Seaside School, Inc
Development Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 16, 2024 at 8:15 AM
Committee Members Present
D. Lilienthal, J. Ward, L. Blue, M. Kerrigan, T. Brooks, T. Miller
Committee Members Absent
G. Latour, M. Uhlfelder
Guests Present
K. Mixson, T. Horton,,,,,
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Development
Land Donation Agreement Discussion
Performing Arts Center Discussion
See notes above. These two items were discussed together.
School Facilities Update (Projects List)
Tom Miller shared a list of ongoing projects taking place at the campuses. New employee, Lee Mixson, is leading these efforts.
Hardening of School
Tom Miller stated that he'd continue to seek out additional firms to provide bids for an evaluation of the school campuses from a security and safety standpoint. One suck bid from "Hawkeye" is currently in hand.
Bid Solicitation Process Discussion
No discussion needed. Currently procurement policies dictate appropriate process.
III. Seaside School Foundation Update
Fundraising Update
Teresa Horton provided an update on the Capital Campaign and annual fund as well us upcoming events for awareness/donation solicitation.
Fundraising Events
Teresa Horton provided an update on race weekend events. Race registrations pacing far ahead of last year. Additional donor/prospective donor events and networking opportunities planned for race weekend.
IV. Marketing Update
School / Events / Expansion Marketing Updates and Priorities
Significant efforts in place to promote lottery applications and race weekend activities.
Members of the Seaside School Foundation Board of Directors shared the history of a potential land donation from Seaside Community Development Corporation to The Seaside School. Patrick McCarthy explained that the draft of the agreement goes back several years and has been redlined multiple times by both parties.
The land included in the discussion includes the in-fill between the current SNS buildings as well as land across the Lyceum from the current buildings that would be used as a performing arts center. SNS administration would also like for it to be used for the band room and storage. Admin would also like for it to be built large enough for full-school assemblies/gatherings.
Student drop off/pick up procedures has been a sticking point for the past few years and no movement as been made on the agreement in some time.
Some funds have been raised/pledged for this project by Rosemary Williams and others.
Farrar Barker agreed to share the LDA in its current state to the group later in the day by email.