Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport
GOBPT Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday February 21, 2024 at 4:30 PM
This month, Governance committee will meet at 4:30pm before the Board meeting. You can join us over zoom or in person at 375 Howard Ave. Bridgeport, CT 06605.
Committee Members Present
Bea Bagley (remote), Bob Carlson, Corey Sneed (remote), David Zieff
Committee Members Absent
Tenssie Ramsay
Guests Present
Benjamin Chan, Farah Martin, John Scalice, Latoya Hubbard
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Governance Committee
CEO Report
COO Report
L. Hubbard went over COO report.
The School was audited by the Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection Division of State Police.
- They come every 5-6 years and look at background checks and how we are administering this and what are process is.
- They also look at how we determining employment eligibility and look at how we maintain this confidential information.
- The school received 100%
As of today, 58 out of 61 teachers that are required to be certified are certified. This is 95 of our teachers. We still have 3 pending and a few new hires.
We have to work with the CSDE to make sure everything is reported and all documents are submitted and approved. It takes a lot of collaborative work with the teachers. A huge priority for our school is teacher retention and with the teacher shortages have definitely made it difficult.
D. Zieff asked What would prevent someone from being certified?
- In order to temp certify someone you have to have certain amount of credit for content areas like math, ELA, social studies and science. Then you get into ELL and Special Education and those fields require more work and criteria is a bit harder.
C. Sneed asked if there are issues of teachers not getting their transcripts because they owe money to the school. We've done advances before and is there a way to help with this? L. Hubbard states the amount is too high and is thousands of dollars where the school cannot do this right now. L. Hubbard also states the best use of funds to support certification right now is through education and support with testing like Praxis exams.
J. Scalice went over CEO report.
CEO reports we recently had a visit from the Barr Foundation and we were able to host them for their Leadership Retreat.
The Final Draft of Commissioners Network was due during February Break. Everything was submitted and now we are in the process of final edits.