Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport


GOBPT November Monthly Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 2, 2022 at 4:30 PM


Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport

375 Howard Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06605

Committee Members Present

Bob Carlson, Corey Sneed (remote)

Committee Members Absent

Tenssie Ramsay

Guests Present

Janay Garrett, John Scalice, Latoya Hubbard

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Bob Carlson called a meeting of the Governance Committee Committee of Great Oaks Charter School - Bridgeport to order on Wednesday Nov 2, 2022 at 4:38 PM.


Approve October Meeting Minutes

Corey Sneed made a motion to approve the minutes from October Governance.
Bob Carlson seconded the motion.

Note for an edit from C. Sneed "if executive items" to be amended to say "items requested for the audit"

The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Governance Committee


Set Agenda for November Board Meeting

J. Scalice reviewed standard items on our upcoming Board Meeting, and added a couple of additional items that are not standard to our monthly meetings.


  • Attendance
  • Call Meeting to Order
  • Open the meeting with approval for July and October Minutes
  • Top of the meeting we will be joined by Jennifer Bull for a review of our Audit. We spoke with Ben today and he has said there are no concerns or major items missing. Ben sent out a draft of what they had so far.
  • Executive Director's Report
    • Focusing on attendance improvement efforts and certification and hiring process, as well as a grant we are applying for to add additional social workers, a family counselor and additional culture support for the building
  • Director of Operations Report
    • Copy of the  Employee Handbook prior to the meeting to approve
  • Standard Finance Committee Meeting Updates
    • A couple of votes we will discuss at our finance committee
  • Other Business
  • Enter Executive Session after other Business
  • Close Meeting


Executive Director Report Overview

J. Scalice shared that we will be hosting the state for a fellows walkthrough on November 16th, 2022. That date got pushed back from Nov. 2nd which would have been today, because they have invited Ken Norton, Chief Executive for Strategic Partnership and Planning, he's 3rd or 4th from the commissioner and reports to the commissioners office. He was invited by the CSDE consultant, which is looking to our school as an exemplar model school for high dosage tutoring; fantastic opportunity. 

Details of the visit: 

  • They will be here from 8:45-11:30 on the 16th
  • Observing 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes to see high dosage tutoring as an imbedded model, which we know is significantly different than other high dosage tutoring models. J. Scalice noted that they they will be looking at some 9th and 10th grade classes as well on this visit. 
  • Interview with Dan Luciano who was a former fellow and current ELA teacher 
  • Interview with Kate Sabo, former fellow and ELA teacher, which is already where we diverge from the foundation model of ELA/Math and our partnership with Fairfield University to get the ELA certification. 
  • Interview Kofi Acquaisie, who is a resident fellow, doing his residency in science
  • Interview with Shelcie Charlot and Shanice Rochester who are math and ELA fellows; one is a 2nd year fellow and one is a lead, to review all the different options available to fellows.
  • Student panel, with two students from the middle school and high school, who are excited to talk about the mentorship relationships with the fellows
  • Closing out the visit with some information from the foundation about fellow recruitment and their new grant, the ACHIEVE grant that they just received for 250,000+ over the next few years.

Summary from J. Scalice: this visit is huge if we are selected as an exemplar for high dosage tutoring model, given CSDE focus on high dosage tutoring as a viable option to support sustainability of licensure. We are excited. Caitlin Meyer and Kazi (Kazmira Thomas) will be leading the presentation as this is the focus area of their work, and Chris and Denise will be doing the tours to escort them through, along with myself (J. Scalice) and their party. 


Data Updates: 


Still moving forward with implementation of ELA and Math with our next round of data coming out at the end of the month, so we will be able to see how our students are performing on a mini SBAC test; key leverage standards of SBAC with 15 or so questions; we will also use the EdMentum data review to triangulate data.


B. Carlson asked about prep for the walkthrough and key tenants, data, etc. to be messaged or discussed during the visit!



Director of Operations Report Overview

L. Hubbard noted she would review the following at our next board meeting:


  • Review of staff certifications; they are coming in for that second batch of staff members; As mentioned at our last board meeting, state let us know that they are still behind on processing applications; 60-90 days or more to process. We should see majority of applications processed soon.
  • L. Hubbard will give an update on enrollment - at the last board meeting we reported we 667 students and that number was finalized; the state came back with concerns about 3 students which we though they would, that were not registered in the district, they did not have them in the system, they are now, so we will likely see our number drop down to 663 which is fine since 661 is our number anyway;  
  • Talk about facilities and an update with regard to a structural issues we had- we are waiting for the parts to come in, we have already put through the quote so once they're in we will get a date on installation
  • L. Hubbard shared an update regarding a notice to our insurance company that B. Carlson wanted to ensure we made, related to liability. Our insurance company did say in the event that the electrician that was hit with the brick while doing the work were to file a claim, which we don't believe he wants to, (L. Hubbard spoke with him recently and said "listen I'm not trying to file a claim, I'm fine") and they did say the school would have to assume some liability if it were to go past worker's comp. The first step would be worker's comp. through his employer to assume liability, then if he were to file some separate lawsuit, there could be some liability on the school, but the majority of the liability would be on the building owner, which would be Gary and his team. They did say that, but they have all the information, put them on notice, and at this point, he has not filed any type of claim- he hasn't even filled out the incident report, which is what we've been trying to get him to complete. B. Carlson asked if it was documented that we asked him to fill out the incident report, L. Hubbard noted that yes, we did and sent it via email as well. He doesn't seem interested in filling out an incident report or filing a claim. Our insurance company however, has been notified.


Vote to approve 22-23 Staff Handbook

Will vote to approve at November Board Meeting


Janay shared at a high level, what changes were made to the handbook, including accessibility changes, table of contents, reorganizing document for employee readability and usability.


Updates from Board Chair

No updates from the B. Carlson, Board Chair

III. Executive Session


Vote to enter Executive Committee Session

Bob Carlson made a motion to Enter Executive Session.
Corey Sneed seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Session


Vote to move back into public session

Corey Sneed made a motion to Enter Governance Meeting Session for Adjournment.
Bob Carlson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Carlson