Brighter Choice Charter Schools


Academic Policy Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 15, 2020 at 9:00 AM

Committee Members Present

M. Snyder (remote), N. Maresca (remote), R. McLaughlin (remote), Z. Nelson (remote)

Committee Members Absent

N. Velilla, T. Hanmer

Guests Present

K. Ford (remote), K. Mclean (remote), L. Licygiewicz (remote), S. Jahn (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Snyder called a meeting of the Academic Policy Committee of Brighter Choice Charter Schools to order on Thursday Oct 15, 2020 at 8:56 AM.


Approve August 13 Academic Meeting Minutes

N. Maresca made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Policy Committee Meeting on 08-13-20.
R. McLaughlin seconded the motion.
Pending the removal of Shawn Wallace, former Trustee, from the minutes
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Policy


BCCSG Principal’s report and school update

Kristina Ford Presented Girls Academic:
-          Enrollment at 283 is slightly up from last meeting.
-          Access points have been received and connected, has greatly improved internet reliability within the school.
-          Fall benchmarking took place NWEA Math 58% scholars were at or above grade level last year, versus 41% this year.
-          Fall benchmarking took place NWEA ELA 62% were at or above grade level last year, versus 53% this year.
-          Action steps and analysis meetings are taking place with all grade levels.
-          There is a potential SPED hearing for a scholar. R. McLaughlin recommends the school reach out to Jay Given for legal advice.


BCCSB Principal’s report and school update

Karen Mclean Presented Boys Academic:
-          Enrollment at 258 (-2) from last report.
-          9 pending students in the pipeline.
-          Chronic absenteeism is improving, last year had only 20 students that missed 18+ days versus 100+ students over the last few years.
-          130 Chromebooks arrived, at this point all scholars that need a Chromebook have a Chromebook. Still awaiting 60 Chromebooks, but that order was reduced from 303 Chromebooks to 60 Chromebooks to fit our budget.
-          After Trimester 1 (November 27th) a decision will be made between full remote vs in person.
-          Communication team is being assembled using staff from both Boys and Girls School to help out with advertising.

III. Closing Items


Future Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:42 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Z. Nelson