Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport
GOBPT Governance October Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 4:30 PM
375 Howard Ave.
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Directors Present
Bea Bagley, Bob Carlson, Corey Sneed (remote), David Zieff
Directors Absent
Tenssie Ramsay
Guests Present
Benjamin Chan, Farah Martin, John Scalice, Latoya Hubbard
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance & Begin Recording Meeting
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Last Month's Meeting Minutes
II. Governance Committee
Chief Executive Officer's Report
Chief Operating Officer's Report
L. Hubbard shared COO report:
L. Hubbard reports that on October 1st, we landed on 661 students. Please keep in mind that we may lose one or two students between now and the end of the month. The reason for that is that we have scenarios that was maybe the student was not in school on October 1st but attended a different school the same day so this needs to be discussed further with the state.
We have a new strategies for enrollment.
- Given that our 6th grade enrollment/ class is getting smaller each year. We are going to be doing open enrollment on a rolling basis going forward.
- We are also going to do begin the application process a few months earlier in November so that we can have more time for enrollment.
Facilities Update:
COO also reports that our fence in the courtyard was broken but has now been repaired. The original quote approved by the board quote was reduced by $1800. The fence company came out to do a walkthrough so a lot of the posts were in great condition so that didn't need to be replaced.
Our new HVAC Company came and did an audit on the entire building. They came back with a few issues.
- Clean ERVs and replace the traps- cost $1300
- Air Conditioning issues in one apartment
- Temperature regulation issues throughout the building. The company came out today and mentioned that one of our boiler units has some repair that needs to get done. One is over $2,000 and the other is over $3,000. L. Hubbard needs to confirm that the boiler that needs repair is not the new one because the new one should be under warranty.
- Still interviewing for OPS Maintenance Manager.
Per pupil benefits:
This year for the first time we are distributing an Alternative Income Form for families
Every year we determine the number of students eligible for free/ reduced lunch by data from the state of CT. They determine the percentage of students eligible.
The state allows us to send out this form which is different from free and reduced lunch which we can't send, this new form allows us to benefit the students that are not getting state assistance but are eligible for free/reduced lunch. So far we have 150 students that are eligible. We hope to get more and that will allow us to get additional income for the school.
B. Carlson asked Do you know the approximate amount out of the 661 students that fall in this category? Latoya states 69% of our students.
III. Other Business
New Business
- New date- April 11, 2025
- One of the big costs is catering and beer/wine/soft drinks. D. Zief proposes that the school meets with the Catering company to reduce the price of alcohol for the gala. The idea is to charge guests about $2-$3 per drink.
- Right now the working number is 200 paid people. If we can sell half at 100 and the other at 200, we could be ok but we could have a shortfall. The way we can do it is to sell more tables. All board members need to get people in the door, get tickets and work on silent auction.
Fiscal Policy Revisions
B. Chan went over Fiscal Policy Revisions and board members discussed this further and made revisions to the language to reflect what the revisions required.
CEO, J. Scalice, went over CEO Report.
We have had 3 CN walkthroughs this year so far. Nicole Jones meets with the leadership team and has been wonderful to work with.
We also had another visit from Corwin 2nd visit was yesterday, October 8th. The session was about Intentionality and intentional planning.
Gala- Updated gala date: April 11th, 2025
Threats on Social Media against Bridgeport Public Schools