Infinite Minds


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM


Virtual- Zoom

Directors Present

N. Pascale (remote), N. Pride-Womack (remote), R. Myles (remote)

Directors Absent

N. Ditto

Guests Present

K. Dixon (remote), R. King (remote), S. Johnson (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Pride-Womack called a meeting of the board of directors of Infinite Minds to order on Wednesday Oct 16, 2024 at 5:41 PM.


Approve Minutes

R. Myles made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Retreat on 09-18-24.
N. Pascale seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence


Committee Updates

Shandra, Denise, and Rachel discussed profile for leaders for Year 0 hires. 

Denise will provide a project plan with the outcome of scope and sequence for PD. 

Saturdays outcome will be the full project plan or develop internal process for work scope to develop leaders and core values for leader development and leader hiring. 


NPW: What is the target hiring date for the Fab 4?

RM: Consider competencies for all adults in the staff and those specific for leadership. Use this to make decisions about who we hire and why? Also how we exit people from the organization. How will we live these out?

SJ: We will use the application as the initial source and will consider all staff + leader competencies.

NP: Performance management tied to core values. Example: Think about specific behaviors. Ensure it is not too broad and loose. 

SJ: What evidence of this work would be helpful for you to see and give feedback on?

NP: Coaching framework and Performance management framework

III. CEO Support And Eval


Offer Letter

Next steps:

R. Myles - review and update Superintendent contract

N. Womack - investigate state benefits program 

N. Pride-Womack made a motion to issue an offer letter and contract to Rachel King to serve as the founding Superintendent of Infinite Minds to be hired as of September 23, 2024.
R. Myles seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
N. Pride-Womack made a motion to Allocate $600 to presumptive Superintendent Rachel King to COVER travel & lodging for TPCSA conference -- will ask Mrs. King to submit relevant receipts.
N. Pascale seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Superintendent Contract

The Board plans to move forward with the contract after additional review by R. Myles to ensure alignment with Infinite Minds needs.

IV. Development


Development Plan

NPW: Consider alternative option since Givebutter took a lot off top. Also update language from 10-in-10 but open giving option through holidays. 


Shandra: Specific ways to support


NPW: Is there something we can share or ways we can lean?


Charter School Growth Fund

NPW: Rachel and I need to connect to strategize about the relationship building to yield success with submission. 


RK: Week of the 28th


NP: Shropshire from IDEA is well connected. 


RM: Darryl Cobb is the President at CSGF


RK: We need a whole strategy around CSGF


Arlington Tomorrow Foundation

V. Facility


New Broker- CBRE

NPW: Initial market survey done, entire Arlington area so some spaces outside target zip code. We have 4 potential options, scheduled tour on Friday 10/18. More communicative than previous brokers, limited options in landscape. Also contacting local churches for shared space or the parking lot. More updates to come after tours Friday.

VI. Finance



RK: Provide updates re CSP & Line of Credit


NPW: When would we expect award letter?


NP: Do you remember Stacey Lawrence from Uplift? He is managing charter schools. Would you like to be connect. 


RK: Yes of course. 

VII. Governance



SJ: Value add and grassroots work with us. Ask are you willing to attend meetings with me and participate in community events?


NP: Consider the philanthropic side to personally give or make intentional connections. 

VIII. Other Business


Vendor Voting

N. Pascale made a motion to Select BambooHr for payroll to guide accounting integration.
R. Myles seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

Accounting Vendor Discussion:

NPW: Charter School Success seems great but I am unsure we can afford them. Region 20 is the least expensive and the least thorough. But they are ESC.

RM: I was thinking we should go with Region 20 and be plugged in with the ESC. But must integrate with BambooHr.

NP: I am going to connect with Stacey Lawrence and let's hold on decision with these options for accounting. 

RM: I know Stacey and would like to hold also and connect with Stacey Lawrence before making final decisions. 

NPW: I concur we can hold until November meeting. 


TPCSA Conference

RM: Network and vendors that specifically support start-ups. Benefits broker/ vendors, HRIS, performance management.  


SJ: Considering Genius Hour, curriculum or products that will support that work. 


NP: 2nd the thought about curriculum, EdTech for enrichment or subpops. Schedule meetings for later discussions. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Pride-Womack