Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School


Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 16, 2017 at 7:15 PM


Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School

Trustees Present

E. Siminerio, J. Looney, J. Patrick, M. Mahoney, R. Graham, T. Almonte

Trustees Absent

L. Rodriguez

Ex Officio Members Present

C. Reyes

Non Voting Members Present

C. Reyes

Guests Present

D. Canniff, J. Pichardo

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Graham called a meeting of the board of trustees of Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School to order on Tuesday May 16, 2017 at 7:15 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Mahoney made a motion to approve minutes Board of Trustees Meeting - Inwood Academcy on 04-18-17.
J. Patrick seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Executive Director Report


Executive Director's Report

C. Reyes discussed agenda items and location for the upcoming Annual Board Meeting, June 16, 17. 

C. Reyes promoted upcoming school events.

C. Reyes discussed personnel transitions and the 'new hire' onboarding processes and community building.

III. Board Committee Reports


Fundraising Task Force and Development Committee Report Out

J. Canniff shared the FY 2016 - 17 Gift Report to Date Summary,  the goal attainment process integrating the "Friends of" Board, and the end of the fiscal year appeal letter.

J. Canniff promoted upcoming community events.


Academic Accountability Report Out

J. Looney shared that the 15-16 CEO Evaluation results were shared with C. Reyes.  The report was developed by the CEO Evaluation Task Force.


Finance Committee / Facilities Task Force Report Out

T. Almonte updated the Board on the progress toward facilities acquisition.
J. Pichardo led a discussion on the the particulars for various financing options. 

The Board voted on the following resolution:

The Board of Trustees of Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School Education Corporation, a New York education corporation, at a duly constituted meeting of the Board help on May 16, 2017, does hereby approve and adopt the following resolution and directs that these resolutions be recorded among the minutes of the proceedings of the School:

Whereas, in conjunction with the Friends of Inwood Academy for Leadership Charter School, Inc., the School has finalized lease terms and documentation to secure for the School a new (to-be renovated) facility located at 3896 Tenth Avenue, New York, New York to house its student body, anticipated to begin with the 2018- 19 school year; 

Whereas, under the terms of the Lease, the School is required to guaranty the payment of rent and other expenses set forth in the Lease, as memorialized  in that certain Guaranty of Lease attached hereto as Exhibit B.

T. Almonte motioned to approve the above resolution; J. Looney seconded the motion.  The Board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion. 

M. Mahoney moved to adjourn the meeting and move to Executive Session.  T. Almonte second the motion.  The Board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Mahoney made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Almonte seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Looney