Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday August 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Meetings of the Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence will take place on line at the following link:
As necessary participants can meet in person at 20346 Ennis Street Georgetown, DE 19947 to join the online meeting.
Directors Present
B. Renzo (remote), D. Bonville (remote), D. Snyder (remote), J. Fried (remote), J. Kim (remote), K. Armand (remote), K. Cauley (remote), K. Higgins (remote), T. Berry (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Shepherd, J. Edwards, J. Powell, S. Burton
Guests Present
Alonna Berry (remote), C. Ashford (remote), C. Timmons-Bryant (remote), Keda (remote), Lizzie Golob (remote), Lori Short (remote), Stephen Hailey (remote), Thea Stewart (remote), cheryl Vauls (remote), maria edgerton (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes from
II. Board Chair Report
DE Charter Schools Network
The Ribbon Cutting which occurred on Thursday August 22 included 200 people, and was a success.
Dr. Berry reported on the DE Charter School Network: Kendall Masset will attend the November BASSE Board meeting: Dr. Peters will be working with the Network during this academic year with a focus on school culture; the Network is working toward establishing an alternative certification pathway for school leaders as well as an enhancement of teacher certification processes; schools throughout the state are moving from E-School to Infinite Campus this Fall; BASSE will be featured on the Network website in September.
Potential New Board Members
Potential Parent Board Member, Lizzie Golob introduced herself sharing that she is a retired teacher with experience in running a business and non-profits, and has time to commit to serving on the BASSE Board.
Potential Board member Dr. Stephen Hailey introduced himself sharing that he has recently completed his PhD, has experience with special education, is currently retired from teaching and doing consulting, and has been working with the Governance Committee for the past six months informally.
Dr. Berry introduced the concept of Ad Hoc members of the Board who would serve on committees but not as full members of the Board, and invited several people to introduce themselves to the Board who will be serving in an Ad Hoc capacity: Thea Stewart who is currently engaged in special education evaluation brings experience with charter schools and is fluent in Spanish, excited about Bryan Stevenson and the school's vision; Cheryl Vauls brings over 50 years of experience in education from teaching to serving as school principal, is committed to the school's vision, and excited to be part of a new endeavor.
Renewed Staff Contracts 2024-2025
Dr. Berry reported that contracts for Head of School and Director of Operations had recently been modified, the Board has reviewed, and asked for a vote to formally approve.
Karen Higgins abstained from voting.
BASSE Attorney
Dr. Berry provided information about Jim Taylor who serves as the attorney for the Charter School Network, reviewed his terms of engagement, and asked for vote to retain Jim Taylor as attorney for BASSE.
Board Referene Guide
III. Public Comment
Guidelines for Public Comment
Kate Cauley reviewed the following guidelines related to Public Comment in a Board meeting.
A person wishing to make a public comment must complete an online request at least five business days prior to a meeting in which the subject matter and a 100 word summary of the public comment are provided. During any one Board meeting no more than five public comments will be heard, and each individual public comment will last no longer than three minutes.
IV. Head of School Report
Chantalle Ashford thanked everyone for attending Ribbon Cutting, and reported that current enrollment 242 students and counting--applications continue to come in--which means we are above the 95% threshold for enrollment. Instructional staff are all on board preparing for school opening September 3; and the Student Voice Advisory Group has helped to create the service learning curriculum for first two weeks of school.
August 29th is an Open House at the School for parents and kids to meet teachers, Board members and tour the school.
V. Operations Report
Crystal Timmons-Bryan thanked everyone for coming to Ribbon Cutting, and reported looking forward to Open House; reported that BASSE is ready to open--most recently finalizing food service and organizing hub spots--some last minute attention needed with computer set-ups, painting and security.
During Ms. Timmons-Bryan's report, Lori Short, school nurse, typed in comment thanking everyone for flowers and gifts at Ribbon Cutting.
VI. Committee Reports
Community Outreach
No report from Community Outreach Committee.
Development Committee Report
No report from Development Committee.
Education Committee Report
No report from Education Committee.
Land and Construction Committee Report
No report from Land and Construction Committee.
Finance Committee Report
Jeffrey Fried reviewed three documents previously publicly distributed with the agenda:
July, 2024 Financial Report; the Operational Budget for 2024-2025 outlining assumptions of $4.6mil in revenue, $4.4mil in expenses and a fund balance of just under $300K; and the Web Report.
Additionally, Mr. Fried reported that the CBOC had met August 19, and will be posting notice for a community member to serve on the CBOC with selection complete prior to the next meeting.
Governance Committee Report
Karen Higgins reviewed a list of 34 policies (all included with agenda for public review) which have been reviewed by Board members and requested one vote on the entire block of 34 proposals including: 105, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 601 602, 603, 701, 801, 802, 803.
Minutes from the June 24, 2024 Board meeting were reviewed and approved