New Heights Charter School Board of Trustees


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 24, 2024 at 5:00 PM

New Heights Board of Trustees

Starting Time: 5:00pm

Location: 1105 W Chestnut Street 

Brockton, MA 02301

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Trustees Present

G. Bengen (remote), G. Gibson Sheffield (remote), G. Phillips, G. Swaby (remote), J. Charnel (remote), J. Radzevich (remote), N. Christ (remote), S. Bernard, S. Jackson (remote), V. Marturano, W. Lyttle

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

G. Bengen, V. Marturano

Ex Officio Members Present

O. Walker

Non Voting Members Present

O. Walker

Guests Present

J. Geier, K. Kendrick, M. Fernandes, M. Jean

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Phillips called a meeting of the board of trustees of New Heights Charter School Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Sep 24, 2024 at 5:03 PM.


Approved Board Members List


Roll Call


Reading and Approval of Minutes

J. Radzevich made a motion to approve the minutes from August Board Meeting on 08-14-24.
J. Charnel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Chairperson's Report (N/A)


Audit Report by Daniel Dennis Company

Colleen and D'Afonso and Valquiria Marcal summarize the audit from the summer. 


SB asks further clarification where there was a moderate risk on the 3rd ratio

  • The benchmarks are established due to the influx of the SR funds which causes this ratio to fall into the moderate fund due to the funds no longer being available

VM asks for an explanation about the pension liability's and how the system works? How the state system works and what actual obligations does the school have to MTRS?

  • It was brought up in the prior meeting: (insert finance committee response). 

VM asks so the only pension benefit that is of value to the employees of the school?

  • It is mandated and typically 11% by employees for current teachers.

-Whatever the number is, the school would not be financially responsible for down the road?

  • No. 

The school is in good financial health - thanks to Suzanne! 

G. Phillips made a motion to adopt the audit report.
J. Charnel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
G. Bengen arrived at 5:15 PM.
V. Marturano arrived at 5:20 PM.

III. Executive Director's Report


Enrollment/Lottery Report

LP presents the Enrollment Report as of 9.24 - 734 students enrolled and working with a family to fill that final seat to bring us to 735. 


6th: 109

7th: 110

8th: 117

9th: 103

10th: 89

11th: 99

12: 107 


186 students currently on our waitlist majority of students being in the 10th grade


OW speaks on the October 1st tuition projection and need 735 and will lose 18-19k If we do not fill that one seat. February 15th is the next important date is when we lock in our next tuition funding. 


814 applicants are outstanding or to-date?

  • We have had 814 applicants to date

If it is lower across the state, how do we maintain our success?

  • We're innovative. Due to making sure our students are college ready. It is now that you see districts are following our model when it comes to this work. It is also due to the parents who enroll their children into our school

What do you attribute the information that is being distributed to the community?

  • Lourdes Pires who attends every event and using it as recruitment opportunity. We now have social media presence and are dong the work so that families know we are and where to apply.



Tim Chin

-Science lab: phase 1 has been completed and we were able to salvage the floor that was needed. We are steamrolling for the plumbing and getting sinks, gas lines for experiments, and eye-wash stations, etc. Expecting these completions to happen soon


-Air quality grants: $6k grant and they are going to complete a full energy assessment to see how we can better air quality and heating and cooling.We do have remaining money to cover other things and use them before the deadline of the grant which is in December.



EC Updates: 122 EC students, 62 seniors and 49, juniors and 11 scholars at BSU. Our EC students are at MCC in Canton. At Canton Campus, it has been okay but MCC staff have been receptive and willing to help us through our issues. We have been experiencing tech issues but Jorge has provided group with hotspots. BSU students are doing well and meeting expectations - they will also be able to receive their AA degree. OW speaks to the issues and says "anything new will bring some growing pains but very optimistic that these challenges are due to new leadership and placements" While there have been some hurdles, they have been addressed and addressed quickly. 


-Maria Fernandes

Dual Enrollment: All of our high school students who are not quite college ready and our in our high school building - 9th-11th graders


Due to finding that some of our students were not engaging in the classes here at the school, we have introduced the Entrepreneurship Series as early in the 10th grade. We are encouraging them to enroll in certain classes that helps them develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Some of the classes focus on Marketing, Mastering Business Theory and Fundamentals of Retail. 


GP: can you provide updates in the next months about EC?

  • Yes

Who is Franklin Cummings?

  • Formally known as Benjamin Franklin Community College and want to partner with us and working to be accredited. We have done a few college visits and our students like the program. We can't bring students to Boston.


September Spotlights

-Dr. Jones:

Summer School attends: Kiyan Harrison-Shell: current 10th Grade. One of our top students during summer school. He gained more Phoenix Bucks at the school store. 


-Do we ever use these spotlights to speak to others who may need guidance?

  • Will have a screen of photos of students so students can see how we spotlight others.

K. Horne: spotlighted as teacher for September. 

Wadner Pierre: spotlighting staff member - Marketing Coordinator 


Culture Team - Experienced, Engaged, and Effective 


Upcoming Events for Board Members

DNJ speaks on her 6 standards which include:

-Observations and feedback through School mint Grow with consistent feedback. A push to align EC and are all focused on the same level of teaching and learning. 



-School Culture Shift: 

Uniforms - wearing the clothes of scholars (grades 6-10)

Cell Phones - turned off and turned in

Intentional about addressing behaviors using a tier 1 system. 

IV. Academic Excellence Committee


AEC Meeting

SB recounts AEC meeting that took place on Wednesday, September 18th - and speaks on visiting the school and how happy he was visiting  on the 2nd day of school. SB says he was welcomed with open arms.


 "The school is bright and exciting for students, proper music to give enlightenment. It was wonderful opportunity to see the school in action, to see the youth coming in, and meeting the staff. We're very proud to be apart of delightful organization."


SB did address the retainment of teachers, the incidents of violence and need to call the police and questioned whether we had a resource officer when issues came up. He also also wanted to know more about school climate and if the Principal was satisfied of the results of her inspecting of what she's been expecting. SB calls on DNJ to give overview of teacher retentions, SRO, and other concerns.


Teacher shortage: right now our biggest struggle is Science teachers and there are two new teachers (not Science) who have started on the 23rd. The focus is now getting Science teachers and still hiring for some and even outside of the country.


SRO: There is shortage. Spoke to an officer Silva and we work with someone from Brockton Police. They do send someone who can speak to her and feels confident our school will be safe.


MAP Testing: Assessment gives us information how are students do. Teachers and students can look at the data and staff coming together to craft a plan for ways to increase student growth. 


GP speaks on the SRO's: where do we stand on that? Is there a need to press the city of Brockton-asks Maria if there are any major concerns through the Board or the ED?

  • They are working on hiring SRO's for the city of Brockton. While they won't be hiring one specific to helping us but it is not.a budget issue but simply a shortage of officers in the city. We should have someone by December. 

Does the Board need to do anything require the serious need of security at school?

Absolutely Not. We have been working on the needs of control of how visitors enter and leave the building. 


GP thanks DNJ about taking the lead as principal and symbol to the other administrators/staff to be visible. 

W. Lyttle made a motion to accept the committee's report.
V. Marturano seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Finance Committee


Finance Committee Meeting

NC speaks on the Finance and the audit: went through the financials of both July and August. There wasn't any change. The question was how would we handle any expenditures -"everything is align so far here to date." 


-Do you force any issues that we need to be prepared for?

  • There is nothing on the horizon. 

The topic of the ESA money and it has nothing to do within this FY budget. Next month, we will go through our grants a little closer. 


-What the BPS may be doing beyond the foundation base given some of the financial constraints schools are under, what did BPS end up doing?

  • The most tuition rate was at a 60% but it's not final and are still working with estimated number. We may see another updated number towards the end of December. This number does change throughout the year.

August Financial Report can be found here

Board Presentation can be found here

S. Bernard made a motion to accept the committee's report.
V. Marturano seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Governance Committee


Governance Committee Meeting

VM speaks on the meeting that was held on Monday the 23rd. 


Had an opportunity to review the current Board terms

-11 Board Members

-1 Board Member whose term is up in November and will bring up for nomination at a later date

- Attendance was pretty good

-What kind of skill or talent when vetting new board members - encourage those who may know someone who would be an asset to the board 

-Had a motion made where Board Members are asked to participate in person at least 3 times during the school year. 

-Committee Assignments or Expectations - when and how is up to the discretion of the board.


GP reiterates that each member is expected  to make 3 annual in-person meetings, one per quarter. WL will serve as secretary and take attendance. 


VM mentions the goals that were provided by OW at the meeting on Monday. Moving forward, OW will make updates on the goals he's set. 

S. Bernard made a motion to for all members to attend 3 in-person meetings in a quarter by the governance committee.
J. Charnel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Special Orders


Executive Session

W. Lyttle made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss legal and financial matters.
G. Phillips seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Charnel
G. Swaby
G. Gibson Sheffield
J. Radzevich
G. Bengen
S. Bernard
S. Jackson
W. Lyttle
G. Phillips
N. Christ
V. Marturano

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

W. Lyttle made a motion to adjourn.
S. Bernard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Phillips