Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport


GOBPT November Governance Monthly Meeting

Date and Time

Monday November 6, 2023 at 12:30 PM


Please see the zoom link below for November's Governance Meeting

Committee Members Present

Bob Carlson (remote)

Committee Members Absent

Bea Bagley, Corey Sneed, Tenssie Ramsay

Guests Present

Farah Martin

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Bob Carlson called a meeting of the Governance Committee Committee of Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport to order on Monday Nov 6, 2023 at 12:30 PM.


Approve Minutes

Minutes from last month were not able to be approved because of email migration. The committee was not able to view the minutes prior to the meeting.

II. Governance Committee


CEO Report

  • The received positive feedback regarding the State Walkthrough and Commissioners Network
  • We are losing teachers just like other school systems including 
    • We have spoken to B. Carlson and C. Sneed for an emergency call to a hire a firm, Teachers on Demand which specializes on hard to reach subject areas.
    • Reached out to the Foundation- Hiring fellows to work at the school. One of the issues could impact their grant renewal and their numbers.
    • We have hired a social studies teacher and now all High School openings are filled.
  • Students have been enjoying the community partnerships such as Soundwaters. 

C. Sneed asked if the State will offer some leniency regarding certifications for teachers. J. Scalice stated it doesn't appear that there will be any changes but the State is open to having discussions. 


B. Carlson asked if what is that the school needs relief from that would not endanger/ effect a constant renewal? And who would we need to contact to make changes? J. Scalice states that something that might be helpful is that we should take a look at the previous allowances of Teach for America because it is not too different from the Fellows program we have but the requirements are different and more restrictive for Fellows.  


J. Scalice stated he and B. Chan have looked at the possibilities of getting our own Americorp Fellows program but needs be looked at further.


B. Bagley asked J. Scalice if we have considered internships? J. Scalice stated yes but universities and colleges don't have students/candidates/ B. Bagley states Sacred Heart and Fairfield University has interns. J. Scalice states that there just isn't the same desire to enter the classroom anymore. 


COO Report

ADP transition is underway and sent the last few documents including I9s, employee demographics. Next step is implementation process this upcoming week. 

- One of the portions of this transition. because we are going to be saving a large amount of money we can put back into the employee benefits. L. Hubbard can share document which explains the numbers to the board.


We got a rate reduction from NuPower but we needed to come up with a plan on how to save power/energy and save some money. There was a meeting with the B. Chan, M. Little and L. Hubbard and Scott from Nupower. Scott will review the plan and get back to the school with more ideas on how to save money.


Retrocommissioning- get a 3rd party to come in and take a look at HVAC and electrical system and they will make sure everything is working properly as a second set of eyes. 

B. Carlson asked who is going to pay for it? L. Hubbard stated Scott will review the construction plans and get a full scope of the building and the next step will be him sending recommendations.


B. Chan, M. Little and L. Hubbard met with ABS. They manage all systems that controls the HVAC system. This was a meeting to make sure that everything is working properly and see what we can improve on. They brought to our attention that the way our current HVAC system works is that it's either heating or cooling. If we turn the system down or shut things down, instead it kicks the system into cooling because that's the way the computer has been set up. L. Hubbard stated that the team also recommended getting sensors that detects where the power is coming in or out and it will help us identify the issues and get an energy report from ABS which will help us in the long run. 

L. Hubbard stated that they do have great recommendations and the goal is to bring down the 38%  increase if we can address these issues and getting Gary to do the retrocommissioning.


B. Carlson stated the sensors might be a good idea.    


III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Carlson