E.L. Haynes Public Charter School


May 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM


E.L. Haynes Public Charter School

4501 Kansas Avenue, NW 

Washington, DC 20011

High School 1st Floor PD Room

Trustees Present

E. Westendorf, F. Sutton (remote), G. Navidi-Kasmai, J. Edelman, J. Hanna, K. Simpkins (remote), L. Carlton Waller (remote), L. Robinson Mills, M. Hall (remote), M. Kovner, N. Greene, R. Laine, R. Payes, T. Gibian

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

A. Brooks, Alan Newman (remote), Alexandria Brooks, B. Wagner-Friel, DiAnte McGriff, Electra Bolotas, Erika Thomas (remote), Gwyn Prater, H. Darilek, J. Callahan, J. Rydstrom (remote), K. Wynne, Kailah Covington, LaToya Hutchins (remote), Madison Dalton (remote), Myles Bradshaw (remote), R. Murphy, Tashiyra Freeman (remote), Z. Mahon-Belton, Zenada Mahon-Belton

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Edelman called a meeting of the board of trustees of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to order on Tuesday May 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from April 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting on 04-11-23.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

  • L. Hutchins: Given recent transition of our Operations, Finance Directors, and CFO Role; what opportunities will staff have to engage with the hiring process for those roles? -- There will be opportunities for representative participation, but not necessarily by each staff member. (HD)
  • M. Bradshaw: Would like to follow up on the non-percentage rate we are spending vs. instructional and non-instructional staff member (coaches, managers, directors, executives); I'd like to know the total dollar amount (not a percentage). -- We will share that with you (HD)
  • E. Bolotas: I'm following up about my question about support for students with IEPs. I'm concerned about the amount of transition, especially since there is over-enrollment in 9th grade, is there a vision for what support will look like that can be shared with staff? I brought this up at previous Board meetings with Maria; I received a vision but not a clear detailed plan. LRM - did you bring this up with your leadership team? GNK - From what I understand from Rikki, the caseloads are extremely high; we're trying to reduce the number of students per caseload, so we are trying to bring more SpEd teachers in as we pivot to more SpeEd teachers vs. para-educators. HD - there are a few different reasons why some of these transitions happened; clarified that our over-enrollment in 9th grade is due to record high retention (not opening new seats). HD confirmed there will be an additional SpEd teacher. 

II. CEO Update


CEO Update

  • After this week there are five more weeks of instruction, and only two more weeks with 12th graders. We are in the thick of testing; thank you to all of our staff who are helping us get through four weeks of testing. We will soon begin celebrating students accomplishments and transitions; as well as staff transitions. 
  • H. Darilek announced that this is the last meeting for Josh Edelman and Eric Westendorf and thanked them for their years of service.
  • We launched the search for a Teacher Advisory Group to formalize how teacher voice is incorporated into decision-making year-round. 
  • For the time ever, E.L. Haynes will host a walking group in the DC Pride Parade; this will be open to students, staff, and families. 
  • As of today, we have enrolled 923 students (total is 1,160); we're very focused on re-enrollment at this point. 
  • [INSERT NOTE ABOUT staff retention]
  • On May 26 we will hold an all-staff meeting from 8:30 - 9:30; we will feature teachers and their work to focus on GLEAM instruction; staff milestones and anniversary celebrations, we have four staff members reaching their 15th anniversary this school year. 
  • On June 10, we will host graduation at Howard University. 
  • On Friday, June 23, we will host an all-staff barbecue.


  • We did not see as much turnover during the pandemic; our staff enrollment has remained fairly consistent; our staff retention rate is higher than what we're seeing in (DCPS and PCS) - HD (question from Eric)
  • Richard - Thanked Josh and Eric.

III. Governance Committee


Discuss and Vote on Board Membership Renewal Resolution

M. Hall made a motion to reappoint Tom to serve a second three-year term, and for Norm to serve a one-year extension effective 7/1/2023.
R. Laine seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Discuss and Vote on SY23-24 Officer Slate

M. Hall made a motion to elect L. Carlton as Chair, L. Robinson-Mills as Vice-Chair, N. Greene as Treasurer, and T. Gibian as Secretary for one year effective 7/1/2023.
R. Payes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Preview and Discuss SY23-24 Committee Leadership Changes

  • R. Laine will become Chair of the School Performance Committee
  • R. Payes has agreed to serve as Chair of the Governance Committee
  • N. Greene will continue as Chair of the AFF
  • F. Sutton will serve as CRC Chair


Discuss Updates to the ELH Bylaws: Defining the Executive Committee

Remarks by M. Kovner

  • The Governance Committee proposes keeping an executive committee, but wants to clarify and enumerate the powers, role, and membership of the executive committee.
  • Provided an overview of the proposed changes to the bylaws.
  • When the Board was previously working through facilities decisions and construction having an executive committee was useful. 
  • K. Simpkins, at this moment in time I worry that having an executive committee would endanger efforts to meet calls for given increased transparency from staff. If we move forward with this, I'd want to see the powers of this committee clearly defined and limited.
  • J. Hanna: How would the EC be called? -- We can add clarifying information.
  • G. Navidi-Kasmai: Would the size of the board matter? This makes more sense to me if it was a larger board, I wonder if it makes sense for a small board.


Short Break

IV. Audit, Finance, and Facilities


FY23 Q3 Financial Update

Remarks from N. Greene

  • It takes a lot to get to this point in the school year, this year we have the added complexity of modeling out multiple years. 
  • The AFF committee was highly engaged, as was the larger board.


Remarks from J. Rydstrom

  • J. Rydstrom provided an overview of Quarter 3 key performance indicators.
  • $2.6 million to LEA, $17.4 million (87% of the budget) goes to staffing the school
  • There was a question about amount of SpEd staffing, the board committed to making sure that information is shared again


Discuss and Vote on FY24 Budget

N. Greene made a motion to Motion to approve the school's FY24 budget for E.L. Haynes as presented in our April 11 meeting and unanimously approved by the Audit, Finance & Facilities committee meeting on May 1.
R. Laine seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Simpkins


Board Signature Authority - SY23-24

G. Navidi-Kasmai made a motion to Grant board signature authority.
M. Kovner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. School Performance Committee


Discuss SY2023-2024 Draft Academic Priorities

Remarks by Eric Westendorf: 

  • Rob is going to walk us through the evolution of our academic priorities.
  • SPC discussed the Teacher Advisory Group, the QSVR review, and the Middle States Review

Remarks by Rob Murphy

  • R. Murphy provided an overview of the year-over-year evolution of our priorities beginning with the 20-21 School Year
  • R. Laine - can you talk about how teacher feedback was incorporated? -- These priorities were established mainly by data, I can't speak to how teachers were engaged 
  • G. Navidi-Kasmai - how will we gather data and measure for Questioning and discourse? -- We will think about how we document this work during observations; we will measure this longitudinally and with our instructional coaching program
  • J. Hanna - can we continue to see notes about significant resources decisions relating to these priorities?

VI. Community Relations Committee


Annual Fund Update


Discuss Fall Homecoming Fundraiser


Discuss Upcoming Campus Activities for Board Participation

Remarks from J. Callahan

  • Provided an overview of engagement opprotunities
J. Edelman made a motion to move into closed session.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Westendorf