Seaside School, Inc

Budget Meeting

Published on May 9, 2023 at 11:55 AM CDT
Amended on May 9, 2023 at 12:45 PM CDT

Date and Time

Tuesday May 9, 2023 at 3:00 PM CDT


10 Smolian Cir, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459

Founded in 1996
Serving Students in Grades 5 - 12


We seek to sustain an educational community where an emphasis on academic excellence is complemented by our concern for each learner’s personal growth and intellectual, aesthetic, and psychological development. The curriculum is developmentally responsive – actively engaging students in learning skills in context, integrative – directing students to connect learning to daily lives, and exploratory – enabling students to discover their abilities, interests, learning styles, and ways that they can make contributions to society.



Information on procedures for public comment can be found at


If anyone needs special assistance to participate in the public input session, every effort will be made to provide an appropriate accommodation. When requesting accommodations for public input, please allow no less than 1 business day notice prior to the scheduled meeting.


Specific issues about a particular student should only be addressed to the school’s Director of Student Services, rather than the Board of Directors.


All public comments will be taken under advisement by the Board, but will not elicit a written or spoken response. The names of persons providing public comment and a brief summary of topics or input will be included in the meeting minutes published. A response will be provided to the stakeholder within seven (7) days.


Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 3:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order  
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Thomas Miller 1 m
    Approve minutes for April Finance Committee Meeting on April 14, 2023  
II. Salary Scale Edits 3:02 PM

There have been changes to the salary scales.


The changes were based on staff feedback.

1. The step increase was too long (moved from 5 to 3 years and amended the base salary to shorter terms)

2. There were no step increases above 25 year (resulted in our staff making less than Walton)


Here is access to the two versions. They are both in the updated budget for the year as option 1 and 2.


I also ran these through multiple charter leader groups. 


The feedback was that our staff will benefit from less stipends and more salary scale towards retirement (stipends do not count towards retirement).


To take a look at where our majority of staff are (experience wise) and ensure they are benefiting from the new model. 


As a note, these were the changes in total personnel line items based on the first mock up:


In running the new scale here are the differences in teacher salaries (ONLY - no stipend) for 2023-2024:


2023-2024 Old Scale = $874,456

2023-2024 NEW SCALE = $911,395

Increase of $36,939



2023-2024 Old Scale = $560,234 

2023-2024 NEW SCALE = $609,546

Increase of $49,312

  A. Non-Instructional Projections FYI Thomas Miller

Total Personnel Current Scale: $2,267,893

Option 1.2 Increase to teaching personnel $176,825 (avg 7.7%)

Option 2.0 Increase to teaching personnel: $226,404 (avg 9.9%)


Total personnel line item (Administrators and Office Staff) $607,000

  • Option 1.2 projected increase ($46,739)
  • Option 2.0 projected increase ($60,093)
  B. Athletic Program Discuss Drew Ward 5 m

Click here


Updates to the Booster conversation?

III. Finance Meeting Topics (2023-2024 Budget) 3:07 PM
  A. Budget Updates (Strategies Identified to Get to Balance) Discuss Kav Tucker 15 m


Updated budget draft (new personnel added and revenue source) (goal is to foundation revenue at $260,000)


See attached updated drafts of the Seaside budgets – this time 2 versions or Options.


Both versions we’ve updated:

  • Increase in Athletic Fundraising Revenue
  • 2% Increase to FEFP Revenue
  • Addition of Middle School Teacher
  • Removal all Payroll Contingency

All prior changes to this year’s budget can be reviewed on the Change Tracking tab.


Option 1 is further updated to the revised Option 1 (1.2) Scale provided by Tom. Below are a few things to point out about this version:

  • Saunders is the only Instructional (teaching) position who is not certified – his salary increase is significantly lower than anyone else’s with this scale.
  • Pael is another unique Instructional position – her salary has not historically come from the same scale as the teachers, so her salary increase is also much lower than the others.
    • Each individual’s increase can be found in column “I” of the Salaries & Stipends tab.
  • This doesn’t include any change to Administrative positions salaries since Tom developed a Seaside specific scale for Instructional Staff.
  • This version’s deficit or Transfer needed from Foundation is $579K

Option 2 is updated to the Option 2 Scale provided by Tom. The same things above pointed out about Option 1 is applicable here as well. – Deficit/Transfer needed for this version $629K.





  B. April Financials Update FYI Kav Tucker 10 m
IV. Closing Items 3:32 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote