Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport
GOBPT April Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 5:30 PM
375 Howard Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Directors Present
Bea Bagley (remote), Bob Carlson, Corey Sneed (remote), Daniel Luciano (remote), David Zieff, Matthew Nwosu (remote), Tenssie Ramsay (remote)
Directors Absent
Eva Vega, Selena Morgan
Guests Present
Benjamin Chan, Farah Martin, John Scalice, Latoya Hubbard
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance & Begin Recording Meeting (if remote participants are present)
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve March meeting minutes
II. Governance Committee
Chief Operating Officer's Report
Chief Executive Officer's Report
CEO, J. Scalice, went over CEO report.
Last month we discussed our 3 year renewal and a corrective action plan/
This includes academics with a focus on ELA and Math. Attendance with a reduction of Chronic Absenteeism and 100% of Teacher Certification goal.
The steps are the following:
- Review, Submit on March 19th
- Obtain feedback on March 25th
- Revision and submission is March 28th
- Second Feedback is April 4th
- Final submission is expected on April 5th.
This will the complete the renewal.
MLL Data: The performance of our Multi Language Students has grown and gotten a lot stronger. The way we measure MLL success is through LAS Links Testing.
- Listen Comprehension
- Oral Fluency of English
- Reaching Comprehension
- Written English Responses
From our 2022-2023 school year to 2023-2024 school year we have seen growth.
Our students grew an average of 8.76% in total score. Our MLL team also hit a major milestone with our students.
Great Oaks students increased by 47.5 % in Proficiency for writing!
What we have done to grow:
- We instituted a summer camp for MLL students
- Before and After school sessions with new to country students
- Family connection and contact to continue support
- Push-In support from our MLL teachers
- Increased MLL staff size (4) for 83 students
- New Curriculum with supports for MLL students
Huge Shoutout to our amazing MLL team!
Kate Sabo, Paul Morin, Monica Cano and Rosy Flores.
III. Finance Committee
Finance Committee Updates
CFO, B. Chan went over agenda including budget and actuals for the first 3 quarters.
Due to the day of our meeting, statement cycle of the bank; much of the data is not available today so we will be going over agenda and budget to actuals.
- Checking: $2,165,220
- Food Service: $ 49,582
- Reserve: $ 28,993
Total: $2,243,795
Credit card balance: $4,596.
The finance committee has met and went over the Employee Retention Credit. The school will have the school lawyer send a letter to Trinet to get an expedited answer that we have been waiting for. This a credit that is due back to us from the IRS. We applied for with Trinet and we are having trouble with Trinet getting proof that they filed.
In terms of the lease, deliverables are expected to be provided to our landlord. We will have a working group to go over the lease and do an audit to make sure we are in compliance with our lease.
Quarterly Budget to Actuals for FY 24 was presented to the board. Goal is to have a rainy day budget for unexpected expenses.
Vendor Approvals
IV. Other Business
New Business
No new business.
L. Hubbard went over COO report.
ERate grant îs in review
We also have an IT company coming in to the school to get us an idea of what we can do with ERate.
GOBPT also attended OIC of America Conference in Washington, DC. This is a community partner of our school. They have an office located in Bridgeport but they are nationwide. Our Director of Community Parternships. They provide services to underserved communities. For some of our parents and students they have provided financial literacy, professional development and job training, healthcare education, re-entry programs and workforce pathways for youth.