Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School


May Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Trustees Present

B. Wilson (remote), C. Talero (remote), J. Patrick (remote), K. Mangual (remote), S. Mlynar (remote), S. Santo (remote), T. Almonte (remote), V. Singh (remote)

Trustees Absent

J. Almonte, J. Harris, K. Smith, M. Rosenthal

Guests Present

H. Pina (remote), J. Pichardo (remote), Lyann Arias (remote), Michelle Hoover (remote), N. Polanco (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Mlynar called a meeting of the board of trustees of Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School to order on Tuesday May 17, 2022 at 7:17 PM.


Approve Minutes

J. Patrick made a motion to approve the minutes from April Board of Trustees on 04-12-22.
V. Singh seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Committee Reports


Academic Committee Report (Director of CCS, Lyann Arias)

Alumni Engagement Data:

  • Covid has played a major role in the way that our Alumni engage with the schools 
  • Alumni response rate for the year 2021 has been good; when they are sought out they tend to respond relatively quick
  • The graduating class of 2020, is unfortunately less responsive due to the affects of COVID on their school year

Alumni Week:

  • This year we had our Alumni week from January 18-January 31
  • We focused the week on programming in CCS classes, with an emphasis on students utilizing Overgrad and YouScience 

Persistence Trends:

  • Academic Rigor & Transition: Some students are experiencing difficulties with transitioning back to in-person schooling
  • Some students are experiencing some financial constraints and even FAFSA application complications 
    • Some CCS Strategies to combat these issues:
      • Incentives such as book funds 
      • CCR courses that discusses a variety of transition topics 
      • Enrollment exit interviews to ensure we can provide better guidance with any ongoing issues the alumni may be experiencing 

College applications:

As of 5/9/2022:

  • Class of 2022 has submitted a total of 1,545 College Applications
    • 91% Students have Submitted a College Application
    • 84% Students have Accepted to a 4-Yr Institution
    • 62% Student have a made a Post-Sec Enrollment/Decision
    • 20% Students have met with the Alumni team to conduct an Matriculation Exit Interview


  • As of May 9th – Some students are experiencing enrollments issues 
    • 78% Students have Completed the FAFSA Application
    • 38% Students have Completed the TAP Application

PSAT/SAT Prep Growth

  • New partnership with Kaplan began this year

CCS Partnerships:

  • Camp Beyond: Summer employment opportunities as Camp Counselors are now accessible 
  • SEO Scholars: 9 students were selected to be apart of a week by week college access programming 

Culture Building: 

  • College trips are coming back; they have been on pause due to Covid
  • We kicked this off this spring by sending some of our students to Binghamton University and Utica University


  • We have been doing One on One's with the students to ensure they know they have someone that understands their current issues and are able to assist them with their next steps in life
  • We try to ensure they know about all possible resources offered to them while they attend IAL and after 
  • We connect current seniors to some Alumni on their "soon to be" new campus to ensure a smooth transition and seamless guidance
  • We host a Summer Kick-Off event to introduce current seniors to alumni
  • We also opened the Alumni lounge which creates a safe invited place for our alumni to come to and discuss certain issues with the CCS department of provide guidance for current seniors 
  • We encourage students to pursue a sense of belonging, and sometimes that may mean joining a Sorority or Fraternity on their campus; which we provide further guidance with.


HR Committee (Michelle Hoover)

Leadership Development:

  • In 2021, Christina Reyes scored 79% on the LVI + General Leadership Perspective
    • This is above average
    • These results show that she is being more thoughtful about her everyday presence
      • But may still be experiencing some issues delegating  
  • In 2022, Christina scored 80% 
    • This means she is improving on the way she is delegating and developing her team  
  • Executive Coaching
    • This is something new that we have implemented
    • 4 coaches for 4 leadership executives 
  • Creating a safe space with all departments
    • We have One on One's with department leaders to ensure we are addressing any issue 
    • We also have our departments meet with Michelle to better pin point any issues
    • We need to motivate those that do not regularly speak during meetings to voice their opinions/thoughts 


  • Delegating more to the leadership team 
  • Plan ahead of time for all goals that IAL would want to accomplish each year
  • Have a 5- 10 year visions, create the timelines, and stick to them 
  • We have to find the healthy balance between being forceful and appeasing our teams 

CEO Evaluations

  • These should be completed promptly; as soon as the link is sent out.


CEO Report/Executive Committee

Organizational Chart:

  • New organizational chart was introduced to all staff.
  • They need to know how we are expanding and how this may affect their current role
  • The High School is mostly affected with this new transition


  • The proposed amendment to the bylaws amends the term that each Trustee can serve
  • All Trustees will serve a two year term and be eligible for re-election of two more years
    • A maximum of 4 years serving on the Board 
    • This will be voted on in June's meeting


  • The State is encouraging in-person board meetings; we must begin transition 


Fundraising, Finance and Facilities

Review of the 2022-2023 Annual Budget

  • Per pupil funding has increased
    • Total number of students per charter: 960
    • Total number of students budgeted: 940
  • Revenue has also increased but so have expenses 
  • Biggest changes to the budget:
    • New salary scale (Teachers, Social Workers, Counselors, Speech Therapist)
      • Current Impact to Budget is an increase
      • Staff loves new salary scale
        • They are more motivated and can now further plan their own individual growth
      • This makes us sustainable for multi years as we expand to Elementary School
      • Makes Inwood Competitive in this market with other schools
  • Elementary school expansion
    • We have found an incubation space; biggest in the area
      • Initial impact will be on the reserves as we will have upfront cost we must cover
        • This would be needed to launch Grades K and 1st, and continue to expand every year thereafter 
      • Letter of Intent has to been approved by the board in order to move forward 
        • Resolution for transaction is to follow during next meeting
      • A test fit was done on the current middle school structure; this is also an option 
    • Permanent Sites:
      • We have a few options we are looking at, including one right next to our Middle School 
      • We are trying to go for the most cost effective growth process
      • Jenny will be sending our RFP's to some construction companies to get an understanding on how much all options would cost 


Executive Session

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Talero