Medical Lake School District #326, WA


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM


Medical Lake Middle School Library

Directors Present

Alexis Alexander, Gerri Johnson, Ron Cooper, Wendy Williams-Gilbert

Directors Absent

Laura Parsons

Guests Present

Chad Moss, Kimberly Headrick, Robert Haugen, Sarra Reiber

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Wendy Williams-Gilbert called a meeting of the board of directors of Medical Lake School District #326, WA to order on Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 6:01 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


Approve Agenda

Ron Cooper made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


What's Right

Each central office administrator and board member shared something they observed in the District or community. 


Middle School Presentation

Middle School counselor Rachael Roll, started a multicultural club mid-way through this school year.  Club members are made up of all grade levels, 6-8. There are almost 40 students signed up with more wanting to participate next year. The main focus of the club is "how do we make a school better and make it a better place to be?" 


Multicultural Club's Mission is to help create school culture where students respect each others differences. The club likes to highlight celebrations and stop racism. They decided to make t-shirts with their slogan VIBE (value, inclusion, belonging, equity) this year and they've been a big hit. 


They wear their shirts on Mondays when the club meets.  Club members have noticed that other students come up and ask about getting into the club and what the shirt slogan means when they're wearing their shirts. Other students also know they can talk to club members when they see things that are bullying and racist. 

T-shirt slogan this year vibe


The club students would like what they're doing to become part of the school as a whole, not just a club that meets once a week. 

II. Consent Agenda



Ron Cooper made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 04-23-24.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the Consent Agenda

Ron Cooper made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.

5.28.2024 Consent Agenda 


Resignations - Heidi Archer ~ Cafeteria, High School (retiring, effective end of the 2023/2024 school year); Katey Warnecke ~ Special Education Teacher, Hallett Elementary (effective end of the 2023/2024 school year); Jenna Finnerty ~ School Psychologist, District (effective end of her LOA in June); John Higgins ~ Varsity Softball Coach, High School (effective 6/1/2024); Michael Barnhart ~ Social Studies Teacher, Middle School (effective end of the 2023/2024 school year); Michael Barnhart ~ 7th Grade Boys Assistant Basketball Coach, Middle School (effective 5/6/2024); Michael Barnhart ~ Assistant Track & Field Coach, Middle School (effective end of the 2023/2024 season);  Jocelyn Ziegenfuss ~ Health Aide, Middle/High School (effective 5/17/2024); Tanner Ferry ~ AG Science/CTE/FFA Advisor, High School (effective end of the 2023/2024 school year); Bill Colley ~ Assistant Wrestling Coach, High School (effective 5/20/2024);

Leaves - None at this time

Staff Contracts - 


Administrative Staff - Shelby Schoesler ~ Middle School Principal (effective 4/22/2024); 

Certificated Staff - Jeff Averill ~ 3rd Grade Teacher, Hallett Elementary (effective beginning of the 2024/2025 school year); Phoenix Cornwell ~ 2nd Grade Teacher, Michael Anderson Elementary (effective beginning of the 2024/2025 school year); Sara O’Donnell ~ 3rd Grade Teacher, Hallett Elementary (effective beginning of the 2024/2025 school year); Elyse McLaughlin ~ 4th Grade Teacher, Michael Anderson Elementary (effective beginning of the 2024/2025 school year); Sharon Work ~ 5th Grade Teacher, Michael Anderson Elementary (effective beginning of the 2024/2025 school year); Brandon Cornwell ~ Position Change to Health, Fitness & PE, Middle School (effective beginning of the 2024/2025 school year); 

Certificated Substitutes - None at this time 


Long-term Substitutes - None at this time

Classified Staff - Andrew Mills ~ District Maintenance Supervisor, District (effective 5/1/2024); Garrett Grau ~ Assistant Maintenance Supervisor, District (effective 6/3/2024); 


Classified Substitutes - None at this time


Extra Curricular Activities - Sadie Murray ~ Cheerleading Coach, High School (effective the start of the  2024/2025 school year); Ryan Casey ~ Assistant Volleyball Coach, High School (effective start of the 2024/2025 school year); 


Other - None at this time


Teachers Teaching Out of Content Areas: None at this time


Staff Travel: Superintendent Dr. Headrick, Board President, Dr. Williams-Gilbert, Military Family Advocate, Rey Ornelas to the MISA Summer Conference, in Savannah, GA June 23-25, 2024;


Board Member Compensation: Ron Cooper (2/27/2024 - 5/21/2024);



The following vouchers/warrants as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, were approved for payment. 

General Fund (Payroll) for April 26, 2024, warrants 135223 - 135225 in the amount of $4,409.00;

General Fund (Payroll/Accounts Payable) for April 26, 2024, warrants 135226 - 135241 in the amount of $684,326.21; 

General Fund (Accounts Payable) for May 2, 2024, warrants 135242 - 135286 in the amount of $114,765.92; 

ASB Fund (Accounts Payable) for May 2, 2024, warrants 135287 - 135294 in the amount of $3,844.16;

General Fund (Accounts Payable) for May 15, 2024, warrants 135295- 135369 in the amount of $375,643.98;

ASB Fund (Accounts Payable) for May 15, 2024, warrants 135370 - 135374 in the amount of $22,350.47;

TVF Fund (Accounts Payable) for May 15, 2024, warrants 135375- 135375 in the amount of $314,897.52; 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Individual Actions Items


Board Policy 6700 ~ Nutrition; First Reading

Ron Cooper made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Policy 6701 ~ Recess and Physical Activity; First Reading

Ron Cooper made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Policy 6702 ~ Wellness; First Reading

Ron Cooper made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Board Resolution 23-24.06 ~ Delegate Authority to WIAA

Ron Cooper made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve $4,000.00 Bid for Buses 15, 23 and 32.

Ron Cooper made a motion to approve.
Alexis Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Student Representatives Report


Student Representatives

Our student representatives have other school activities tonight so they're not able to attend. However, they did meet with the Superintendent to document what they saw on their May building walks.


Chuks visited Michael Anderson Elementary and asked students what they like about school right now. Popular answers were lunch, recess, and snack time. He noted that students also said learning part was an important part of their day as well. 

For things they're looking forward to, as military students, moving away was number one, they're excited to meet new friends. Learning harder things as they grow like math, bigger words. For 5th graders, moving to the MS was their top pick. (Chuks noticed that MAE students have a strong foundation that sets them up for later school years, and he attributed it to the staff).


Trinity visited Hallett Elementary. She said 5th graders are looking forward to moving to the Middle School, getting to have lockers and different classes in different classrooms. Students like the Wit and Wisdom curriculum and hands on science.  The school did a word wall along the hall and liked learning new words, they said that Foundations was instrumental for learning those new words. Hallett students said they would like to have longer recess times. 


Gabby went to the Middle School. Student there like the teachers and staff, and specifically feel staff is involved in their learning process. Some students said they like block schedule, because there is less homework. They said they'd like to see more sports for 6th graders. 


Ashley was at the High School. With sports being over and all the testing going on, students feel like this time is more of a grey area, between happy and boring. Things they'd like to see are more bands and clubs, additional spring sports with more student participation and more summer conditioning. Our student representatives said we have a great education system compared to other kids in the area. They'd like to see more improvement on the bathrooms. There are still small groups hanging out in them doing things they maybe shouldn't be doing. High School students would like the opportunity for fine arts classes. 


The students talked about fundraising opportunities. They feel it would help if families knew why fundraisers still happen with the levy having passed, show them what the schools can pay for and what they cannot.


Dr. Headrick is going to have the student representatives be involved in the quarterly student connections meetings. Have them participate and co-run the events. 

V. Reports and Discussions


ALE Report ~ Lyra McGirk

Lyra McGirk said "it's hard to believe it has been 4 years since our Connect+ program started."


Right now there are 37 students in Connect+ at the High School, 14 are 100%, 16 that are in a hybrid model, 3 participating in work place experience and 4 doing running start.


The Middle School has 19 Connect+ students, 16% full time and 3 hybrid.


Michael Anderson Elementary has 5 attending full time while Hallett Elementary has 3 total, 1 of which is hybrid.


Lyra will be meeting with the building coordinators for an end of year meeting to work on creating a more consistent grading practice and enhance general communication protocols.  Our goal is to make the online program more meaningful. 


Healthy Youth Survey Report ~ Tawni Barlow

Tawni Barlow shared some slides highlighting some of the results from the 2023 Health Youth Survey. 


Healthy Youth survey is a collaborative effort with OSPI, the Department of Health, the Health Care Authority, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery and the Liquor and Cannabis Board. The voluntary, anonymous survey provides important results regarding youth and adolescents' take on their health and mental wellbeing. 


The slides compared our students in grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 with others in Washington State on topics about vaping, drinking, drug use, depression, bullying, suicide and others. 


Tawni says it's a great tool to use alongside our SEL screener to help our students that need help in these areas. 

VI. Superintendent's Report


Summer Board Meeting Times

Typically our summer meetings, in June, July and August are at 4:00 pm. We know this time frame can be difficult for some of our board members. We can do either a 5:00 pm start or keep all meetings at 6:00 pm. 

The Board unanimously agreed that a 5:00 pm start for summer meetings, June, July and August, was good.

VII. Executive Session


Negotiations and possible real estate

A brief 30 - 45 minute session started at 7:00 pm and ended at 8:11 pm. 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Wendy Williams-Gilbert
Documents used during the meeting
  • 5.28.2024 Consent Agenda (1).pdf
  • Financials.pdf
  • Enrollment.pdf
  • REQ 6700 Revised 5.24.pdf
  • REQ NEW 6701 Revised 5.24.pdf
  • REQ NEW 6702 Revised 5.24.pdf
  • WIAA Delegation Resolution 23-24.06.pdf
  • Healthy Youth Survey.pdf