Invictus Nashville Charter School


Development Committee Meeting - October

Date and Time

Thursday October 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM


Please refer to the zoom link 

This meeting is on Oct 22. It was rescheduled from Oct. 22 due to scheduling conflicts. 

Committee Members Present

A. McGuire (remote), J. Little (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

B. Jones (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. McGuire called a meeting of the Development Committee of Invictus Nashville Charter School to order on Tuesday Oct 22, 2024 at 4:09 AM.


Approve Minutes

J. Little made a motion to approve the minutes from September Development Committee Meeting - September on 09-19-24.
A. McGuire seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Development



We need to update information online- support page on website.

Linked in and other websites to direct people to Invictus for GT


there is background homework that has to happen to include us in the actual GT event. Previously Dr. Jones had run into questions about whther or not charter schools are allowable for GT.

John- are MNPS schools or PTOs involved?

BJ- TN Nature Academy has used it. Jay Renfroe has done it. BJ went and registered on the official portal and got a call back about discussing it. BJ met with the new Exec Dir and GT was not approved.

Whole situation needs to be revisited- BJ ok to hand this off to John or me. To approve us to be part of the GT portal. 


Next step-

Adam to update website

Brenda will push that deadline to first weekend of Nov


Brenda to connect John, Allison, and GT people to we can investigate next steps for portal



III. Other Business



Calendar Race: Fun way to do fundraising and get awareness about Invictus. Opens up other people's networks for fundraising and they do the legwork- we don't have to bring those people to a dinner, etc. 


BJ suggestion for calendar fundraiser- pick a day and the day you choose is how much you donate. So if you choose the 20th, you donate $20.

Or you can select a calendar and commit to filling it up.

Or create one generic calendar- and you commit to filling up the different costs (such as "sponsor one student" or "sponsor one child")

Whoever sponsors the calendar, their goal is to fill up the calendar and get people to sponsor those things/ dates by a certain date. 


The legwork on our end would be who would be willing to sponsor a calendar.


John has experience with it for sports. It can be a low dollar expense but then you can take on as much as you'd like. JL suggests you can also ask if people are willing to make the commitment monthly.


BJ mentioned Give Butter portal- do people know how to access this for fundraising? And to reimburse for the photographer from the application launch party?


We are planning to host a Christmas party to thank volunteers etc- possibly could recognize people who fill up their calendars.


BJ to draft calendar and send to us for feedback.


JL- think the current board would consider it a viable fundraising idea. We could get it started before the next board meeting. 


Possible January dates for fundraiser- Thursday 1/9, Thursday 1/16, Wed 1/22, Thursday 1/23


1/9 doesn't work for BJ


Ideal is Thursday 1/16

Other possible options Wed 1/22, Thursday 1/23


For next board meeting- some people have been on monthly plans and others haven't given since last year. 


JL contributes a lot in personal tax- speaking to a CPA would help maximize his giving. Do we have someone who could do pro bono work for members of the board?


BJ has someone she may ask who is also an interested parent.


IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:33 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. McGuire