Brighter Choice Charter Schools


Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday June 18, 2020 at 8:30 AM


remote due to covid-19 closure

Trustees Present

M. Snyder (remote), N. Maresca (remote), N. Velilla (remote), T. Hanmer (remote), Z. Nelson (remote)

Trustees Absent

R. McLaughlin, S. Wallace

Guests Present

J. Sherman (remote), K. Ford (remote), K. Mclean (remote), L. Licygiewicz (remote), Paul Augello, Boost Education, S. Jahn (remote), T. Stutsrim (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Snyder called a meeting of the board of trustees of Brighter Choice Charter Schools to order on Thursday Jun 18, 2020 at 8:32 AM.


Approve Minutes from the June 4, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting

N. Maresca made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees Meeting on 06-04-20.
M. Snyder seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes from the January 9, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting

T. Hanmer made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Committee Meeting on 01-09-20.
N. Maresca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Finance


Budget for SY 2020-21

P. Augello presented two different budgets for Trustees to review and consider. One budget, which includes a 2% of total revenue reserve, was created based on the fact that NYS has a budget deficit which will lead to quarterly determinations of amount of state aid to schools. In addition, there may be unexpected costs due to re-opening requirements in the Fall. In this budget scenario, extra monies will be put aside for some of these potential covid-19 related costs.

The funds received from the SBA PPP loan are also set aside and being considered as a loan. He fully expects this to be converted to a grant in the future due to the fact that the school has retained the "pre-closure" staffing levels.

This version also retains current staffing levels but does not include any pay increases, at this time. Instead there is a possibility of "bonuses in lieu of pay increases" at a later date, when the school has a better idea of state aid, for example.

M. Snyder shared her preference for the budget with the 2% reserve. She also shared that she wants to be sure to find opportunities for staff compensation during the school year. 
T. Hanmer made a motion to approve the budget with approximately 2% of revenue per school set aside as a reserve.
N. Maresca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


YTD Financial Report and A/R update





III. Governance


Charter Renewal

K. Ford shared from her recent virtual visit with NYSED re: renewal:

* positive comments were made re: remote instruction, the continuation of counseling services during the school closure, the frequency of Board of Trustees meetings, and the recruitment efforts of SWD and ENL.
*action steps for the school include continued efforts to decrease absenteeism (currently in place), increase enrollment of SWD (currently in place), increased participation of parents on Board of Trustees and increased technology for students (currently in place). 


Covid-19 Plans

No Operational updates added during this meeting.

IV. Academic


Covid-19 Remote Instruction

K. Ford reports, for BCCSG:

Remote Learning / EOY:
* BCCSG continues to see about the same rate of participation in remote instruction and paper packet completion.
* Teacher have packed up their classrooms and met with her for EOY meetings.
* Appointments have been scheduled for families to return borrowed Chromebooks.

SY 2020-21 Enrollment:
* Enrollment and re-enrollment continues - currently at 251 scholars, need approximately 65 more. 

* One opening. for a Special Education teacher. Remote teaching demonstrations have been scheduled with candidates.
K. Mclean reports, for BCCSB:
* 283 scholars currently enrolled for SY 2020-21. None of the non-returning parents have reported that their decision was based on dissatisfaction with the school.

* One possible teacher resignation due to travel time from new home.
* A survey was given to all staff at a recent EOY meeting. She will share the results at a future Board meeting.
J. Sherman reports, for BCCSB:
* All but one grade level showed increases in participation in remote instruction. 
* About 75% completion of paper packets. The schools' Dean and other Behavior Intervention team staff visited families of non-participating scholars to talk with the boys about the need to do the work and gave them new packets. 

M. Snyder acknowledged Ms. Sherman's efforts and work during Ms. Mclean's maternity leave and thanked her.

J. Sherman thanked K. Mclean and the Board for the opportunity to do so.


Summer 2020 Instruction

* 33 scholars have been signed up.
* All instruction will be remote. Instruction will be in grades 2 - 5.
* She will employ 4 teachers.

* 21 scholars have signed up.
* Due to numbers grade levels will be combined - one 1st/2nd grade section and one 3rd/4th grade section.
* She will employ 2 teachers, with some planning support from the school's ENL teacher.


Recognizing Staff during pandemic closure



BCCSB - Discipline Policy

L. Licygiewicz reports that this information has been sent to an attorney for review.

V. Closing Items


Future Agenda Items

The next meeting with be the Board of Trustees Annual Meeting during which Trustees will be elected to hold specific positions on the Board.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:21 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Z. Nelson