E.L. Haynes Public Charter School


April meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 2, 2024 at 12:30 PM



Committee Members Present

H. Darilek (remote), J. Hanna (remote), J. Rydstrom (remote), L. Robinson Mills (remote), M. Hall (remote), N. Greene (remote), R. Laine (remote)

Committee Members Absent

J. Callahan

Guests Present

Alison Collier (remote), Elizabeth Pillion (remote), K. Simpkins (remote), Nikesa Edwards-Carter (remote), P. Rayamajhi, p

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Rydstrom called a meeting of the Audit, Finance, and Facilities Committee of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to order on Tuesday Apr 2, 2024 at 12:34 PM.


Welcomes and Quick Updates

Today's meeting will be discussion-based and not presentation-based. 

II. Audit, Finance, and Facilities


FY25 budgeting update

Next meeting will share Q3 financials. Everything is on track based on monthly reports. Did the hard work planning for loss of 2.2 million of ESSER funds, then the city announced a significant increase in the UPSFF which will provide additional funds. We have since right-sized our assumptions based on an anticipated 10% increase in UPSFF as well as other changes (e.g., smaller increase for healthcare). The additional UPSFF funds will allow us to add a few staff positions back in, such as middle school math support. 


Will have staff retention numbers at the board meeting next week. 


We are also modeling out future years as well to make sure we won't have issues if/when the city doesn't increase the UPSFF at the same rate in future years. 


Plan to have a final budget for vote at the May meeting, though there may be outstanding questions about external funding that would either delay the vote or require an amendment in the fall. 


Facilities update

Have done due diligence at International Drive, including a counter offer. At this point pursuing this space is likely counter to our strategic plan goals. Will shift back to thinking about creative ways to bring everyone together at Kansas Ave, with the lens of what we liked at International Drive. This pushes groundbreaking at Kansas Ave out by a year. 


We are a finalist for the Charter School Growth Fund, which would provide ~$400,000 to support growth in the elementary school. Site visits and meetings are next week. This also provides training, PD, and support with our process. Some pending questions about timeline and stipulations. 


We will continue to do upkeep and maintenance for our current spaces, including the playgrounds, fences, parking lot, roof play space, etc. as well as continuing with our general maintenance schedule. 


Other updates

Audit is complete, 990 will be shared with the committee soon. 403b audit is also wrapping up. May also be doing another audit of our healthcare plan for ERISA compliance. 

III. Closing Items


Open Discussion

A discussion was held around Norm's transition out of the AF&F chair role and the need for a new chair. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Rydstrom