Ogden Preparatory Academy


OPA October Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 25, 2018 at 4:30 PM


1415 Lincoln Avenue; Ogden, UT 84404
VISION: Ogden Preparatory Academy’s vision is to create a positive, nurturing environment for students to grow and learn as they develop the skills necessary to become tomorrow’s leaders. Through high academic expectations and experiences, bilingual exposure, leadership roles and commitment to community, OPA students will gain confidence and a sense of self worth that will prepare them to face the challenges in a competitive world.

Directors Present

J. Rojas, L. D'Hulst, N. Bowsher, S. Shupe, S. Zwygart, T. D'Hulst, W. Davis

Directors Absent

S. Ballard

Ex Officio Members Present

A. Campbell, D. Deem, K. Kennington, S. Mathers

Non Voting Members Present

A. Campbell, D. Deem, K. Kennington, S. Mathers

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Bowsher called a meeting of the board of directors of Ogden Preparatory Academy to order on Thursday Oct 25, 2018 at 4:37 PM.


Approve Minutes

S. Shupe made a motion to approve minutes from the OPA September Board Meeting on 09-20-18 OPA September Board Meeting on 09-20-18.
T. D'Hulst seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Introduce and welcome new board members

Attendees introduced themselves.


New Board Member Training Update

Board training went well.
New members need to be added as attendees to the agendas.
New members were added to group email.
Each member needs to update their bios on the Dashboard.


Schedule a Board Hearing

There have been 5 violations by the student who has previously come before the Board. He has been suspended pending a Board Hearing. 
Wednesday, November 7, 4:30 pm
Junior High Library

II. Finance


Financial Review

Laura D'Hulst reviewed the financial summary with the members. 
Days Cash on Hand dropped slightly due to upfront expenditures and delay of allotments.
Enrollment drop will have some impact, we expect to be able to handle those budgetary decreases.
Return on investment from the PTIF fund is very healthy. Spencer is reviewing to determine if we can move additional funds to the PTIF. Samantha asked that we consider the typical drop in February/March. 


Utah Consolidated Needs Assessment Approval

T. D'Hulst made a motion to approve the UCA Needs Assessment.
W. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Camera Station

S. Zwygart made a motion to approve the purchase of the camera station for $5,175.
T. D'Hulst seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Damaged Trailer

S. Shupe made a motion to approve the amount of $6,000 to replace the damaged trailer.
L. D'Hulst seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
William Davis recused himself from the vote.


Early Literacy Plan

W. Davis made a motion to approve the updated OPA Early Literacy Plan.
L. D'Hulst seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Reports


CEO Report

  • Data meetings with all teams and teachers. About to start the second round.
  • Formed a Math Task Force.
  • Academic Excellence Committee created a Data Dashboard for the Board with Summative assessment data and DIBELS data.
  • Facilities
    • Penney War paid for new playground panels; those have been installed in the courtyard. 
    • Outdoor libraries have been installed in the courtyard.
    • Dog poop stations have been installed. 
    • Building leaks during heavy rains through the brick. Working to get with original contractor to troubleshoot solutions.
    • On-call maintenance support is coming. 
    • Parking lot needs to be resurfaced. We are getting bids. 
    • Samantha asked that we have a maintenance schedule. 
  • Past Events
    • Carnival
    • Soccer; 2nd in State
    • Fun Run
  • Current/Upcoming Events
    • Red Ribbon Week
    • Basketball
    • Trunk or Treat
    • Junior High Dance
    • Literacy Nights.
S. Mathers left.


Committee Assignments

Board Committees
Governance: Steve Ballard, Chair; Josue Rojas, Member
Finance: Laura D'Hulst and Tyler D'Hulst
Academic Excellence: Samantha Shupe, Chair; Bill Davis, Member
Development Committee: Nick Bowsher, Chair; Stefanie Zwygart, Member


Task Force Needs Discussion

  • Retention 
    • Drop in enrollment;
    • Waitlist has reduced. 
    • Stefanie Zwygart, Chair;
    • Members: Samantha Shupe, Steve Ballard, and Josue Rojas
    • Collect data and determine direction
  • Risk Analysis
    • Bill Davis, Chair
    • Members: Teresa Hislop, Amie Campbell
  • Updates in December.

IV. Other Business


Review upcoming tasks and events.

November: Board Hearing
December: Board Meeting

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

S. Shupe made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. D'Hulst seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:29 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Bowsher