E.L. Haynes Public Charter School


February 2024 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM


E.L. Haynes Public Charter School

4501 Kansas Avenue, NW

High School - Think Tank

Washington, DC 20011

Trustees Present

F. Sutton (remote), J. Hanna (remote), K. Simpkins, L. Carlton Waller, L. Johnson-Law (remote), L. Robinson Mills, M. Hall, N. Greene (remote), R. Laine, T. Gibian

Trustees Absent

G. Navidi-Kasmai, M. Kovner, R. Payes

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

F. Sutton, L. Johnson-Law

Guests Present

A. Brooks, Alvin Greene, Basil Chawkat, Dominique Moore, E. Hueber Stoetzer, H. Darilek, Hiddai Rudasill, J. Callahan, J. Rydstrom, Jonathan Rudasill, Julelah Wallace, M. Boyer, P. Rayamajhi, R. Hunt Taylor, R. Murphy, Stacy Polanco, Tashiyra Freeman (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Carlton Waller called a meeting of the board of trustees of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to order on Thursday Feb 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

L. Carlton Waller made a motion to approve the minutes from December 2023 Board Meeting on 12-14-23.
R. Laine seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
L. Johnson-Law arrived at 6:15 PM.


Public Comment

Jonathan Rudasill: Mr. Rudasill expressed concern about the restructuring decisions made and its impact on staff. Appreciates the growth and positive culture that has been built due to staff relationship building and development. Mr. Rudasill presented a petition signed by staff, as well as letters from students in support of the Assistant Principal.  


Dominique Moore, ROAR Coordinator: Been a parent since her son joined E.L. Haynes in Pre-K3, he is now in 3rd grade.  Has appreciated the sense of home, community, and sense of family that has existed. Would like to see the school provide continued support, information, resources, and connections with parents. Would like to see before-and aftercare for Summer programming and improvement in parent-teacher conference structure.  


  • Question from LaJoy Johnson-Law: What suggestions or solutions? DM Response: Created a parent-teacher conference handout to help parents understand the type of information received from the school and what types of questions parents should ask. Still feels like there is a lack of awareness of the specific benchmarks that quarterly grades indicate. Would also like there to be clear communication when there are not enough slots to meet with all families. Would like there to be a dedicated POC after conferences for parents unable to attend or make slots. 

Alvin Greene: Acknowledging the additional planning that went into expansion of intersession. Mr. Greene was curious about what the proposed increase to the UPSFF would have on Haynes. Specifically, Mr. Greene asked questions about how the loss in federal COVID funds, and the increased local funds means for the school and our planning. 

II. CEO Update


CEO Update

Mayor’s Investment in Education:

  • Just found out on Tuesday regarding the Mayor’s proposed education budget
  • Never seen this type of investment in education before leading up to proposed 12% increase in budget
  • Investment will not change the changes in staff;
  • Appreciative of the timing of the news from the Mayor because traditionally it has occurred much later in the school year.  Timing of news allows for additional time to prepare for how the potential approval of the budget will affect Haynes budgeting decisions through the remainder of FY.

Middle States Re-Accreditation Visit

  • Middle States coming to visit all 3 campuses March 4-7. We will be inviting Board members to specific parts of the visit. Stay tuned for more information.

PCSB 5-Year Review

  • PCSB 5 year review approaching.  Will be going to the meeting to represent Haynes and answer questions about Haynes.

Enrollment Update

  • Demand reports showing an increase in interest in enrollment at Haynes.  Enrollment process has begun for all three campuses.

III. School Performance Committee


Quarter 2 Academic Update

Data Highlights from Mid-Year Review:

Robert Muphy, Senior Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment provided key updates to the Board around our MOY academic data, specifically focusing on iReady and ANET results. 


  • iReady Performance (Growth Assessment in Reading and Math  for grades K-8
  • iReady identifies typical growth and stretch growth
  • Seeing an increase in students who are at mid year benchmark by mid year
  • Seeing fewer students who are further behind
  • Students on pace to reach their growth goals has increased
  • Keeping an eye on how data will be impacted by 5th grade remaining on ES campus
  • For Middle school Math at BOY there were about 50% of students 3 or more grade levels below; seeing similar growth and shift in number of students 3 or more grade levels below in ELA
  • School performance team has been focusing on how to target individual students

MOY ANET Analysis (grades 3-10)

  • Measures how well students are mastering standards being taught; different from measure of growth with iReady
  • A2 assessment being used to align ELA/ Math assessments
  • Looking at students’ proficiency on standards within assessments

Board members asked clarifying questions around the data and Robert Murphy provided responses to those questions.

F. Sutton arrived at 6:57 PM.


Campus Reconfiguration Discussion and Vote

R. Laine made a motion to Approve application to PCSB for Campus Reconfiguration.
L. Robinson Mills seconded the motion.

E.L. Hayne must submit a formal application to PCSB in order to have the 5th Grade shift to the elementary school accountability system.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Community Relations Committee


Annual Fund Update

Fonda Sutton provided a brief overview of how E.L. Haynes is performing to-date. 

So far we are on target to meet our Annual Fund goals.


FY24 EOY Giving Campaign Update

Fonda Sutton and Joe Callahan provide an update and overview of our FY24 EOY Giving Campaign and our performance against historical data. 


Though we raised less money this year during our EOY campaign (due to the proximity to our annual fundraiser), we are within similar margins to the year we hosted the 15th Anniversary Event. Meaning, next year, we should also plan for a similar (decreased) level of EOY giving.


But. through analysis of EOY giving, we determined the following:


  • ELH grosses more money in years where we have events
  • When we host events we raise more from individuals; 
  • Majority of corporate sponsors give to events
  • Increasing outreach to corporate sponsors and individuals earlier to illicit giving


Upcoming Campus Activities for Board Participation

V. Audit, Finance, and Facilities


FY24 - Q2 Financials Update

  • Q2 financials are strong. There are no causes for concern. 


FY25 Budget Planning Update

  • We will provide budget learning opportunities for the community to reinforce the understanding that operational expenses and capital expenses are different, and use different funds.
  • Pausing facilities consolidation schedule for about a year and possibly transiting to a  flex space

VI. Closed Session


Personnel Discussion

L. Carlton Waller made a motion to Enter into Closed Session for a Personnel Discussion.
L. Robinson Mills seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Gibian