Seaside School, Inc


Governance Committee Meeting

January 2023 Meeting

Date and Time

Friday January 13, 2023 at 8:30 AM


Barker Williams

60 Clayton Lane

Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459

Founded in 1996
Serving Students in Grades 5 - 12


We seek to sustain an educational community where an emphasis on academic excellence is complemented by our concern for each learner’s personal growth and intellectual, aesthetic, and psychological development. The curriculum is developmentally responsive – actively engaging students in learning skills in context, integrative – directing students to connect learning to daily lives, and exploratory – enabling students to discover their abilities, interests, learning styles, and ways that they can make contributions to society.

Committee Members Present

A. Winicki, C. Lewis, D. Tinghitella, K. Goff, L. Blue

Committee Members Absent

F. Barker

Guests Present

Casey King, J. Robbins, S. O’Prey

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Goff called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Seaside School, Inc to order on Friday Jan 13, 2023 at 8:30 AM.


Approve Minutes

L. Blue made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Meeting December 2022 on 12-09-22.
K. Goff seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Approve Operating Agreement with Foundation

The school board plans to send the operating agreement to Tom Miller and School Financial Services for review and feedback.

Outstanding items to address are financial agreements.

DIscussion was had about school school board and school foundation board organizational structure, terms, and size.


Discuss Instructional Materials Selection Policy

The WCSD policy has been reviewed. Plans to adapt it Seaside School, Inc..  The process is:

  • Write/Revise the Policy
  • Approve Policy
  • Post Policy to Website
  • Policy is added to School Handbook

Goal is to have a provided update policy at February meeting.


Discussion was had about adding agreements with handbook and curriculum to lottery application.


III. Other Business


Board Selection Updates (including dates)

The dates will be:

1/16-2/28: Student application period 

1/16-2/21: BOD application period

3/8: BOD Interviews 

3/14: Board Meeting/ Selection Approval 

3/16: Lottery Drawing 


Interview questions have been revised and standardized.

Process is being automated to send emails to candidate

Discussion was had about clarifying projected roles, officers, and trajectory of leadership duties. 


BOT demographic and skills survey will be pushed out via email.





Spring Board Meeting Dates

February 16, 2023

March 14, 2023


Board on Track

Emails will be sent to board members to complete the demographic and skills survey due by Monday, 01/16.


Emails will be sent with a request to complete BOD self-assessment and CEO mid-year evaluation due January 31st.  Vision casting and school year goals will be shared along with the evaluation. 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Goff