Seaside School, Inc

Governance Committee Monthly Meeting

Published on September 9, 2023 at 8:55 AM CDT
Amended on September 15, 2023 at 6:40 AM CDT

Date and Time

Friday September 15, 2023 at 8:15 AM CDT


Dunlap & Shipman, P.A.

2063 County Highway 395

Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459



Founded in 1996
Serving Students in Grades 5 - 12


We seek to sustain an educational community where an emphasis on academic excellence is complemented by our concern for each learner’s personal growth and intellectual, aesthetic, and psychological development. The curriculum is developmentally responsive – actively engaging students in learning skills in context, integrative – directing students to connect learning to daily lives, and exploratory – enabling students to discover their abilities, interests, learning styles, and ways that they can make contributions to society.



Information on procedures for public comment can be found at 


If anyone needs special assistance to participate in the public input session, every effort will be made to provide an appropriate accommodation. When requesting accommodations for public input, please allow no less than 1 business day notice prior to the scheduled meeting.


Specific issues about a particular student should only be addressed to the school’s Director of Student Services, rather than the Board of Directors.


All public comments will be taken under advisement by the Board, but will not elicit a written or spoken response. The names of persons providing public comment and a brief summary of topics or input will be included in the meeting minutes published. A response will be provided to the stakeholder within seven (7) days.


Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 8:15 AM
  A. Record Attendance   Robert Kauffman 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Robert Kauffman 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Robert Kauffman 1 m
    Minutes for August Governance Committee Meeting on August 11, 2023  
II. Governance 8:18 AM
  A. Board Selections Needs/Goals/Procedure - Review of Draft Skills Document Discuss Carey Lewis 10 m


  1. We revised the website language for the BOD application page to more effectively communicate our intentions and goals regarding board selection especially given our recent changes to by-laws re: longer terms/smaller, more strategic board. Our aim was to craft these to be in line with our group discussion.
  2. We also prepared an additional BOD Commitment Overview document that delineates the commitment required of a BOD member, outlining the expectations for attendance, participation, involvement, and more.

We present these to the Governance Committee for review and further discussion. If you encounter any issues accessing the documents, please inform me. I retained the Google Doc format to facilitate potential edits prior to your exploring to WORD and sharing with the committee for review. Please let me know if you need any assistance with that process.

Thank you!


1. Website Language:

2. BOD Commitment Overview: 

  B. Review Board Member Effectiveness / Accountability System Discuss Robert Kauffman 10 m

Robert to report on meeting with Jenna and BoT Options

Discuss Self-Evaluation

Discuss other Ideas

  C. Legislative / Florida Admin. Code Update FYI Tom Miller 10 m

1. SESIR incidents that schools must report to law  (Covered in the school's current Discipline Matrix - Attached)

2. Educational Records policy (Recommended Policy Discussed later)

3. Internet Policy (Recommended Policy Discussed Later)

4. Related to classroom instruction, gendered bathrooms, and pronoun use. (Recommendation to add language to handbook)

5.  Restroom and changing rooms determined by biological sex (Recommendation to add to handbook)

6.  Teacher Dispute (handbook recommendation)

7.  School Sponsored Activities (Policy Recommendation)

8. No new policy needed

9. No new policy needed

10. McKinney Vento liaison (School will appoint staff member)

11. Core standards for teaching (no new policy needed)


Note: We received examples from our attorney on 9/13 (Access


  D. Recommend Approval of Educational Records Policy Vote Thomas Miller 5 m

Change to Rule 6A-1.0955 F.A.C. re use of child's legal name in school


Recommended Policy and Letter (Click here)


School Will: 

1.  Make sure teachers inform their classes that no name or pronouns changes will be permitted at this time.  Except for nickname that shorten a students name or use their middle name.  So Maxwell can be Max or Robert can be Bob.


2.  If a student wants to go by another name or pronoun, they should have the attached notice and permission form signed and returned. Make sure you check the signature upon return and if you question the authenticity have the student talk with the counselor.  Teachers need to stay out of this as much as possible because there is no confidentiality with teachers.


3.  If you have a student that does not feel they can go to their parent, they should be directed to the school counselor, not the teacher.  The reason for this is, in part, that there is no confidentiality with teachers but there is some with school counselors.  Then, please reach out to me so we can discuss next steps.  There is a balancing act here because student mental health and safety is paramount. If notification of the parents could cause a dangerous situation for the student (physical or mental), we need to discuss this.

  E. Recommend approval of updated Internet Safety Policy Vote Thomas Miller 5 m

Rule 6A-1.0957 F.A.C. update - internet safety policy that applies to school-owned devices that are connected to the school's internet.


Here is the draft of the school's internet policy. (Click here)


You have commenting rights to suggest any changes. 

  F. School Sponsored Activities 5 m

Policy Language Recommendation: (Click here)


Any policies adopted by a school district for school-sponsored events and activities must: 

  • Ensure the health, safety and welfare of the child; 
  • Be consistent with the Parental Bill of Rights
  • Protect the privacy of educational records and the privacy interests of parents and students; and 
  • Provide for parental notification. 

The Seaside School shall inform parents of the details of each event or activity and supplemental programs. Parent permission slips must be signed for such events and activities, and the slip must include: (I) the nature of the event or activity; (II) the date and time of the event or activity; (III) the specific location and types of sponsors or guests; (IV) and the method of student supervision required. 


School facilities shall not be used for any adult live performance as described in s. 827.11 F.S and s. 255.70 F.S.



III. Employee Handbook Amendments 9:03 AM
  A. FMLA Qualification FYI Thomas Miller 5 m

From the School Attorney:


29 CFR § 825.104 of the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) states:


“An employer covered by FMLA is any person engaged in commerce or in any industry or activity affecting commerce, who employs 50 or more employees for each working day during each of 20 or more calendar workweeks in the current or preceding calendar year. Employers covered by FMLA also include any person acting, directly or indirectly, in the interest of a covered employer to any of the employees of the employer, any successor in interest of a covered employer, and any public agency. Public agencies are covered employers without regard to the number of employees employed. Public as well as private elementary and secondary schools are also covered employers without regard to the number of employees employed.


Thus, normally under the FMLA in order for an employer to be covered they must employ 50 or more people, but the FMLA has a carve out for public and private elementary and secondary schools. As §1002.33 (1) Fla. Stat. states “All charter schools in Florida are public schools and shall be part of the state’s program of public education.”


Additionally, the FMLA has “special rules” that only schools must follow in order to be covered. 29 CFR § 825.600 states:


“(a) Certain special rules apply to employees of local educational agencies, including public school boards and elementary and secondary schools under their jurisdiction, and private elementary and secondary schools. The special rules do not apply to other kinds of educational institutions, such as colleges and universities, trade schools, and preschools.


(b) Educational institutions are covered by FMLA (and these special rules) and the Act's 50-employee coverage test does not apply. The usual requirements for employees to be eligible do apply, however, including employment at a worksite where at least 50 employees are employed within 75 miles. For example, employees of a rural school would not be eligible for FMLA leave if the school has fewer than 50 employees and there are no other schools under the jurisdiction of the same employer (usually, a school board) within 75 miles.”


Therefore, the FMLA would not apply to schools that have less than 50 employees when there are no other schools under the jurisdiction of the school board within 75 miles.


It is the opinion of the school's attorney (Thomas B. Sternberg, Tripp Scott, attorney at Law), that the school qualifies for FMLA. 


Additional Note: The school has purchased Short Term Disability for all full time employees in addition to keeping FMLA in the handbook. 


  B. New laws related to classroom instruction, gendered bathrooms, and pronoun use. Vote Thomas Miller 5 m
  C. Use of Restroom (Recommendation to Add to Handbook) Vote Thomas Miller 5 m

Recommendation to add langage to handbook: 


Pursuant to s.553.865 F.S. restrooms and changing facilities must be designated for exclusive use by male or females or have a unisex facility. A person may only enter a restroom designated for the opposite sex under the following conditions: (I) chaperoning a child under 12, an elderly  person, or a person with a disability as defined by law; (II) For law enforcement or government regulatory purposes; (III) To render emergency assistance; (IV) For custodial, maintenance, or inspection purposes so long as the restroom is not in use ;(V) If the restroom corresponding to ones sex is out of order, and the facility designated for the opposite sex is not in use by anyone of the opposite sex. 


Instructional personnel who violate these policies have violated the Principles of Professional Conduct. The rule requires that each School District establish disciplinary procedures for employees who violate this rule. 




  D. Teacher Dispute Vote Thomas Miller 2 m

Recommended Language:


A teacher may request that the commissioner appoint a Special Magistrate to address a dispute stemming from the teacher being directed by the school or district to violate general law or a State Board of Education rule. 


By doing so, the teacher shall not receive further penalty, nor does it prevent a school or school district from initiating employment action against a teacher. 

IV. Other Business
V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote