New Heights Charter School Board of Trustees


February Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 27, 2024 at 5:00 PM


1690 Main St

Brockton, MA 02301





New Heights Board of Trustees

Starting Time: 5:00pm

Location: 1105 W Chestnut Street 

Brockton, MA 02301

Join Zoom Meeting


ZOOM Meeting:



Trustees Present

G. Bengen (remote), G. Phillips, G. Swaby (remote), J. Charnel (remote), J. Radzevich, M. Sullivan (remote), S. Bernard (remote), S. Jackson, V. Marturano, W. Lyttle

Trustees Absent

D. Sauvignon, N. Christ

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

M. Sullivan

Ex Officio Members Present

O. Walker

Non Voting Members Present

O. Walker

Guests Present

J. Geier, J. Vega (remote), K. Kendrick, M. Fernandes, M. Jean, T. Chin, W. Libby (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Phillips called a meeting of the board of trustees of New Heights Charter School Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Feb 27, 2024 at 5:04 PM.


Approved Board Members List


Roll Call


Reading and Approval of Minutes

W. Lyttle made a motion to approve the minutes from January Board Meeting on 01-30-24.
G. Bengen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Executive Director's Report


Enrollment/Lottery Report

Maria Fernandes gave the report in Lourdes Pires absence



The following presentation was made to spotlight a 9th grader, staff member, teacher, and department:


Advocacy Week

Did not discuss due to Lourdes Pires absence.


Athletics Update

Did not discuss due to basketball game occurring at the same time.


Discipline Data

Nicolas presented the following presentation on Discipline:

  • Fight is with 2+ people, Battery is one person, Physical Altercation is lower level incident
  • Board suggest showing comparison to incidents from last year, will include that in presentation next month.
    • Nicolas prepared the graph and it showed that we are around the same in fights and batteries, but much lower in January in terms of Physical Altercations
  • Is there data being tracked on what caused the incident? 
    • All incidents are mediated if both parties are willing. There is a suspension for every altercation and students attend a re-entry meeting with parents, counselors, and deans when they return from the suspension. 
  • Have we had any more police involvement this year?
    • Not due to fighting.
  • Are you comfortable with where we are in our discipline? 
    • Very comfortable, might end the year with suspensions on the high side but we knew that was the byproduct of decreasing violence. 
    • Do all the incidents end in suspension?
      • Yes, every incident shown here has had a suspension.
  • Have there been assaults on staff?
    • There was one in the hallway and another student tried to throw a chair which accidentally hit a staff member
  • Will there be any impact from the incidents happening at Brockton?
    • We are accepting no new students. We have created a culture of respect and we don't anticipate that changing.
  • Are surveys of the students done periodically?
    • Using Panorama to do this, did one at the beginning of the year and will do another one in March. 
    • Board requests to see results of the survey.


Grade Distribution Update

Nicolas presented the following presentation on Grades:

  • What was done that had 13% to 1% in 7th grade that didn't translate in the 6th grade? 
    • Not sure what was done differently between 7th and 6th grade but all special ed teachers have increased phone calls home, hours spent co-planning with general ed teachers, held after school tutoring, and increased interventions after Q1 results.
    • Special ed in 6th grade is a larger group than 7th grade which could partially explain the higher failings in 6th grade. However, emphasizing that 6th grade as a whole saw increase in Fs while special ed didn't. 

III. New Business


Championship Rings

  • Each ring is about $200 and can go up to $300.
W. Lyttle made a motion to approve 18 rings at $205 each.
S. Jackson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
V. Marturano made a motion to approve the Executive Director's report as presented.
J. Radzevich seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Academic Excellence Committee



Did not hold a formal meeting this month due to school vacation.

V. Finance Committee


YTD Finances

Shelly Jackson reported that the finances are inline with expectations.



Committee noted that there is nearly $3 million sitting unused in an account and have invited David Hutchinson to the meeting to discuss the benefits of a money marketing account to invest the funds. Funds in the account are fully liquid, fully insured, and have a 4.50% APY. 

  • How long is the rate good for?
    • The rate will increase and decrease with the Fed. June is when it's forecasted for the Fed to make its first cuts in the cycle, projected to cut 4-5 times this year. The rates will decrease in sympathy with the Fed. Won't drop from 4.50% to 2%, will be more of a glide path.
  • The school can get the money whenever needed? 
    • There is no penalty as long as it doesn't look like a money operating account, the funds are fully liquid otherwise. 
  • Is there a limit on an amount that gets the full APY?
    • Every dollar in the account would receive the 4.50%.
  • Is there anything the bank can do to give us a better rate due to the balance and relationship?
    • Did look into that, this offer is higher than current offers for other customers. Competitors may be offering up to .50% higher but they appear to be promotional rates. There is the option of a CD with higher rates (5%) but the money won't be available without penalty.
  • Is there a minimum amount? 
    • It's $1,000 to open an account.
  • Does the Money Market trail the Feds Fund rate? 
    • Yes it will follow in a glide pattern. May not decrease rates depending on how the Fed Fund moves, won't necessarily decrease the rate.
  • What's the minimum CD term to receive the 5% rate? 
    • Would be happy to do 3, 5, 10 months at 5%
    • How long is that 5% good?
      • Will honor the rate if there is a decision in the next week or two. The Fed has their next meeting in March and very low possibility their rates will change then. Will be the rates for the foreseeable future. 
  • How much money are we talking about? 
    • Would look to put $1 million into investments.

Discussion by board regarding benefits and drawbacks of both a CD and Money Market account. 


Judge Phillips requested that Jeff Charnel, Jason Radzevich, and William Lyttle work with the Finance Committee to make the decision and join the committee. 

M. Sullivan arrived at 5:13 PM.
J. Charnel made a motion to allow the Finance Committee to research the most competitive offers on CDs and Money Market accounts as well as whether to diversify the investments.
  • Will ask that anyone working with the chosen bank(s) recuse themselves from the vote to avoid conflict of interest.
  • Committee could not take a final vote but could evaluate the pluses/minuses of what different institutions are offering and the types of accounts
  • Motion withdrawn by Jeff Charnel
The motion did not carry.
V. Marturano made a motion to expand the Finance Committee to include Jeff Charnel, Jason Radzevich, and William Lyttle.
G. Bengen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
V. Marturano made a motion to allow the Finance Committee to make a final recommendation to the Board after their full discussion on the institution and amount to be invested and voted on or before the next Board meeting.
J. Radzevich seconded the motion.
  • Could do an RFP to banks or source 5 or 6 local banks in interest of time. 
  • Will this include the amount and the bank or just one? 
    • Board agreed it will include both
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

Shelly Jackson will reach out to Nicholas Christ to let him know the decision and begin the process of crafting a recommendation for the full Board.

  • Analysis should include the amount that's available to invest in each type of account, penalties for withdrawing and moving funds, and operational aspects of each account.
  • Omari Walker recommends not guessing beyond June 30 what the expenses will be and working within the approved budget and fiscal year.

VI. Governance Committee


Member Changes

Vincent Marturano shared that Dr. Sauvignon stepped down from the board and that Dr. Gail Gibson Sheffield is happy to step in as the MCC representative. The Committee would like to put a motion forth to approve Dr. Gibson Sheffield to join the Board.

V. Marturano made a motion to approve Dr. Gibson Sheffield to join the Board.
S. Jackson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

V. Marturano made a motion to adjourn.
J. Radzevich seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:33 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Phillips
Documents used during the meeting
  • January 2024 Board Financial Reports.pdf