E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
September 2022 School Performance Committee
Date and Time
Friday September 30, 2022 at 4:00 PM
Committee Members Present
E. Westendorf (remote), H. Darilek (remote), J. Edelman (remote), R. Laine (remote), T. Gibian (remote)
Committee Members Absent
L. Carlton Waller
Guests Present
L. Kilgore (remote), R. Hunt Taylor (remote), S. Smither Wulsin
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve May Minutes
II. School Performance
The First Weeks of School
In person events that took place this school year so far. We are happy to bring more normalcy to our schools by welcoming families into our buildings.
- Back to School Night
- Senior Night
- Ninth Grade Night
- Senior Retreat
- There is still use of 1:1 devices
- Module internalization looks different this year
- Middle school now has WIN block so teachers can provide more direct support
- Providing PLC'S for teachers
- Things look mostly the same with a few tweaks
- We are currently well-staffed with only one vacancy
What did we do differently that allowed us to be fully staffed this time around? (Eric)
- The new salary scale allowed us to keep people
- The salary scale helped us hire people
Understand Our PARCC Scores
CAO Rikki Hunt Taylor shared an overview of the PARCC scores from 2022. She shared the performance of E.L. Haynes students compared to the charter and city averages. The committee also looked at comparisons across specific schools.
Discussion: ELH Quarterly Dashboard
CAO Rikki Hunt Taylor led a discussion of the 2022-23 Quarterly Dashboard. The committee discussed the new metrics that have been added and the decision to remove certain metrics from the dashboard.
Process and Timeline for our Calendar Decision
CAO Rikki Hunt Taylor shared the timeline that will be followed to make a decision about how to structure the school calendar. She described how input will be gathered and how options will be researched.
Chief Academic Officer Rikki Hunt Taylor shared details about the start of the school year. She described back to school night, senior night, and senior retreat. The committee discussed instructional shifts happening this year.