Medical Lake School District #326, WA
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 28, 2025 at 6:00 PM
Administration Office
Directors Present
Alexis Alexander, Gerri Johnson, Laura Parsons, Ron Cooper, Wendy Williams-Gilbert (remote)
Directors Absent
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Approve Agenda
What's Right
School Board Appreciation
Dr. Headrick read the proclamation and a brief 10 minute break was taken for refreshments for Board Appreciation Month.
II. Consent Agenda
Minutes from Regular Board Meeting 12/17/2024
Approve the Consent Agenda
Resignations - Jason Gohl ~ Night Custodian, High School (effective 12/30/2024); Alita Crosby ~ Mental Health Coordinator, Student Services (effective 1/31/2025); Jerry Ornelas ~ Assistant Cross Country Coach, Middle School (effective 1/6/2025); Celeste Knights ~ Assistant Secretary, Michael Anderson Elementary (effective end of the 2024/2025); Julie Robison ~ Head Secretary, Middle School (retiring, effective end of the 2024/2025 school year); Brett Ward ~ 6th Grade Boys Head Basketball Coach, Middle School (effective 1/16/2025); Aaron Floyd ~ Inclusion Para Educator, Michael Anderson Elementary (effective 2/7/2025); John Potter ~ Baseball and Football Coach, Middle School (effective 1/16/2025); Kaleb Vinson ~ Assistant Football Coach, Middle School (effective 12/12/2024);
Leaves - None at this time
Staff Contracts:
Administrative Staff - None at this time
Certificated Staff - None at this time
Certificated Substitutes - None at this time
Long-term Substitutes - None at this time
Classified Staff - Dylan Van Denend ~ Licensed Nurse, District/High School (effective 1/6/2025); Joe Oliver ~ General Para, High School (remainder of the 2024/2025 school year, effective 1/6/2025); Scott McCaslin ~ Stand By Bus Driver, Transportation (effective 1/6/2025); Katelyn Stafford ~ General Para Educator, Michael Anderson Elementary (effective remainder of the 2024/2025 school year); Karin Parkison ~ Head Secretary, Middle School (210 days, 7.5 hours per day, beginning of the 2025/2026 school year);
Classified Substitutes - None at this time
Extra Curricular Activities - None at this time
Other - None at this time
Teachers Teaching Out of Content Areas: Acacia Carr (CTE October 10, 2024 - June 11, 2025); Alexis Kozyra (pending OSPI printing); Heather Reither (approved but pending printing through OSPI);
Staff Travel: None at this time
Board Member Compensation: None at this time
The following vouchers/warrants as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, were approved for payment.
General Fund (Payroll/Accounts Payable) for December 17, 2024, warrant 136469 in the amount of $329.00 VOID/REISSUE;
General Fund (Payroll/Accounts Payable) for December 17, 2024, warrant 136470 in the amount of $656.51 VOID/REISSUE;
General Fund (Payroll) for December 26, 2024, warrants 136471 - 136475 in the amount of $4,718.95;
General Fund (Payroll/Accounts Payable) for December 26, 2024, warrants 136476 - 136492 in the amount of $689,228.81;
General Fund (Accounts Payable) for December 31, 2024, warrants 136493 - 136520 in the amount of $91,857.46;
ASB Fund (Accounts Payable) for December 31, 2024, warrants 136521 - 136525 in the amount of $3,191.45;
General Fund (Payroll/Accounts Payable) for December 31, 2024, warrant 136526 in the amount of $5,500.00 VOID/REISSUE;
General Fund (Accounts Payable) for January 15, 2025, warrants 1366527 - 136602 in the amount of $381,777.46;
Capital Fund (Accounts Payable) for January 15, 2025, warrants 136603 - 136603 in the amount of $68,008.58;
ASB Fund (Accounts Payable) for January 15, 2025, warrants 136604 - 136614 in the amount of $17,701.13;
General Fund (Payroll/Accounts Payable) for December 31, 2024, warrant 136615 in the amount of $63.85;
III. Individual Actions Items
Board Policy 3205 ~ Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited; Second Reading
Given the current Federal ruling declaring the 2024 revisions to Title IX as unconstitutional, we are recommending tabling the revisions of Policies 3205, 3206, 5011 and 5012.
Board Policy 3206 ~ Pregnant and Parenting Students; Second Reading
Given the current Federal ruling declaring the 2024 revisions to Title IX as unconstitutional, we are recommending tabling the revisions of Policies 3205, 3206, 5011 and 5012.
Board Policy 4280 ~ Research Activity; First Reading
Board Policy 5011 ~ Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of District Staff Prohibited; Second Reading
Given the current Federal ruling declaring the 2024 revisions to Title IX as unconstitutional, we are recommending tabling the revisions of Policies 3205, 3206, 5011 and 5012.
Board Policy 5012 ~ Parental, Family, or Marital Status, and Pregnancy or Related Conditions of Staff; Second Reading
Given the current Federal ruling declaring the 2024 revisions to Title IX as unconstitutional, we are recommending tabling the revisions of Policies 3205, 3206, 5011 and 5012.
Approve the CTE/Perkins Grant
Who Will Hand Out Diplomas?
Wendy and Laura will hand out diplomas this year. Other Directors wishing to be present on stage can attend as well. Dir. Alexander said he would like to attend.
Approve to Zero Out Unpaid Lunch Balances
Approval to Surplus an Outdated Braille Embosser from the High School
IV. Student Representatives Report
Ashley ~ Hallett Elementary Visit; Trinity ~ Michael Anderson Visit Chuks ~ Middle School Visit; Gabby ~ High School Visit
Dr. Headrick summarized the student representative's notes from their January visits as they were busy with basketball games.
Each of them were allowed to create their own questions for their school visits this time around.
Chuks did an experiment where he went to his walk & talk dressed down, more casual rather than a more business attire, which he typically wears, to see if the students thought he was more approachable. Chuks said it appeared his casual attire made the students were more willing to talk with him. He asked Middle School 6th, 7th, and 8th grades how they felt they did in the 1st semester of school, and what their toughest and best classes were.
Trinity asked 4th and 5th graders at Michael Anderson Elementary how they feel school is going, what could be changed and what they wished was different.
Ashley visited with 2nd and 4th graders at Hallett Elementary about having friends and feeling like they belong. She asked if they feel challenged with their learning, their plans for the future once they graduate and where their school could use improvement.
Gabby focused on 9th and 12th grade at the High School asking about their suggestions for the school, how they feel the climate and culture are, their workload and how their teacher interactions are going.
V. Reports and Discussions
Human Resources Report
Christy Nauta noted there are quite a few openings within our District. She's beginning to work through the positions opening up due to current employees retiring (8), putting in for medical leave (3) and those who are military moves (2).
The main focus right now is hiring a new High School principal. There were a total of 13 applicants of which, only 8 completed a full packet. High School staff have been coming to the District Office to do pre-screenings with a scoring rubric. Next week we'll have it narrowed down to 2-4 applicants and schedule interviews with that group for February 4-5 and a community forum on the 6th.
We had an opening in our ROTC program but were fortunate to be able to use Col. Powell to fill in while we find a permanent person. There are a few potential cadets that are getting 8-10 weeks of on-the-job experience and have 2 Colonels with experience that are interested in the position.
Winter Sports Report
Assistant Principal, Justin Blayne was filling in for Dawn Eliassen while she attended the girls and boys basketball games.
There are 50 boys on our basketball team, which allows us to have 4 full teams.
Girls basketball has 20 and 2 full teams.
We have 20 wrestlers, one of which is a girl. She's really good and has beat quite a few boys in her weight class.
Coach Gene was recently inducted into the WIAA Hall of Fame.
Gene drives from Hayden Idaho at least 200 out of 365 days every year. During summer conditioning, he's here before the sun comes up to greet the summer cross country conditioning runners.
We want to thank the Board of Directors for supporting our Gymnastics team. We have 4 girls on the team which would not be possible without the School Board's support.
Winter sports is going well and we'd like to give major recognition to our coaches, not just winter coaches, but all coaches for supporting our kids the way they do.
Student Services Update
Tawni Barlow shared some slides to help everyone understand what the Wellness Center is, the services it provides, its mission and vision, and how it benefits our students and our community. She touched on the counseling services and classes available through the Wellness Center. One slide showed how each service or group is linked together and provide supports for the students in our schools. Tawni's charts documented the percentage of students with disabilities within each building that are included in their regular classrooms during the day. The goal is for at least 80%, and we're crushing that, with the Middle School being almost 100%. Our numbers are trending upwards which is what we want to see. Tawni shared how many staff are on her team for each building and thanked them for the great work they're doing to get students screened and served.
Technology Services Report
Rob and Josh Rux have been working with a local web designer to revamp our main website and building websites. It's been 8 years since we've done anything new. Trevor showed some school mascot mock-ups, school principals are working to get those nailed down.
The school district is moving from Skyward to Qmlativ for student data. Our payroll officer came to us from a district that used Qmlativ for 5 years, so she's very familiar with it. The district team has been getting Skyward processes cleaned up for the roll-over. Staff training will take place at the beginning of August.
Summer allotment of Chromebooks is in and ready for programming and processing for the 2025/2026 school year. We have our Chromebooks on a 5 year refresh cycle.
The speakers in the Middle School multi-purpose room were placed where sound did not carry beyond the front of the speakers. This made it impossible for anyone standing to the side of the room to hear. We've mounted some new speakers in there and the sound is now excellent all around!
All but 2 of our school bus fleet have their WiFi mounts attached. Those 2 are still being repaired at an off-site shop, once they're back at the bus garage, we'll get them fitted. This allows students access to WiFi when traveling for trips, games, or just headed home. The next phase will be trackers for our buses through a program called Peregrine. Families and our transportation department will be able to see where a bus is at all times. That should help alleviate calls about buses not yet at a bus stop pick-up or drop-off.
ELL Report
Lyra shared the goals of our English Language Program is to teach students skills in the 4 domain areas of "listening, speaking, reading and writing". The District is currently serving 24 students throughout our 4 schools. Students receive support in a regular classroom setting, and depending on the need, may receive additional small group supports. ELD identified students receive annual WIDA screening to determine if services are still needed. When new students enroll and mark something other than English on the home language form, the ELD team has 10 days to screen them for services.
Wrestling Room Update
One month we discovered there was moisture under the flooring of the wrestling room. Chad Moss has been working with the ESD and Todd Smith from OAC to help identify what was going on and causing the issue. We've had a rather wet winter with a lot of rain. Several homes in our area with basements are dealing with the moisture problem.
Mats were pulled out and the plastic barrier was removed along with paneling and pads on the west wall. Halme Construction drilled 3 inch holes in the concrete for a look at the sub layers, which appear to be gravel, so that's good. The west side has the most moisture while the middle has the least. Right now things are drying as the moisture evaporates through the drilled holes. We're waiting on solution recommendations from OAC and Halme, but it seems we will need to put in a subfloor to keep it from happening again.
VI. Board Reports and Discussion
WASA/WSSDA Legislative Conference Report
Dr. Williams-Gilbert and Dr. Headrick attended the WASA/WSSDA Legislative conference in early January. All school districts present wanted to focus on the Big 3; funding for special education, material supplies and operational costs (MSOCs) and transportation. Right now the House and Senate both have their own version budgeting for the Big 3. While either of their budgets might not be fully funding these measures, it is a step in the right direction.
VII. Superintendent's Report
Early Learning Center Update
Dr. Headrick just completed her form for the Department of Child, Youth and Family (DCYF) in hopes of bringing another ECEAP program into Medical Lake. Regardless if we qualify for ECEAP through DCYF or not, we need to provide some early learning for our community. We'd love to have a transitional kindergarten (TK) program in Medical Lake to be housed at Hallett Elementary. Our current TK program at Michael Anderson is funded through the State, not special education. Our community has indicated an interest for early learning. We need to step into early learning options, need to provide this for our community, and need to be inclusive. If an ECEAP for us isn't provided through DCYF, we will add a TK at Hallett and another at Michael Anderson Elementary, which would give us another 40 spots for early learning.
Walk & Talks, Meet & Greets
My Walk & Talks are the same day and time every week. I'd love to have 1-2 Board Members walk with me. Let Sarra know the days you're interested in coming along so she can extend the time for those days.
Coffee at Roam in Medical Lake and Thomas Hammer is once a month. Ron has come to a few, but you're welcome to pop in.
MISA Conference in June
MISA Annual Conference is June 22-25. We have rooms held, so please let Sarra know if you're attending so we can release the rooms we're not using.
Community Member Teresa Hudson asked the School Board to consider the community's voice when educating students.