Medical Lake School District #326, WA


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 5:00 PM


Medical Lake School District Administration Office

Directors Present

Alexis Alexander, Gerri Johnson, Laura Parsons, Ron Cooper, Wendy Williams-Gilbert

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Kimberly Headrick (remote), Robert Haugen, Sarra Reiber

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Wendy Williams-Gilbert called a meeting of the board of directors of Medical Lake School District #326, WA to order on Tuesday Jun 25, 2024 at 5:06 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


Approve Agenda

Laura Parsons made a motion to Approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


What's Right

Dr. Headrick honored our 5 retirees 

  • Cami Ortega, para at Michael Anderson Elementary ~ 3 years 
  • Nancy Warnecke, 3rd grade teacher at Hallett Elementary ~ 7 years
  • Heidi Archer, nutrition services at the High School ~ 10 years
  • Judy Dunbar, 6th grade teacher at the Middle School ~ 20 years
  • Nancy Cote', 1st grade teacher at Hallett Elementary ~ 31 years

Tawni Barlow introduced Lindsey McIntyre hired through the grant they applied for earlier this year. She'll be the new peer specialist at the Wellness Center and also works for Charmed services. 

II. Consent Agenda


Minutes from Regular Board Meeting 5-28-2024

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 05-28-24.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Minutes from Special Meeting 6-18-2024

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 06-18-24.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the Consent Agenda

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.

Resignations - Mandy Barnes ~ Paraeducator, Middle School (effective end of the 23/24 school year); Cami Ortega, Paraeducator, Pre-School, Michael Anderson Elementary (effective June 13, 2024); Brandi Shaffer ~ Paraeducator, Hallett Elementary (effective end of the 23/24 school year); Nikki Bauman ~ Parent and family Partner, District (effective 5/29/2024); Cody Vela ~ Paraeducator, Middle School (effective end of the 23/24 school year); Brandie Barry ~ Special Education Teacher, Middle School (effective 6/13/2024); Kyle Fischer ~ Security and Coach, High School (effective 6/13/2024);


Leaves - None at this time


Staff Contracts:


Administrative Staff - Kimberly Headrick ~ Superintendent; Robert Haugen ~ Assistant Superintendent; Tawni Barlow ~ Student Services Director; Chris Spring ~ MLHS Principal; Justin Blayne ~ MLHS Assistant Principal; Shelby Schoesler ~ MLMS Principal; Lyra McGirk ~ MLMS Assistant Principal; Darlene Starr ~ MAE Principal; Barry Warren ~ MAE Assistant Principal; Kristin Kuster ~ Hallett Principal; Ben Gilsdorf ~ Hallett Assistant Principal; 


Chad Moss ~ Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations; Trevor Meade ~ Director of Technology; Andrew Mills ~ Maintenance Supervisor; Tonya Jaynes ~ Transportation Supervisor; Jill Howard ~ Nutrition Services Supervisor;


Certificated Staff - Dan Collins ~ Summer Transitions School Math Teacher (July 29 - August 15); Mo Owens ~ Summer Transition School ELA/SS Teacher (July 29 - August 15); Tera Hart ~ Summer School/Edmentum Coordinator (July 29 - August 15); Heather Reither ~ Extended School Year Special Education Teacher (July 30 - August 15); Daniel Simon ~ Math Teacher, 7th Grade, Middle School (effective beginning of the 24/25 school year); Anna Bollinger ~ 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher, Middle School (effective beginning of the 24/25 school year); Jennifer Russell ~ 1st Grade Teacher, Michael Anderson Elementary (effective beginning of the 24/25 school year); Logan Stanley ~ 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher, Middle School (effective beginning of the 24/25 school year); Kelei Motz ~ Assignment Change from 1st Grade to Kindergarten at Michael Anderson Elementary (effective beginning of the 24/25 school year); Alizabeth Williams ~ CTE Ag Teacher & FFA Advisor, High School (effective beginning of the 24/25 school year);


Certificated Substitutes - None at this time 


Long-term Substitutes - None at this time


Classified Staff - Rochelle Gulling ~ Extended School Year Paraeducator (effective July 30 - August 15); Lisa Wentland ~ Cafeteria III ESY Summer Program, District (effective July 8 - August 15); Cheyanne Rightler ~ Cafeteria III ESY Summer Program, District (effective July 8 - August 15); 


Carrie Fitch; Garrett Grau; Malenna King; Rachel Lawson; Tonya Mills; Christy Nauta; Sarra Reiber; Joshua Rux; Stefan Swenson;  


Classified Substitutes - None at this time


Extra Curricular Activities - none at this time


Other - None at this time


Teachers Teaching Out of Content Areas: None at this time


Staff Travel: Tawni Barlow ~ OSEP Leadership and Director’s Conference, August 6-8, 2024, Arlington, Virginia; 


Board Member Compensation: None at this time



The following vouchers/warrants as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, were approved for payment. 


General Fund (Payroll) for May 24, 2024, warrants 135376 - 135378 in the amount of $4,111.07; 

General Fund (Payroll/Accounts Payable) for May 24, 2024, warrants 135379 - 135395 in the amount of $680,024.99;

General Fund (Accounts Payable) for May 31, 2024, warrants 135396 - 135463 in the amount of $116,900.00;

ASB Fund (Accounts Payable) for May 31, 2024, warrants 135464 - 135472 in the amount of $12,365.15;

General Fund (Accounts Payable) for June 13, 2024, warrants 135473 - 135495 in the amount of $112,612.30; 

General Fund (Accounts Payable) for June 14, 2024, warrants 135496 - 135529 in the amount of $175,276.27;

ASB Fund (Accounts Payable) for June 14, 2024, warrants 135530 - 135540 in the amount of $20,620.35; 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Individual Actions Items


Board Policy 6700 ~ Nutrition; Second Reading

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Board Policy 6701 ~ Recess and Physical Activity; Second Reading

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Policy 6702 ~ Wellness; Second Reading

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Board Resolution 23-24.07 ~ Interfund Loan

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the Summer School and Extended School Year Programs

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the Continued Membership with Puget Sound Joint Cooperative Purchasing for Nutrition Services

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the $0.10 Lunch Price Increase

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the 2024-2025 Free and Reduced Meals Application

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the Surplus of Old Office Furniture from Michael Anderson Elementary

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the Surplus of 9 Tennis Shirts from the High School

Laura Parsons made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Reports and Discussions


Final Audit Report ~ Stefan Swenson

Stefan said Thank You to Ron and Gerri for attending exit interview. The audit went well, we received an unmodified opinion, which is a clean audit. Typically, auditors spend 1 week onsite, the remainder of their audit is conducted off site. They have said they love working the our District, and use us as a "training site" for new auditors in a sense since our team is easy to work with and always prepared.  

Dr. Headrick and Mr. Haugen noted that these clean audits are a testament to Chad and Stefan and all their hard work in the fiscal department. 


General and Capital Projects Budget Extension Discussion ~ Stefan Swenson

This goes along with the interfund loan approved earlier. Approval of these will be on the July Board Meeting. 


Capital projects currently has a $200K fund balance, will need to get it up to $500K to complete the previously approved controls at the high school. If you'll recall, we completed the Middle School vestibule improvement at the beginning of 2024 which was billed out of this fund.


General fund was affected by a late billing cycle from EWU's running start our insurance rates through USIP. They have been hit quite heavily by every day claims and of course, this year we had the fire. Our insurance rates for fiscal year 22/23 were 46% higher than fiscal year 21/22, fiscal year 23/24 will have another 40% increase on top of that. A budget extension for the general fund will help offset the increased prices for insurance we're facing. 

V. Board Reports and Discussion


Potential Board Retreat?

Board President Wendy Williams-Gilbert suggested a Board retreat to go over trainings that would be beneficial for the Board. Wendy and Kim will create an agenda. The Board unanimously agreed to do the retreat Tuesday, July 30th ~ 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at a location to be determined. We will send out invitations to our student representatives so they can attend as well. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Wendy Williams-Gilbert
Documents used during the meeting
  • 6.25.2024 Consent Agenda (1).pdf
  • Financials.pdf
  • Enrollment.pdf
  • REQ 6700 Revised 5.24.pdf
  • REQ NEW 6701 Revised 5.24.pdf
  • REQ NEW 6702 Revised 5.24.pdf
  • Resolution 23-24.07.pdf
  • MLSD Summer Programs-2024.pdf
  • MLSD Lunch Prices 18_19 and on.pdf
  • 24-25 Letter and Application.pdf
  • 20240416_134749.jpg
  • 20240416_133302.jpg
  • 20240617_073736.jpg
  • Budget Extension FYI.pdf