E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
August 2022 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday August 25, 2022 at 6:00 PM
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
4501 Kansas Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20011
High School 1st Floor PD Room
Trustees Present
E. Westendorf, F. Sutton, J. Edelman, J. Hanna, L. Carlton Waller, M. Hall (remote), M. Kovner, N. Greene, R. Laine, R. Payes, T. Gibian
Trustees Absent
G. Navidi-Kasmai
Guests Present
A. Brooks, B. Wagner-Friel (remote), Basil Chawkat, DiAnte McGriff, Dominique Moore, Emily Hueber Stoetzer, Gwyn Prater, H. Darilek, J. Callahan, Joshua Biederman, Joy Clarke, K. Wynne, K. Yochum, M. Boyer, Matan Karasov, Myles Bradshaw, R. Hunt Taylor, R. Murphy
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Public Comment
II. CEO Update
CEO Update to Board of Trustees
H. Darilek expressed that the school year has gotten off to a strong start and thanked staff for all they did to prepare for that. She shared that campus visitors are now allowed and highlighted that local leaders visited campus during the first day of school. She then thanked staff for leading students through testing in the spring, results from which will be shared soon. She concluded her opening by recognizing ROAR leader Dominique Moore for contributions, including the upcoming Back to School Kickback and Cookout.
H. Darilek summarized the 2025 Strategic Plan and highlighted priorities for the 2022-23 School Year, which include:
- engaging our community in a conversation about the future of intersession and our school calendar;
- continuing to improve our staff evaluation system for all staff;
- planning major changes to our cross-campus facilities and enrollment models.
R. Hunt Taylor outlined this year's academic priorities and updates, which include launching Academic Leadership Week - an opportunity campus-based leaders to discuss instruction, instructional coaching and feedback, and aligning academic systems. J. Biederman and J. Clarke, High School Assistant Principals, reflected on Academic Leadership Week and expressed a desire for there to be more spaces in which campus-based leaders can interact with other campus-based leaders. R. Laine asked how this momentum will continue. R. Hunt Taylor responded that they are in the process of outlining similar programming throughout the school year. T. Gibian expressed that the year's theme, "Reconnecting with Our Students: Every Child Seen, Heard, and Loved" was bold and wonderful.
H. Darilek provided additional updates, which include the following information.
- This year's theme is reconnecting to our students: every child seen, heard, and loved.
- We are fully instructionally staffed, with the exception of three long-term subs, most of whom were brought on to cover leave requests from full-time staff.
- There have four E.L. Haynes alumni serving on our staff team this year.
- We only have 139 students across all three campuses that don't have the required vaccinations to stay in school, and that number decreases every day. This does not include COVID-19 vaccinations.
- We continue to require indoor masks.
- We are over-enrolled, especially in the 6th and 9th grades, however that number has decreased throughout the first week of school.
III. Governance Committee
Review 2022-2023 Conflict of Interest Policy
J. Callahan shared the Conflict of Interest Policy and highlighted recent changes.
Review 2022-2023 School Year Committee Assignments
J. Callahan reviewed committee assignments and leadership.
IV. School Performance Committee
Review 2022-2023 Academic Priorities
R. Hunt Taylor outlined SY22-23 priorities at a high level and shared that School Performance Committee members will soon receive a calendar invitation for the first meeting.
V. Community Relations Committee
Annual Fund Update
J. Callahan shared that the FY22 fundraising goal was exceeded. The goal was to raise $725,000; we raised $1,126,200.50. A large portion of these funds were time-limited COVID-19-related grants.
Upcoming Events at E.L. Haynes
J. Callahan shared a schedule of upcoming events during which trustees can engage with staff, students and families.
M. Bradshaw posed the following questions:
J. Edelman asked if M. Bradshaw had conversations with senior leaders about his concerns.
M. Bradshaw said he did not engage in any conversations.