Excel Academy (CA)
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date and Time
Thursday March 14, 2024 at 12:10 PM
Excel Academy Charter School
1 Technology Drive, Ste I-811
Irvine, CA 92618
Regus- Gateway Chula Vista
333 H Street, Suite 5000
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Zoom Meeting Information:
Dial In: +1 669 444 9171 US
Meeting ID: 819 3332 6100
URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81933326100
Excel Academy will provide flexible, personalized learning through a customized course of study that will educate, motivate, and instill a love of learning in each individual student. Teachers and parents will join together to maintain high expectations and promote academic excellence for all students creating the next generation of leaders.
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting Excel Academy Charter Schools.
Directors Present
L. Alvarado, M. Humphrey, S. Fraire, S. Houle, W. Hall
Directors Absent
Guests Present
L. Hansen
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
II. Approve/Adopt Agenda
III. Approve Minutes
Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on February 8, 2024
IV. Adjourn to Closed Session
The Board will consider and may act on any of the Closed Session matters.
V. Reconvene Regular Meeting
Report out any action taken in closed session.
VI. Correspondence/Proposals/Reports
School Highlights - Presented by Heidi Gasca, Executive Director/CEO
Heidi Gasca's presentation highlighted various achievements and events at Excel Academy, focusing on parent education, staff accomplishments, community engagement, and student activities. Key points included:
- The success of the Parent PowerUp Conference aimed at increasing parent involvement and providing educational resources.
- Adapting to unforeseen circumstances, such as transitioning an in-person staff meeting to virtual due to a major storm, showcasing the team's quick and effective response.
- Acknowledgment of staff members completing coursework for their preliminary admin credentials.
- Highlights of student activities, including field trips, outdoor classroom experiences, and leadership events like the Disneyland Leadership Day.
- Community events and initiatives aimed at fostering connections and engagement, such as Game Time and entrepreneurial events.
- Professional development opportunities for staff, including attendance at social media and marketing conventions.
- Preparation for upcoming events like prom and state testing, as well as ongoing efforts in curriculum development and test preparation.
Overall, Gasca's presentation emphasized the collaborative efforts and dedication of the Excel Academy community to support student success and engagement.
Student Testimonials - Student Leadership Members Connor Allen and Dalila Casanova
The students provided testimonials about their experiences with the leadership class at Excel Academy, particularly highlighting their attendance at a leadership day event at Disneyland. Delila shared how the class helped her find balance in her academic schedule, build confidence in public speaking, and develop leadership skills applicable to daily life. She emphasized the importance of setting small, achievable goals as a pathway to success, which she learned from the keynote speaker at the Disneyland event. Delila expressed her belief that more students should have the opportunity to experience such leadership classes and talks.
Connor discussed his enjoyment of meeting classmates in person and listening to the speaker at the Disneyland event. He reflected on the speaker's message about the challenge of translating intentions into actions, using his own experience in high school hockey to illustrate this point. Connor expressed gratitude to Excel Academy for providing him the opportunity to attend the leadership conference and shared his determination to achieve his goals in the future. Both students were commended for their contributions to the leadership class and exemplified the positive impact it has on students at Excel Academy.
VII. Consent
Consent - Business/Financial Services
Consent - Education Student/Services
Consent - Personnel Services
Consent Items - Policy Development
Approve Consent Agenda
VIII. Business/Financial Services
Approval of Second Interim Financial Report
Approval of Annual Audit Engagement Services between CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA) and Excel Academy Charter Schools
Approval of CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (CLA) Agreement Increase
Approval of 2024-2025 Strategic Staffing Plan, Salary Schedules, and Work Year Calendars
Megan presented the strategic staffing plan for the upcoming school year, highlighting various components such as compensations, salary schedules, work year calendars, and job descriptions. She discussed the collaborative process with Joe and the timeline for developing the plan. The presentation covered budget allocations for employee benefits, retirement contributions, statutory benefits, and expense reimbursements. Megan acknowledged staff milestones and announced plans to hire additional teachers for the virtual and personalized programs, as well as introduce new teacher-led classes in art and music. She outlined updates to the salary schedule, work year calendar, and job descriptions, including the creation of new positions like the lead community liaison. Megan also recognized the new registrar.
IX. Education Services
Approval of Parsec Education Service Agreement (Renewal)
Approval of the Proposition 28 - Arts & Music Funds Proposal
Erica Flores, Excel Academy's TOSA for grants, provided a brief overview of Proposition 28 funding. She highlighted that 80% of the funding must be spent on credentialed teachers and explained how the school plans to utilize the funds to enhance arts and music education. Specifically, they aim to offer required virtual classes for K through 6th grade students, expand elective offerings for middle school, and introduce a new visual and performing arts class for high school focusing on project-based learning. Additionally, elementary music classes and appreciation courses for middle and high school students will be expanded. Erica expressed excitement about the opportunity to enrich students' learning experiences in arts and music.
X. Policy Development
Approval of New Board Policies
XI. Comments
Board Comments
The board members expressed their appreciation for the meeting and the continuous progress of the school. They commended Heidi's leadership and the hardworking staff behind her, emphasizing the success of the parent workshop and congratulating Keri and Erin on their achievements. They recognized the importance of financial oversight and student well-being, particularly mental health, in light of upcoming legislation. Overall, they praised the team's dedication and highlighted the ongoing evolution of the school from a dream to a reality. Additionally, they commended the efficient running of the meeting.
CEO Comments
Heidi expressed gratitude for the recognition of the team's contributions and highlighted the continuous growth and challenges faced, including legislative changes and professional development. She mentioned attending a board meeting in Helendale, emphasizing the importance of maintaining positive relationships with authorizers. Despite scrutiny at the state level, Heidi noted the investment and interest shown by board members, indicating ongoing support for the school's authorization process.
No action was taken.