
Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence Board of Directors

Date and Time

Monday November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM


Meetings of the Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence will take place on line at the following link: 




As necessary participants can meet in person at 20346 Ennis Street Georgetown, DE 19947 to join the online meeting.

Directors Present

A. Shepherd (remote), B. Renzo (remote), J. Fried (remote), K. Cauley (remote), K. Higgins (remote), R. Burton (remote), S. Hailey (remote), T. Berry (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Snyder, J. Kim, J. Powell, S. Burton

Guests Present

Alonna Berry (remote), Brandon Paris (remote), C. Ashford (remote), C. Timmons-Bryant (remote), Denise Stouffer (remote), Kendall Massett (remote), Sade Truiett (remote), Stacy Lane (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Berry called a meeting of the board of directors of BASSE to order on Monday Nov 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM.


Approve Minutes from October 28, 2024

R. Burton made a motion to approve the minutes from Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence Board Meeting on 10-28-24.
A. Shepherd seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Executive Session


The Board determined it needed to move to Executive Session

A. Shepherd made a motion to move to Executive Session.
B. Renzo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
B. Renzo made a motion to end Executive Session and return to the public Board meeeting.
J. Fried seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Presentation


Dr. Berry will introduce our guest speaker, Kendall Massett, Executive Director, Delaware Charter Schools Network.

Kendall Massett began the Charter School Network in 2012, and has been a charter school parent as well.  She recently visited BASSE and was excited by what she saw.

BASSE joins 25 other charter schools across the state which enrolled this year 19,030 children.

Ms. Massett reminded the group that opening a school is incredibly difficult and will continue to be hard work, but it's worth every minute of hard work because the focus is the success for the students.

Through the Charter School Network, Ms. Massett meets regularly with Board Chairs and Heads of School and Business Managers from across the state on a weekly and bi-weekly basis to stay abreast of activities statewide.

Updates from the Charter School Network:  

1) State level elected officials are always interested in learning more about charter schools.  The Network will be paying attention to leadership positions as they emerge in state government, and will continue to represent charter schools and monitor legislation and funding issues.  For example, tuition taxes remain unavailable to Charter Schools, but this year that will be changing as a result of a recent regulation.  Additionally, the Network is working on the potential of alternative routes to certification for school leaders.

2) March 14, 2025 is CharterCon, a statewide opportunity to learn more about charter schools, with a focus on Literacy, Leadership and Collaboration.

3) The Network has a grant related to family engagement so will do some targeted advertisement and enrollment.

Jeffrey asks, what happens to charter schools if the US Dept of Ed goes away? 

Kendall shared that the Network belongs to a national charter school network that does federal advocacy work; and reminded us that to eliminate a department 60 votes are required in the Senate, which appears unlikely.

IV. Head of School Report



Chantalle reported that:

Report cards were released to families last week, and with the end of the 1st marking period as well as the completion of  ISL diagnostics students are now grouped in more appropriate academic cohorts.

A new science curriculum is being implemented which is aligned with IB.

A new Special Education teacher is on board, as are two new paraprofessionals.

Still looking to hire a science teacher, and additional custorial and cafeteria staff.

The school choice application is open and so far we have 23 applications, with more outreach events underway.  Dine and Donates will continue and also be part of recruiting.

Chantalle is considering a major modification request of our charter prior to the December 31 deadline.  Essentially, this would mean reducing our projected enrollment for 2025 from 350 to 250, better reflecting the current enrollment of our 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes and assuming  a bit smaller new sixth grade class. The board will need to approve at the December 16 meeting. 

The Town of Georgetown's website will be doing some filming in the building, which will be an excellent recruiting tool moving forward.

The first ever BASSE Art Show is December 16 hosted by our art teacher and highlighting artwork by our students.  It is a service project for students and all proceeds go to St. Judes.

Sade Truiett continues to do public Weekly Updates for parents, students and the larger community. 

Chantalle wished everyone happy holidays and thanked parents for trusting your children to BASSE.

V. Director of Operations Report



Crystal Timmons-Bryant reported that additional safety features such as cameras in the cafeteria and gym, are being added.

Fire inspectors continue to be delayed but are expected this week.

We continue to update some additional classrooms.

A Golf Fundraiser is being planned for the Spring or Fall of 2025.

We continue to monitor free and reduced lunches and are trying to get more kids to eat breakfast, and make sure all eligible families are enrolled for free and reduced lunch.

VI. Committee Reports


Community Outreach


Development Committee Report


Education Committee Report


Land and Construction Committee Report


Finance Committee Report

Jeffery reported that the CBOC met in November to review and approve October financials to be brought to the Board.

Additionally, we need to vote on a proposal from Providence Creek Academy to provide business office/financial, and human resources support for the school moving forward.

K. Cauley made a motion to approve the October 2024 financial report.
K. Higgins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Kim
S. Burton
S. Hailey
J. Fried
T. Berry
K. Cauley
K. Higgins
R. Burton
B. Renzo
D. Snyder
A. Shepherd
J. Powell
K. Higgins made a motion to accept the PCA proposal to provide financial, business and human resources services to BASSE moving forward.
J. Fried seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Burton
S. Hailey
B. Renzo
D. Snyder
A. Shepherd
R. Burton
K. Higgins
K. Cauley
J. Fried
T. Berry
J. Kim
J. Powell


Governance Committee Report

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

K. Higgins made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
S. Hailey seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Cauley