Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport
GOBPT September Monthly Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 13, 2023 at 5:15 PM
Great Oaks Charter School- Bridgeport
375 Howard Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Directors Present
Bea Bagley, Bob Carlson, Corey Sneed (remote), David Zieff (remote), Selena Morgan (remote), Tenssie Ramsay (remote)
Directors Absent
Eva Vega
Guests Present
Benjamin Chan (remote), Farah Martin, John Scalice, Latoya Hubbard, Matthew Nwosu (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance & Begin Recording Meeting (if remote participants are present)
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve July meeting Minutes
Discovery Museum and Sacred Heart all fall under Discovery Museum
Additional change- incorrect language around the approval of child nutrition program. Board packet has been updated and approved.
II. Governance Committee
Executive Director's Report
Dr. Matthew Nwosu was introduced to the board. J. Scalice spoke about his conversation with Dr. Nwosu and stated bringing information to students around sciences and STEM.
Dr. Nwosu stated he is excited to learn, participate and help out whenever he can.
Director of Operations Report
L. Hubbard is discussing Enrollment as of today is 660 students for the school.
- Target number of 75 in the 6th grade and we currently have 62 students.
- Continuing to recruit 6th grade students
D. Zieff asked if after 9th and 10th grade, students withdraw because of the athletic programs. L. Hubbard did confirm that a majority of the students do leave because we don't have an athletic program. B. Bagley asked if we can change that and have some sort of athletic program. J. Scalice mentioned that we have an AAU basketball team that we offer. We are looking at making them a part of the CIAC but when we have a team accepted then all other students are ineligible to participate in sports at their local high school. We do have students that come here that participate in sports at their local high school.
B. Carlson asked what would a club team envision if we had one. L. Hubbard explained AAU basketball is able to compete with other AAU teams nationwide. This gives exposure to students.
Facilities update:
- New store front in High School main office. C. Sneed asked if the glass panel is bullet proof. B. Carlson asked for L. Hubbard to ask vendor to get a quote and install ballistic film.
- Bathroom doors installed and bathroom areas are closed off. Now there are two separate entrances for both girl and boy bathrooms.
Facilities cost saving initiatives: reduced number of facilities staff, negotiating rates with energy supplier, Internal system controls have been updated (HVAC systems is turned off earlier), and school employed janitorial staff.
L. Hubbard stated School Security Grant has been extended to September 2024 and will be applying to School Construction Grant through the Office of School Grants.
Tech and Finance is going to be transitioning from foundation to the school by October.
- New emails to students and staff including board members
- New Website starting mid October
- New App accessed my families, students and staff by mid October.
PEO- We have narrowed down PEOs to ADP Total Source, A&G Partners and Venture. Venture has been ruled out because their package isn't as comprehensive. L. Hubbard stated we are waiting on Dinsmore Steele in terms of the medical provider coverage. L. Hubbard will make a decision with C. Sneed and J. Scalice.
III. Finance Committee
Finance Committee Updates
C. Sneed to get PFK engagement letter signed and send to Ben Chan.
B. Chan reviewed financial dashboard and mentioned the state has funded us per pupil basis until end of December. B. Chan also showed FY22 v. FY23 and stated we have no debt and current assets are in access of current liability.
B. Chan projected that this year we will come out with a small surplus.
The goal is to reduce utility costs as a whole.
C. Sneed asked about Grants since Great Oaks will be moving away from the foundation. What will be the process and who will be taking a lead on Grants.
- J. Scalice will be handling all education grants and L. Hubbard will be handling operations grants. J. Scalice mentioned the below grants.
- GOBPT received SIG funding in the amount of 236000 that went directly to the two coaches. The remainder was used for commissioners network planning year.
- Commissioners network planning year was a 50000 grant. The funding is to be determined.
- We received the ARC of Mental Health grant. This includes the Social Work position has been covered for 3 years as well as additional services in terms of climate and culture.
- GOBPT applied tutoring grant for Math- also allows housing for tutors. We were able to submit for our full housing amount.
Vendor Approvals
L. Hubbard began discussing OPS intern through LIVE girl, Naja Bennet. C. Sneed recommended we go through onboarding with the intern as an employee. OPS intern will be paid through a stipend and will not make her eligible for benefits.
E-Rate Advantage cost is 3000 for the year. Contact person is James Hsu.
IV. Other Business
New Business
No new business
Manager of development/fundraising
B. Carlson stated the school should begin having a discussion for a manager of development/fundraising.
HR position vacancy
L. Hubbard reports the HR position has been filled and the HR Generalist will be starting with the school at the end of September.
C. Sneed asked how the HR Generalist will be updated on policies and procedures. L. Hubbard explained that she will be up to date with training and policies by Pullman & Comley and SHRM.
Budget 2024
Budget was discussed in Finance section
Security Grant
Grant was discussed in Finance sections.
V. Executive Session
Vote to enter Executive Session
B. Carlson stated Executive Session will be moved to next month's meeting.
J. Scalice gave a report. J. Scalice stated that the opening of school went well. School is in process of finalizing data uploads for testing. Chromebooks have been distributed to students.
October 18th - State visit- Renewal Meeting involves the Board. Board to confirm with F. Martin if they can attend the visit.