Cold Spring School


Board Meeting

September 2023

Date and Time

Wednesday September 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM


3650 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis, IN 46222

A regular meeting of the Cold Spring School, Inc. Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, September 20, 2023. The meeting will start at 5:30pm at Cold Spring School.  

Directors Present

B. Tran, C. Wise, J. Renbarger, N. Torres

Directors Absent

K. Castro, M. Kolar

Guests Present

A. Barcome, Brooke Glassburn, C. Stipes, R. Moore, Ricky Ritter

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Renbarger called a meeting of the board of directors of Cold Spring School to order on Wednesday Sep 20, 2023 at 5:33 PM.


Approve Minutes

B. Tran made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 08-16-23.
N. Torres seconded the motion.

B. Tran made the suggestion to add that the 35/41 staff are directly working with students

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Financial Report


Monthly Financial Report

Brian Anderson presented the financials


There were no significant changes from August 2023 report


B. Tran asked about the interest earned. B. Anderson stated that a sweep account was opened to earn interest


Furniture Purchases

  • J. Renbarger asked if with the new furniture purchases if the asset balance will change next month. B. Anderson confirmed.
  • B. Tran asked if there was a budget for the furniture. C. Stipes stated that ESSER funds were used with an approval in the 2022-2023 school year

Count Day and SBA Funding

  • IPS used September 1 as our count day instead of the previously stated October 2. CSS will see a reduction in SBA funds because of this change. CSS has budgeted conservatively.
  • J. Renbarger asked if there was a reason IPS used Sept 1 over Oct 1. Ricky Ritter stated that IPS uses a day between the start of the year and the count day. Traditionally it was closer to Sept 15.



B. Tran made a motion to approve the financial report for September 2023.
C. Wise seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Donation/Payment Platform

C. Stipes did research on digital donations and payments


Go Fund Me Charity account

Easiest set up, families able to share, can use for multiple reasons (Weekend Club, Robotics...)



Great that we can take payments in the office and throughout the school


No option costs CSS. Small usage fees absorbed by the person donating


B. Tran asked if donor letters would be generated. Each platform will automatically generate letters and receipts

III. Cold Spring Community Presentation


POP & Robyn Moore Conversations

POP Presentation by Brooke Glassburn

  • 4th year parent at CSS
  • B. Glassburn met with AJ Barcome over the summer to brainstorm how to grow the group
  • First meeting had 25 parents in attendance
  • Room parents are in place for all classes
  • 44 parents set to volunteer for PIE day, a record high
  • Group will meet in person, and will grow by establishing committees
    • Communication
    • Volunteer
    • Staff Appreciation

Group will meet first Wednesday of each month


N. Torres asked if there was something the board could do to be supportive. B. Glassburn will get back to us


(Ricky Ritter left the meeting. Brooke Glassburn left the meeting)


Robyn Moore, Dean of Academics

  • 11 years experience, education
  • "Heart for at-risk students"
  • Has been in classes and has met students and teachers
  • She is already planning the next year with AJ Barcome


IV. New Business


Personnel Report

CSS is actively working to find quality candidates to fill vacant spots.

C. Wise made a motion to approve personnel report for September 2023.
N. Torres seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Additional Compensation Opportunity Stipend Amendment

B. Tran made a motion to approve the Additional Compensation Opportunity Stipend Amendment.
C. Wise seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Update 23-24 SY Calendar

April 8, 2024 planning for the full eclipse


Proposing to make it an e-learning day due to the timing. There would not be an opportunity for responsible learning and education during that time.




23-24 SY Title Budget

C. Stipes presented the Title Budget


B. Tran asked about the difference from the Title I budget and the approved 2023-2024 budget. 

C. Stipes stated that CSS will need to make up the difference as needed.



C. Wise made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 Title Budget.
B. Tran seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Principal's Report

NWEA results for the beginning of the year are showing growth for the whole school 

  • 6% growth in ELA and Math.
  • 4% growth for the 80th+ percentile in ELA
  • 3% growth in the 80th percentile in math

Attendance Data

Year to date for 2023 is 95.61%, with the last 5 days being 99.95%


CSS continuities to eliminate barriers for transportation and attendance


Fall Athletics

  • Volleyball--Undefeated, 3 middle school chosen for IPS District All Star Team
  • Tennis
  • Softball
  • Baseball



  • 2 seats in 3rd grade are open, all other are full

STEM Certification due in October


V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Wise
Documents used during the meeting
  • CSS Financial Reports 083123.pdf
  • CSS Budget vs Actual 083123.pdf
  • September 2023 Personnel Report.pdf
  • Additional Professional Compenstation_Updated September 2023.pdf
  • Calendar 23-24_Updated 9.14.23.pdf
  • Title Budget 23-24 SY.pdf