Ogden Preparatory Academy
OPA Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday May 20, 2021 at 4:30 PM
1415 Lincoln Avenue, Ogden UT 84404
VISION: Ogden Preparatory Academy’s vision is to create a positive, nurturing environment for students to grow and learn as they develop the skills necessary to become tomorrow’s leaders. Through high academic expectations and experiences, bilingual exposure, leadership roles and commitment to community, OPA students will gain confidence and a sense of self worth that will prepare them to face the challenges in a competitive world.
Directors Present
J. Howell, M. Ward, S. Mejeur, S. Zwygart, T. D'Hulst, W. Davis
Directors Absent
N. Bowsher
Directors who left before the meeting adjourned
M. Ward
Ex Officio Members Present
D. Deem, K. Kennington, S. Mathers
Non Voting Members Present
D. Deem, K. Kennington, S. Mathers
Guests Present
Andrew Smith, S. Adams, Stephanie Wright
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
W. Davis called a meeting of the board of directors of Ogden Preparatory Academy to order on Thursday May 20, 2021 at 4:35 PM.
Approve Minutes
T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve the minutes from OPA Board of Directors Meeting on 04-22-21.
S. Mejeur seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Public Comment
Opportunity for Public Comment
III. Mask Mandate
Governor Cox' Mask Mandate Retraction
The teachers survey was very split on their opinions.
Kasey represented that the elementary are predominantly want the masks removed. Kasey thinks that there will still be some who wear masks, and that teachers will do whatever we decide.
Teryl talked with teachers who thought the compromise was good.
Molly mentioned that teachers could take their students outside if they choose. It is only 4 days of school left. It is reasonable to stay with our policy.
Tyler mentioned that he sees children who are still getting COVID. There is data that masks do help. Greatest risk is in enclosed areas.
Board members each expressed their support of a hybrid compromise.
Kasey represented that the elementary are predominantly want the masks removed. Kasey thinks that there will still be some who wear masks, and that teachers will do whatever we decide.
Teryl talked with teachers who thought the compromise was good.
Molly mentioned that teachers could take their students outside if they choose. It is only 4 days of school left. It is reasonable to stay with our policy.
Tyler mentioned that he sees children who are still getting COVID. There is data that masks do help. Greatest risk is in enclosed areas.
Board members each expressed their support of a hybrid compromise.
T. D'Hulst made a motion to update mask policy to state that masks will remain mandatory indoors, but are optional outside for the remainder of this school year.
S. Mejeur seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IV. Finance
Financial Review
Spencer reviewed the budget report for FY21.
FY21 budget report as of the end of April. Board will need to approve tonight. The finance committee reviewed the budget and made adjustments as appropriate. The finance committee was conservative with adjustments.
We are in good shape financially.
Bill inquired about the change in the student forecast. The Approved number, 1061, was what we originally intended. 1040 on the forecast was the October 1 count.
FY21 budget report as of the end of April. Board will need to approve tonight. The finance committee reviewed the budget and made adjustments as appropriate. The finance committee was conservative with adjustments.
We are in good shape financially.
Bill inquired about the change in the student forecast. The Approved number, 1061, was what we originally intended. 1040 on the forecast was the October 1 count.
FY21 Final Budget
T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve the FY21 budget report.
J. Howell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
FY22 Budget
T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve FY22 budget.
S. Mejeur seconded the motion.
Spencer reviewed the FY22 budget. The finance team combed through the budget to prioritize school/student needs.
Increases in the WPU are reflected in the State funding line items.
Federal COVID relief funds are coming through the ESSER II and ARP ESSER funds.
Free lunches will continue through the FY22 school year.
Raises are accounted for in one line item for now.
Our statistics are good. Days Cash on Hand is strong.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Increases in the WPU are reflected in the State funding line items.
Federal COVID relief funds are coming through the ESSER II and ARP ESSER funds.
Free lunches will continue through the FY22 school year.
Raises are accounted for in one line item for now.
Our statistics are good. Days Cash on Hand is strong.
Fraud Risk Assessment
We completed the Fraud Risk Assessment and shared it with the Board.
Auditor Selection
M. Ward made a motion to approve the Eide Bailly proposal for $19,500.
S. Mejeur seconded the motion.
Bill has a business conflict with the Auditor companies, so will not participate in the discussion.
We have proposals from Eide Bailly and Squire.
Tyler inquired what the $1,200 higher cost of Squire, and indicated that if we receive the same service, we should go cheaper. Spencer does not have any feedback or concern with using Eide Bailly from schools that use their services.
Eide Bailly will be even cheaper in the future due to the one time fee for switching from FASB to GASB.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
We have proposals from Eide Bailly and Squire.
Tyler inquired what the $1,200 higher cost of Squire, and indicated that if we receive the same service, we should go cheaper. Spencer does not have any feedback or concern with using Eide Bailly from schools that use their services.
Eide Bailly will be even cheaper in the future due to the one time fee for switching from FASB to GASB.
RCD Training
T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve the RCD training.
J. Howell seconded the motion.
This is our 4th year with getting training for RCD. Last year we did the training virtually, and it was less effective. We would like to have them come again. It is more impactful to have them come.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Technology Purchases
S. Mejeur made a motion to approve the technology quote as presented.
M. Ward seconded the motion.
Andrew reviewed the summary of all the proposed technology devices.
Teacher devices: we chose Mac Book Airs due to life cycle and capabilities.
Bill inquired about the labor for mounting the Smart Boards. Bill offered to help.
OPA offers AP Photography, and students can get ADOBE certified. Zach Ordonez is building an amazing program.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Teacher devices: we chose Mac Book Airs due to life cycle and capabilities.
Bill inquired about the labor for mounting the Smart Boards. Bill offered to help.
OPA offers AP Photography, and students can get ADOBE certified. Zach Ordonez is building an amazing program.
Curriculum Purchases
T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve the curriculum purchases as presented.
S. Mejeur seconded the motion.
Stephanie Wright reviewed the purchases.
The teachers have liked using Zearn. Stefanie Zwygart's student loved Zearn.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
The teachers have liked using Zearn. Stefanie Zwygart's student loved Zearn.
Science Curriculum Purchase
T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve the science curriculum purchase as presented.
J. Howell seconded the motion.
Stephanie Wright reviewed the Science Curriculum for 7th and 9th.
The JH Science department has requested new curriculum. The curriculum is made for Utah. Teachers are excited to us this curriculum. We have a new teacher starting to teach 7th grade science; this resource will be helpful.
Tyler inquired about 8th grade; Teresa Hislop will continue using her current supports.
Bill asked about the ability to replace damaged books. We shouldn't have a problem with replacements.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
The JH Science department has requested new curriculum. The curriculum is made for Utah. Teachers are excited to us this curriculum. We have a new teacher starting to teach 7th grade science; this resource will be helpful.
Tyler inquired about 8th grade; Teresa Hislop will continue using her current supports.
Bill asked about the ability to replace damaged books. We shouldn't have a problem with replacements.
Facility Services
J. Howell made a motion to approve the camera, lighting and carpeting quotes as presented.
S. Zwygart seconded the motion.
Andrew reviewed the facility quotes for lighting upgrades, camera installs and refreshes, carpeting, and painting.
Lights are going to LED flat panels. The quote includes removal. Andrew reached out to Rocky Mountain power for incentives and reviewed those options.
Cameras: we have some blind spots where there have been issues such as broken windows and disciplinary incidents. The servers will be on a 3 year staggered schedule.
Carpeting: Last year we did some repairs. We will replace the rooms with a carpet tile. Carpet baseboards would be an additional $1,190.
Painting: The painting quote increased significantly. We are hoping to reduce the cost through additional research.
Board members asked about the durability of the tiles.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Lights are going to LED flat panels. The quote includes removal. Andrew reached out to Rocky Mountain power for incentives and reviewed those options.
Cameras: we have some blind spots where there have been issues such as broken windows and disciplinary incidents. The servers will be on a 3 year staggered schedule.
Carpeting: Last year we did some repairs. We will replace the rooms with a carpet tile. Carpet baseboards would be an additional $1,190.
Painting: The painting quote increased significantly. We are hoping to reduce the cost through additional research.
Board members asked about the durability of the tiles.
T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve funding for painting not to exceed $20,100.
J. Howell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
V. School Update
Administrative Board Report
Kasey reviewed upcoming events. The Special teachers will be planning and facilitating field day to celebrate the year. There will be no water events.
End of year assessments are completed. Many online students were tested. Stephanie Wright did a great job.
We saw a big difference with test scores from last year to this year. We will compare to other schools as soon as the data is available. There was a big difference between in person and online students.
i-Ready scores show good improvement; however, we are still working on online students.
Kasey has been working with teachers to revamp curriculum maps.
Junior High has been testing. The scores are not ready yet. Students were still testing on i-Ready today. Stephanie will present the data when it is available.
Stephanie briefly reviewed the discipline issues from this week.
9th grade Chromebooks will be deprovisioned and given to students. It worked as an incentive to keep the computers in good working order.
Teryl and Stephanie Wright left for the Kindergarten graduation.
Andrew addressed chromebook damages.
Kasey and Stephanie reviewed the Extended Learning opportunities.
Stefanie Zwygart likes the plan for the summer program.
Stephanie and Kasey reviewed the signature programs.
Debbie reviewed finance, compliance, operations, and enrollment.
End of year assessments are completed. Many online students were tested. Stephanie Wright did a great job.
We saw a big difference with test scores from last year to this year. We will compare to other schools as soon as the data is available. There was a big difference between in person and online students.
i-Ready scores show good improvement; however, we are still working on online students.
Kasey has been working with teachers to revamp curriculum maps.
Junior High has been testing. The scores are not ready yet. Students were still testing on i-Ready today. Stephanie will present the data when it is available.
Stephanie briefly reviewed the discipline issues from this week.
9th grade Chromebooks will be deprovisioned and given to students. It worked as an incentive to keep the computers in good working order.
Teryl and Stephanie Wright left for the Kindergarten graduation.
Andrew addressed chromebook damages.
Kasey and Stephanie reviewed the Extended Learning opportunities.
Stefanie Zwygart likes the plan for the summer program.
Stephanie and Kasey reviewed the signature programs.
Debbie reviewed finance, compliance, operations, and enrollment.
M. Ward left.
Speech Services Agreement
T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve the Speech services for Something to Talk About.
S. Mejeur seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Psychologist Services
S. Mejeur made a motion to approve Maura for our Psychologist services.
J. Howell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Calendar Revision
Discussion on the minimum day schedule.
Tyler requested we do a parent survey for their minimum day preference.
Tyler requested we do a parent survey for their minimum day preference.
T. D'Hulst made a motion to pass the calendar revision as discussed.
S. Zwygart seconded the motion.
May 19 for Board meeting.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
W. Davis
Darby implored that the mask requirements be maintained. She referenced a radio announcement that unvaccinated people should wear masks in public. There are some unvaccinated staff for some reason. Darby cares for her parents and her child has a condition that puts them at greater risk. Losing masks now could risk the beginning of next year. Please keep the masks. She thinks that the Elementary and Junior High are split in their choices.
Bill asked Darby how the mask proponents would feel about releasing the masks outdoors. Darby believes that most would absolutely be in favor of allowing masks outside, but not inside.