals are currenlty being reviewed.
Finance and Resource Specialist
Mrs. Baptiste and Mrs. Bradshaw is currently sitting-in while Mrs. Sbkineiu is out ill. 3rd grade classroom.
There is not a long-term plan in place as of yet, as we don't know the status of Dr. Sbkineiu's medical condition and when she will be able to return.
III. Executive Committee
Board Olympics Update
September 27 from 6-8pm. Ticket are sale, but we have not sold any tickets yet.
Jamilia asked if we could get a physical copy setup in the school to promote the bash.
Reginald explained that Kristen will attend the PTO meeting on Tuesday, September, 10th.
Jamilia asked Dr. Carter if she feels on-site ticket sales are effective. She explained, yes.
Communication has been made on Remind regarding the Board Bash.
Cary suggested displaying the QR codes outside during pick-up and drop-off to encourage parents to sign-up.
Dr. Carter suggested dress down passes for students who attend.
Mrs. Bemus suggested printing dress down passes to pass out during the Bash that students can turn in. This will streamline the process, improving it from last year.
Class with the most pre-sales will win a pizza party. The sales will be tracked in MySchoolBucks.
Board Assessment
Dr. Carter explained how to login on Board on Track to complete the Board Assessment. Dr. Carter encourged the board to answer honestly. A deadline is not in place, as Dr. Carter wanted to make sure that everyone is able to access it. Once everyone confirms access, the assessment will be due by next board meeting.
IV. Finance Committee
June Financials
Audit Update
Brighten Academy passed the audit.
V. Other Business
Executive Director
Mrs. Davis explained that she attended various trainings
VI. Closing Items
Public Comment
Question was asked if we have the push button notification. Mrs. Davis explained that the funding from our security grant is $47,000. She is unsure if we will have it in the budget.
Latoya Moore wanted to discuss the uniform policy.
Parent wanted to know if her child would be prepared academically for the GMAS due to Dr. Sbkineiu's leave of absence, and what is the protocol if the parent chooses to opt her child out of testing.
Board Comments
Brighten Academy will have a booth at September Saturdays on September 21st. The chorus and the band will perform. September Saturdays will be held from 11am-5pm.
Mrs. Davis explained that the Safety Plan was shared with staff in July. Explained that the template changed.
Mrs. Davis explained the safety plan, giving us an example from last week when the school had a surprise fire drill. Mrs. Davis explained her protocol which is getting the kids to a safe place and contacting the appropriate emergency response team.
Mrs. We have a crisis response team, emergency evacuation protocol, family assistance protocol, accident or illness, bomb threat, along with others.
We have security officers on campus 5 day a week. Cameras are on-site, and the police department patrols the grounds.
Numerous walks are done to ensure that the school is secured at all times.
We recieve security grant funding. The school is in the proccess of determining how to allocate funds.
Carey asked what is the protocol for students with mental health issues. Mrs. Davis explained that the technology in the school monitors what the kids type. If a student types certain words on the computer, teachers are alerted and the student and teachers have a discussion and attempt to de-escalate the situation.