Durham Charter School
Durham Charter School Monthly Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday October 26, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Alex Quigley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Alex Quigley's Personal Meeting Room
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Meeting ID: 919 956 5599
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Directors Present
C. Cain (remote), E. Lembert (remote), G. Wicker (remote), J. DeBerry (remote), L. Morey (remote), P. Edwards (remote), R. Ford (remote)
Directors Absent
M. Lesesky
Guests Present
A. Guerrero (remote), A. Hill (remote), A. Quigley (remote), P. Adkins (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance was rendered.
Privilege of the Floor
No one was present for privilege of the floor.
Approval of Agenda
Approve Minutes
II. Executive Director Report
Presentation of Report
Mr. Quigley presented current enrollment, which stands at 769 scholars.
III. Committee Reports
Finance and Operations Committee
Mr. Edwards presented the finance and operations committee meeting report.The October budget numbers are still being calculated.
Governance and CEO Evaluation Committee
Mr. Cain presented the Governance tand Ceo Evaluation Committed report. There are 3 candidates being vetted to present to the board to fill the two present openings on the board of directors.
Academic Excellence Committee
Mr. Quigley presented the Academic Excellence Committee report. He presented accessment scores. They are positive. The overall scores indicate a better performance than last year. This is just an early peek and is excited about where things are going.
IV. Charter School Review Board and State Board of Education Updates
Board Updates
No updates presented from the Charter School Review Board and the State Board of Education.
V. Closed Session
Report Into Closed Session
Adjourn from Closed Session
VI. Board Votes
Hiring of Alejandra Guerrero and Maria Sanchez Browning, Financial Committe Report, Governance Committee Report, Bus Purchase, Academic Excellence Committee Report, Change of November meeting date to November 16, 2023,
VII. Announcements
no events were discussed.
Present board members: Mr. Ernesto Lembert, Ms. Gwendolyn Wicker, Mr. John Deberry, Ms. Liz Morey, Mr. Preston Edwards, Mr. Richard Ford, and Mr. Cary Cain
Absent board member: Mr. Matthew Lesesky
Guests presents: Mr. Alex Quigley, Ms. Arondo Hill, Ms. Alejandra Guerrero, Mr. Phil Adkins