E.L. Haynes Public Charter School


December 2023 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM


E.L. Haynes Public Charter School

4501 Kansas Avenue, NW

High School - Think Tank

Washington, DC 20011

Trustees Present

F. Sutton, J. Hanna, K. Simpkins (remote), L. Carlton Waller, L. Johnson-Law, L. Robinson Mills (remote), M. Hall, M. Kovner (remote), N. Greene (remote), R. Laine, R. Payes, T. Gibian

Trustees Absent

G. Navidi-Kasmai

Guests Present

A. Brooks, Basil Chawkat, Candace Cunningham, E. Hueber Stoetzer (remote), H. Darilek, J. Callahan, J. Rydstrom, P. Rayamajhi, R. Hunt Taylor

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Carlton Waller called a meeting of the board of trustees of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to order on Thursday Dec 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Hall made a motion to approve the minutes from November 2023 Board Meeting on 11-16-23.
R. Payes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. CEO Update


CEO Update

At this point in the year, exciting events have been happening at all three campuses:

  • ES back to full concerts/ performances; combination of singing, dancing, art, and science demonstrations
  • MS engaging in lots of field trips; skating and health and wellness related activities
  • HS had Sophomore Career Day and participated in mock interviews and panels. Thank you to the Board members who participated in panels enjoyed their experiences and had students ask engaging and interesting questions,


OSSE published DC School Report Card, which provides a summative score for each campus

  • ES/ MS are at or just below that covers many different markers which includes PARRC proficiency and growth.  
  • HS has 6th highest summative score is higher than most other PCS in the District including application based DCPS high school.

Re Accreditation process through Middle States is approaching; MSA team visit will be in March, PCSB doing a 5 yr review early in March / April. Our pre-meeting took place today, 12/14/23

III. School Performance Committee


Quarter 1 Dashboard Review and Discussion

Richard Laine:

  • Committee trying to get more focused because the Dashboard is very expansive. Trying to figure out how to disaggregate the lowest metrics
  • Hard decisions upcoming about which interventions need to be cut due to upcoming budgeting changes
  • Want to be asking the questions of what to protect or get rid of
  • Messaging on Report Card: “significant growth AND significant gains needed” to get ES/MS students on track
  • Solutions include well-rounded resources and support for staff, teachers, and other student-level support needs

During the meeting, the board split into small groups (in-person and virtual) to discuss the Quarter 1 Dashboard results.


Dashboard Data Review:  What are board member noticings and wonderings?  What are things to be celebrated, and what are things that can be improved on?

IV. Governance Committee


SY 23-24 Board Recruitment Update and Next Steps

Roshelle Payes: We continue to seek more potential Board members. We encourage all board members to think about individuals in their networks who may be interested in learning more about E.L. Haynes.  We will be reaching out to members of the Board whose first terms are up to determine whether or not they are interested in serving on a second term. At this point, we could nee to fill between 3-7 seats as of 06/30/2024.

V. Community Relations Committee


Annual Fund Update

Fonda Sutton: We are in good shape for FY24. We've seen strong performances across all of our funding categories and at this point there are no concerns for hitting our overall goals. 




FY24 EOY Giving Campaign

Joe Callahan: Nearly at 100% of Board giving through events and EOY giving, as we continue to send out fundraising emails to individuals, please consider forwarding them to individuals who you think might be interested in supporting our mission.


Discuss Upcoming Campus Activities for Board Participation

Joe Callahan: Staff Holiday Gift Distribution on 12/19

VI. Audit, Finance, and Facilities


Audit Update

Norm Green:


  • Completed another successful audit
  • First year without Vanessa Carlo-Miranda as CFO. A huge thank you and congratulations to Justin and his team for a great job of making transitions after such long time of service for previous CFO.
  • Another year without incident or concerning findings

Justin Rydstrom:

  • No Quarterly financials to report out this meeting, but will be for next
  • Now through March/ April with be critical time for projecting and determining budgeting for th 2025 FY
  • Current assumptions still currently on the conservative side
  • Preparing now for ending of Fed ESSER funds in FY25 (approx. $2.2M)


Facilities Planning Update

Justin Rydstrom: 

- We are moving forward with our ongoing meetings with the architect. The timeline remains the same. We are still in the planning and design phase.

VII. Public Comment


Public Comment

Zach Israel, parent of Pre-K3 Student

  • Curious of thoughts on FY25 and playground equipment at school
  • Enjoys taking children to the playground.  
  • Noticed there was some damage to one of the slides.  
  • He would like to know if there is any analysis done to ensure safety or upgrading of playground equipment?  
  • Is there any room in the budget for updates, remodeling, etc. 

VIII. Closed Session


Personnel Discussion

L. Carlton Waller made a motion to move into closed session to discuss a Personnel Matter in accordance with DC Code Section 2-575(b).
T. Gibian seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Gibian