
MassVentures Board Meeting

Published on April 24, 2023 at 4:32 PM EDT

Date and Time

Monday May 1, 2023 at 8:00 AM EDT


1075 Main Street, Suite 100

Waltham, MA 02451

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      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 8:00 AM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Helena Fruscio Altsman 1 m
  B. Examples of Mission   Charlie Hipwood 2 m
  C. Highlights Discuss Charlie Hipwood 1 m
II. Approvals 8:04 AM
  A. Board Minutes Approve Minutes Charlie Hipwood 1 m
    Approve minutes for MassVentures Board Meeting on March 20, 2023  
  B. START Winners Vote Charlie Hipwood 1 m
III. Financial Matters 8:06 AM
  A. Treasurer's Report Discuss Jim Madison 5 m
  B. Approve Treasurer's Report Vote Charlie Hipwood 1 m
IV. Conflicts of Interest 8:12 AM
Board members are urged to review the Pipeline list of companies and disclose any potential or perceived conflict of interests.  This becomes important if a company becomes a prospective investment candidate, as the Committee member should exclude themselves from discussion or votes regarding the company.  New companies are listed in Red font.
  A. Conflicts Discuss Charlie Hipwood 1 m
V. Executive Session 8:13 AM
  A. Roll Call Vote to Enter Executive Session Vote Charlie Hipwood 1 m
The Board of Directors will now go into Executive Session, pursuant to Chapter 30A, for the purpose of discussing the following:
1.  Regarding Investment matters:
  • Confidential financial information of applicants for MassVentures funds; and
  • Information regarding the competitive positions of such applicants in their  respective industries.
2.  Regarding Personnel / Compensation matters
  • Negotiation with nonunion personnel or conduct a collective bargaining session with a union in executive session, and may even agree on final contract terms.
The Board will reconvene in Open Session following Executive Session.
I will need a roll call vote from the members to go into Executive Session.
  B. Preview - Emvelon Discuss Priya Yadav 15 m
  C. Preview - Z Polymers Discuss Stacy Swider 15 m
  D. Preview - Stitch 3D Discuss Stacy Swider 15 m
  E. Pipeline Report Discuss Priya Yadav 3 m
  F. Portfolio Update Discuss Charlie Hipwood 5 m
  G. Roll Call Vote to Return to Open Session Vote Charlie Hipwood 1 m
Having completed all business of this Executive Session, I will now ask the members to vote to reconvene in Open Session.

After Vote:

Anyone who was required to leave during Executive Session be invited back into the room.  We will now announce any Votes that took place during Executive Session.
VI. President's Report 9:08 AM
  A. General Update Discuss Charlie Hipwood 5 m
  B. MV Capital Update Discuss Charlie Hipwood 5 m
  C. MV Accelerate Update Discuss Charlie Hipwood 5 m
  D. Other Updates Discuss Charlie Hipwood 1 m
VII. Closing Items 9:24 AM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote