Ogden Preparatory Academy


OPA Emergency Virtual Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday January 22, 2021 at 4:30 PM


VISION: Ogden Preparatory Academy’s vision is to create a positive, nurturing environment for students to grow and learn as they develop the skills necessary to become tomorrow’s leaders. Through high academic expectations and experiences, bilingual exposure, leadership roles and commitment to community, OPA students will gain confidence and a sense of self worth that will prepare them to face the challenges in a competitive world.

Directors Present

J. Howell (remote), M. Ward (remote), S. Mejeur (remote), S. Zwygart (remote), T. D'Hulst (remote), W. Davis (remote)

Directors Absent

N. Bowsher

Ex Officio Members Present

A. Perez (remote), D. Deem (remote), K. Kennington (remote), S. Mathers (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

A. Perez (remote), D. Deem (remote), K. Kennington (remote), S. Mathers (remote)

Guests Present

Elizabeth Callison, S. Wright (remote), T. Young (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

W. Davis called a meeting of the board of directors of Ogden Preparatory Academy to order on Friday Jan 22, 2021 at 4:31 PM.

II. Discussion


Policy Discussion

Reviewed the potential revisions to the policy. Suggestions were explored and questions discussed.
Stephanie Mathers inquired if distancing should be explicitly included.
Tyler D'Hulst shared a flow chart from the CDC and discussed the information. CDC guidelines are more strict than the State Health Department guidelines. 
Weber School District is going with the State Manual. Ogden City still has CDC guidelines.
The Board wanted to know how we verify that the students are wearing masks. This is a concern with adults as well. 


Public Comment

  • Jill Kirkham, parent, just quarantined again. Would like to avoid further quarantines. Want everyone to be safe, but need to keep kids in school in a safe way. Quarantines can be a hardship on families. 
  • Carly Reid, parent and COVID nurse, wants to know if the quarantine will be mandatory. Referred to School Manual that stated that children were getting exposed at family events. Wants OPA to follow the State School Manual. She has had a lot of exposure to positive cases with mask wearing and has been infected. Mask significantly reduces transmission.
The Board appreciates public feedback during board meeting and email.


Quarantine Policy

T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve the updated quarantine policy as amended.
M. Ward seconded the motion.
Bill expressed appreciation for our ability to compromise. Tyler agrees with the changes. We need to ensure that students are using appropriate masks. Types of masks should be considered during contact tracing. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Kasey will review today's quarantine and notify parents.
Tyler cautioned him to maintain the privacy of the individual.
T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve the updated quarantine policy.
S. Mejeur seconded the motion.
Parents who choose to quarantine their students may return at any time.
CDC guidelines state that students required to quarantine may return after 10 days without symptoms, or 7 with a negative test. 
We should have a form to keep questions and information uniform.
(Jessica Howell left the meeting.)
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
W. Davis