Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday October 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Meetings of the Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence will take place on line at the following link:
As necessary participants can meet in person at 20346 Ennis Street Georgetown, DE 19947 to join the online meeting.
Directors Present
A. Shepherd (remote), B. Renzo (remote), J. Fried (remote), J. Kim (remote), J. Powell (remote), K. Cauley (remote), K. Higgins (remote), L. Golob (remote), T. Berry (remote)
Directors Absent
D. Snyder, K. Armand, S. Burton, S. Hailey
Guests Present
Adam (remote), Alonna Berry (remote), Amber Kendzierski (remote), Amber Kern (remote), C. Ashford (remote), C. Timmons-Bryant (remote), C. Wright (remote), Carla Noble (remote), Chad (remote), Charlene Britasi (remote), Charles Britasi (remote), Christine (remote), Cinthia Galdviz (remote), Crystal Passwaters (remote), Danneil (remote), Erynn Weakley (remote), Faye Schilling (remote), Jennifer Stuckey (remote), Jesyl Silva (remote), Jim Taylor (remote), Keda Dorsia (remote), Kristin Cox (remote), Laura Lubach (remote), Lauren (remote), Lori Short (remote), Renatae Burton (remote), Sade Truiett (remote), Sherita Bell (remote), Stacy Greenetz (remote), Stephen Harig (remote), T. Smith (remote), Tabitha Bohenko (remote), Tanya Wright (remote), Zoey T. (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes from September 23, 2024
Lizzie Golob was listed as guest at the September 23, 2024 when in fact she is a voting member of the Board. This was an error by the Board Secretary in entering Ms. Golob's name in the Board on Track platform used to document Board proceedings following her approval to the Board. As will be noted in the minutes from the October 28, 2024 meeting, Ms. Golob is now accurately listed as a voting member of the Board.
II. Board Chair Report
DE Charter Schools Network
Introducing Jim Taylor, BASSE Board Counsel
Dr. Berry introduced BASSE Board Counsel, Jim Taylor who offered some remarks.
Extensive experience with Charter School law, served on school board at Red Clay School District, family engaged with Charter Schools for twenty years with children enrolled, and wife both on the board and later a teacher at MOT.
Charter Schools walk the balance between accountability and flexibility. Schools and Boards are all unique and we can all learn from each other. Remember, MOT struggled at the beginning and had a year's delay in opening, so we know the first year is a challenge which is why it is important to learn from each other.
Big picture issues include: regulatory overlay like FOIA and Public Meeting Law which should not preclude robust conversations around important issues--and we should expect differences of opinion; a teacher and a parent need to serve on the board to assure a wide variety of voices; remember the conflict of interest provision which can be tricky--as a small community and because we are all intimately engaged with the school, all should be careful "what hat we are wearing at what time" to insure that Board members can objectively meet their fiduciary responsibilities with the school. If the time comes when a Board member has a conflict of interest with policy or process, then they have to recuse themselves just like with financial and other ethical issues.
Betsy Renzo asks what should we pay particular attention to?
Jim responded: Policy developed prior to opening can vary a lot from daily practices, so work to avoid that. Use the Governance Committee to track that--for example, does how we're operating actually follow the policies? should we change a policy if it turns out not to be relevant? Additionally, once a school is up and running check back in with insurance broker to insure all policies are adequate/appropriate. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
Revised 2024-2025 Budget
Jeffrey Fried reported: The budget revision has been completed based on unit count September 30, and a positive fund balance remains. We need to approve this budget this evening.
Dr, Berry added: In addition to hiring some additional positions based on the Head of School's recommendation, the Board is recommending hiring Alonna Berry in a School Founder position on a part time basis for a limited period of time to engage with the current leadership team of the school and to assist with fundraising.
Alonna ishared: She is looking forward to stepping up and working as needed moving forward, in a part time paid position.
Questions from the Board included a request for more details including:
Was this position included in the revised budget?
Answer: no, funds would be used from the positive fund balance.
Has a budget been set for the Founder's position?
No, budget for the position will depend on what is available in the budget once other priorities are met which include hiring additional positions recommended by the Head of School.
It was suggested that we approve the concept of the position at tonight's meeting and revisit final approval of the position at the next Board meeting.
Two separate votes will follow: first a vote for the revised budget based on the September 30, 2024 unit count; and second a vote on the concept of the School Founder position.
see above
New Board members and Ad Hoc Members
Dr. Berry introduced Renatae Burton who is interested in serving on the Board as a teacher representative.
Comments from Ms. Burton: I serve as the 7th and 8th grade social studies teacher at BASSE. The other teachers suggested I serve as the teacher representative to the Board of Directors.
I have experience in education as a teacher, and and I have served as Vice President of a Charter School Board prior to then teaching at that school.
Students transferring from the Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence
Dr. Berry reported that families of three students currently attending BASSE have submitted appropriate paperwork requesting to return to their home district, Indian River School District. In order for this process to be completed both the Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence Board and the Indian River School Board must vote on the request of the three families. The decision does not have an impact on the unit count of either school. Chantalle Ashford, Head of School for BASSE, is recommending that the board approve these requests.
III. Public Comment
Public Comment
Jesyl Silva would like to make a public comment.
I am the father of sixth grader at BASSE. I would like to thank the Board for the opportunity to speak and thank the teachers for all their good work at the school.
BASSE is a much needed school in the community and we were excited to learn about the opening. We now have some disappointments. While there is a learning curve with any new initiative, at the heart of every school is the importance of educating students, and the academics seems to be falling behind at the school. We need to focus more on academics. I ask my sixth grader on a daily basis what happened in school and she has not been able to express things that she learned.
Mr. Silva's comments were erroneously cut short by the Secretary, who apologized and invited Mr. Silva to continue:
While we may need more administration, if we can't make decisions to hire who we need in an emergency situation, then I am concerned. Speak to parents--there is disappointment that kids are not getting the education they serve. The concept for the school is amazing, but kids are not getting what they need. We need to focus on day to day. Students deserve better.
IV. Head of School Report
Chantalle Ashford highlighted:
Students completed the IXL diagnostics which is the tool we use to facilitate better groupings of students at appropriate learning levels. This process had been delayed by the vendors. of the diagnostic tool..
Marking period ends October 31, and while the calendar says report cards will go out November 1, this will not be true. Parents can access student data via google classroom and through Infinite Campus, but the actual report cards will be sent home next week.
We lost two Spanish teachers, but will be offering some Spanish instruction through IXL learning.
We have brought on two new staff members at the end of September: Dean of Climate and Culture, Sade Truiett, who is working with parent contact as well as parent and community communications, and the Parent Action Committee through which the Friday Snack Shack is being offered, additionally, Ms. Truiett is sending out weekly BASSE updates and social media posts and press releases most recently highlighting Spirit Week this week which includes the the first in school dance, and other activities; and the Dean of Students, Damon Ayers , who is focused on student behaviors and discipline in order to facilitate the restorative justice framework.
A new special education teacher starts Friday, who is also a parent. We are offering positions to two para-professionals, one working in instruction and one in the area of discipline.
We are also in the process of replacing one of our science teachers who had to relocate to be closer to her children's school.
School Choice applications open next month. We will be bringing in a new sixth grade class.
We have had a number of school visitors including: Up For Learning, a community partner who works with a student committee helping with school policies and design--the Student Voice Advisory Group--and will be providing some professional development to teachers; the Re-thinking Middle Schools Committee which is working with us around Career and Technical Exploration in Middle School through the Career Exploration Courses; and Delaware's first lady, Tracey Quillen, who will be in the building this week as well.
Immediately following Chantalle's remarks, Jeffrey Fried, a BASSE Board member asked to revisit the topic of the School Founder's position, suggesting that perhaps we could move forward with approving the position and expenditures to support it for a month or two in order to address important issues at the school ASAP.
Discussion followed asking for clarification about the urgency of moving this issue forward; that a contract position can be easily initiated as well as easily terminated; perhaps moving forward now would reduce the amount of time such a position would be needed; that we need to resolve this issue tonight rather than delaying.
Next there was a question in the chat regarding end of the school day.
Chantalle responded that a survey had gone out to parents suggesting that for a temporary period of time, the school day would be shortened until clubs are fully in effect. Majority of families were in support of shortening the school day but many families had concerns around pre-arranged schedules for picking up students.
There are some overall adjustments being considered to the schedule which would end the school day at 4:00. Parents will be notified should there be any changes.
Roll Call | |
J. Kim |
S. Burton |
S. Hailey |
T. Berry |
L. Golob |
K. Higgins |
A. Shepherd |
B. Renzo |
D. Snyder |
J. Powell |
K. Cauley |
K. Armand |
J. Fried |
V. Operations Report
Crystal Timmons-Bryant reported that final fire inspections are happening this week; the
scanning system has been fully installed so all entering the building will be photo scanned into national database prior to entering the building.
Three new classrooms are being updated for Special Education classrooms and other instructional opportunities; we were approved for the child nutrition program so reimbursement will follow; we have included bus aides for the afternoon shift to better manage behavioral issues on the bus; and are starting preparations for next year.
VI. Committee Reports
Community Outreach
Development Committee Report
Education Committee Report
Land and Construction Committee Report
Finance Committee Report
Jeffrey highlighted the October financial report, and asked for a vote.
Dr. Berry reported that the Charter School Network Board meetings will shift format a bit and will meet bi-weekly moving forward.
Reminder to Board members to get background checks completed, and to activate BASSE email accounts so that Board training can be completed.