Brighter Choice Charter Schools

Governance Committee Meeting

Remote due to Covid19 closure

Date and Time

Thursday April 9, 2020 at 8:30 AM EDT


Pursuant to Governor Executive Order No. 202.1 issued 3/13/2020, the Open Meetings Law requirements for school board meetings have been temporarily modified, for through April 11, 2020, as such: “Article 7 of the Public Officers Law, to the extent necessary to permit any public body to meet and take such actions authorized by the law without permitting in public inperson access to meetings and authorizing such meetings to be held remotely by conference call or similar service, provided that the public has the ability to view or listen to such proceeding and that such meetings are recorded and later transcribed.”


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes from the March 25, 2020 Governance Committee meeting
II. Governance
  A. Renewal
  B. Covid-19 Closure - report
School Leadership will report on the current state of affairs during the closure. 
  C. Grants
  D. Summer 2020 Instruction
Discuss and begin planning.
  E. K Mclean's upcoming Leave
III. Other Business
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting